
450. Zhuangzi's concept of fame and fortune

author:A collection of traditional Chinese culture

The Zhuangzi is a profound philosophical work. Zhuangzi was indifferent to fame and fortune all his life, and pursued humility and tranquility, and his ideas had a profound impact on later generations. His analysis of fame and fortune is penetrating and profound, and it still has important guiding and enlightening significance for us to establish a correct concept of fame and fortune.


The serious harm of greed for fame and fortune


In the process of exploring the realm of life, Zhuangzi made a profound analysis of the harm of chasing fame and fortune, which is thought-provoking. He believes that fame and fortune are excessive, imprisoning talent and stuffing people's minds. "Those who have deep desires are shallow", and those who indulge in sensual pleasures will have shallow wisdom. If the desire for fame and fortune is too strong, it will reduce spirituality. "The name is not in the truth, and the opportunity is in the heel", abandon the distractions of pursuing false fame and self-interest, and a glimmer of vitality will rise from the heel and reach the whole body. And fame and fortune fill the mind, which makes people clumsy. Take gambling as an example, "the tile bet is skillful, the hook bet is scared, and the gold bet is Min." It is also coincidental, and if it is subtle, it is also important. Those who are heavy on the outside are clumsy on the inside. It can be seen that if we attach too much importance to things outside the body, we will crush wisdom and become clumsy.

The greed for fame and fortune can disturb people's will and cause them to lose their nature. "The six elements of wealth and fame and fortune are also the six of wealth, wealth, prestige, fame, and profit", all of which are factors that interfere with the will. And will is an important factor in resisting temptation, sticking to nature, and achieving career success. The desire for greed, like a reed growing over a rice field, fills the heart, and eventually causes people to lose their good nature and degenerate. According to Zhuangzi, there are five situations that can cause people to lose their nature, one of which is the "pleasure and slickness", and the pursuit of the satisfaction of desires will damage the true mind.

Wrong ideas about fame and fortune can also lead to a lost path in making friends. "Those who are united by husband and profit, and those who are forced to be poor and evil are forsaken by one another", and those who have been befriended for the sake of profit will abandon each other when trouble or calamity strikes. Friends made for the sake of fame, but if they lose power, they will go their separate ways, and even turn against each other. Therefore, Zhuangzi said: "The friendship of a gentleman is as light as water, and the friendship of a villain is as sweet as a liquor." This has become a modern mantra for making friends.

The idea of fame and fortune is the bane of self-inflicted harm. Zhuangzi used the metaphor of things to reveal the truth that "things are solid and tired, and the two types are also called together", that is, things and kinds of things will cause disasters because they are involved in each other and compete for each other's benefits. "The heart is martyred", and it is dangerous to pursue foreign things excessively; "The long of the disaster is also extracted, and the opposite is also due to the merit", the disaster grows rapidly and changes, and if you want to avoid it, you often can't let go because the fame is too heavy. If you are greedy for fame and fortune, you will be anxious and worried, and you will only increase your troubles. "If money is not accumulated, the greedy will be worried, and if the power is not great, the boasting will be sad." Those who are greedy for money will be sad if they cannot accumulate money, and those who compete for fame and position will be sad if they are lowly in human rights.

The pursuit of fame and fortune is an important cause of moral turpitude. Zhuangzi pointed out that "virtue is fame", because driven by the desire for fame, people's behavior goes beyond the scope of morality; "Those who are famous also roll each other", the pursuit of fame and fortune leads people to fall against each other. He also emphasized that "virtue is overflowing with fame", and the corruption of morality lies in chasing fame too much. "The people are very diligent in their interests, the son kills the father, the minister kills the king, and the ...... is a thief during the day" Because they pay too much attention to fame and fortune, they often use improper means to grab it, so they breed all kinds of immoral behaviors.


The ideological roots of the greed for fame and fortune


Zhuangzi first emphasized that the root of the pursuit of fame and fortune is not inside, not outside, and subjective rather than objective. "If it is not enough, it is not enough to ask for it, and to fight everywhere without thinking that it is greedy; There is more than enough excuse to abandon the world and not think of oneself. The truth of honesty and corruption is not to be forced to go outside, but to oppose prison. "People seek because they are not satisfied, and they fight everywhere without thinking that they are greedy; Those who are content will give up at every turn, giving up everything and not thinking that they are honest. Honesty and greed do not depend on external factors, but on their own intrinsic values.

Furthermore, the different attitudes towards fame and fortune that he pointed out in his words are fundamentally based on the differences in value orientations. "Those who regard the rich as the right cannot let Lu; Those who are obvious cannot give up their names; Those who have parental authority cannot have authority with others. If you it, you will be sad, and if you give it up, you will be sad. "He who seeks wealth for the purpose will not give up his interests; Those who seek to achieve prominence will not abandon their reputation. Those who are passionate about power will not give up their authority to others. When you master these things, you are worried about losing them, and it is even more painful to give them up. When a person takes fame and fortune as his value orientation, he will be busy chasing fame and fortune; The more serious the idea of fame and fortune, the more blind and crazy its pursuit of fame and fortune becomes.


Establish a correct view of fame and fortune


How to establish a correct concept of fame and fortune, Zhuangzi expounded the following main points:

Nothing is a nameless corpse. People should not be carriers of false names. "It's called a public vessel, and it's not too much to take." Indulging in fame and fortune invites a lot of resentment and blame. If you are keen to hunt for fame and fame, you will lose yourself and become a "famous corpse".

450. Zhuangzi's concept of fame and fortune

Things, but not things. Zhuangzi told people, "Those who have big things cannot do things; Things but not things, so things can be things. "What can generate the form of all things is the innate way without form. He who has a great deal of possessions must not be enslaved or led by them. If you are not driven by wealth, you can dominate all things in the world. "If things are not things, then they can gain and be tired!" How can one be burdened by external things and not enslaved by them? "Seeking fame and losing oneself is not a scholar." He lost his nature for the sake of fame, and he was not a man of insight. In short, he believes that man is the foundation, fame and fortune are things outside the body, and people cannot become slaves of external things.

Go to the private house. Zhuangzi exclaimed: "A gentleman cannot be careless...... It is not good for goods and wealth, and it is not close to the rich; Not honorable, not ugly and poor; Regardless of the interests of a lifetime, they divide it for themselves. "A virtuous person must abandon his selfish desires once and for all. Not greedy for money, not for riches; Do not take the glory of being proficient, and do not lose your will because of poverty; Do not take the interests of the people of the world for yourself. To "abandon the subordinate, if the mud is abandoned, knowing the body is more valuable than the subordinate, and the value lies in the fact that I am not losing the change". Giving up fame and fortune is like giving up the dirt, knowing that oneself is more valuable than fame and fortune, and not losing oneself due to changes in gains and losses. If you can give up, you must "not be unbridled for the crown, not for the poor to be vulgar", do not indulge in wanton behavior in order to seek the benevolence of high-ranking officials, and do not go with the flow because of poverty.

Practice within. "Those who are content do not burden themselves with profit, those who judge themselves do not fear loss, and those who practice cultivation within do not have a place and do not be afraid." A person who is content does not entrap himself because of profit, a person who is aware of his gains and losses is not anxious about his losses, and a person who is well cultivated in his heart does not feel ashamed of his lack of officials. Zhuangzi advocates simplicity, quietness, and conformity with nature. To cultivate one's heart is to be content, indifferent to fame and fortune, and not to care about personal gains and losses. "The so-called ambition is not the meaning of the crown", the ambition is not to get the high-ranking officials, but to do things wholeheartedly, so that the people can benefit from their work, so that they can also get the happiness of life.

Jue Lu didn't take it to heart. Zhuangzi used the example of Baili Xi Juelu who was entrusted with important tasks by concentrating on raising cattle to tell people that only by concentrating on doing things that are beneficial to the society and the people can they be trusted and loved, and only then can they realize their true value in life.

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