
Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

author:Horseless cars

Copying the ideal homework, rubbing the ideal heat, this phenomenon seems to be nothing new in the domestic market, taking the ideal car as the "main force" of the medium and large SUV field as an example, recently, there are several products of the same level is blatantly copying the ideal job, rubbing the ideal heat - the price of 216,600 yuan Dongfeng Yipai eπ008, to the "refrigerator, color TV, large sofa" to the extended range power, we can find obvious "ideal traces" from its products; The dark blue G318, priced at 175,900-318,000 yuan, directly defined its own product as the ideal L7+ formula leopard leopard 5 at the press conference......

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

Similar market phenomena abound, here we will not be specific, but to say, the ideal to learn the most like the Chinese brand is none other than Leap Car, it is even more "ruthless" than the two products we mentioned earlier, the price range, the price war of this kind of thing, when just shouting in the air, there is still room for maneuver, but if the other party is really determined to "hurt each other", as soon as they come up, they will swing their fists, and everyone will be scared to subconsciously take two steps back, Zero Run C16 is now playing a role like this, to some extent, Cost performance has long become its "corporate culture".

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

Yes, no kidding, to be honest, I'm not surprised by the pricing strategy of less than 200,000 for the top configuration of Leap C16, because, but if you have enough understanding of this brand, you will know that this is Leaprun's consistent product strategy, so, the focus of this article is, briefly talk about what it has learned ideally? And do cost control?

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

We might as well start with the product positioning, all say that the ideal is "blue out of the blue and better than the blue" matryoshka master, to some extent, "matryoshka" has even become one of the ideal labels, want to learn the ideal zero run will not miss this trick "no learning" - zero run C16 is actually zero run C10 "nesting doll" products, the relationship between the two is similar to the relationship between "ideal L8 and ideal L7", in the case of the wheelbase remains unchanged, zero run C16 compared to zero run C10, the length of the car increased by 176mm, The width of the car is increased by 5mm, and the height of the car is increased by 90mm, focusing on a complementary product and "penetrating" the market.

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

Of course, the reason for defining Leap C16 as a "nesting doll" product of Leap C10 is not only the product positioning problem, but also the main reason - the appearance and interior of the former are basically the continuation of the latter's design style, "reason" in the "reason" atmosphere, even the style of the door handle in the car, Leap C16 is copied correctly, this kind of "as long as I am not embarrassed, the embarrassed is someone else" cheeky spirit, Leap is stealing from Xiaomi?! It can be saved, and the cost of research and development is also a cost (dog head.

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

It is said that "the wool is out of the sheep", Leap C16In order to control costs, there are still many places that are "learning the form but not the god", the screen in the cockpit is an excellent example, compared to the ideal, Leap C16 does not have a passenger screen, and the resolution of the screen is not as ideal; It seems to be an ideal "refrigerator, color TV, big sofa", but Leap C16 does not provide a car refrigerator, as a six-seater car, its three-row space experience is not a "big sofa"; Although there is a rear folding screen, but the way to open it manually, you can clearly realize that Zero Run is well versed in the twisted heart of Chinese "not necessarily used, but must have", and "enough" is considered to be understood by Zero Run.

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

The cockpit configuration is like this, power, endurance, and intelligent driving, of course, the same is true - to provide two power options, extended range and pure electric, this is the usual "routine" of Leap Run, unfortunately, specific to Leap C16 This product, its endurance level is a little stretched, pure electric range is less than 300 kilometers (200 km) of the extended range version, the range is only 520 kilometers of pure electric version, if you don't look at the price, compared with the current products on the market, it is difficult for you not to have prejudices, but if you consider the price, you can only take " What else do you want a bicycle", the psychological comfort retracts the stereotype......

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

As we said earlier,"Enough" is the product philosophy of the car Leap C16, which is also reflected in the intelligent driving, Leap C16 is equipped with Nvidia Orin-X chip, the chip computing power reaches 254TOPS, which is not enough than the above, but it is also excellent at the same price. At the same time, it is equipped with a 128-line lidar, and the official said that its hardware has the ability to support L3 level intelligent driving assistance, but what must be sober here is that at present, Leap only provides a high-speed assisted driving system, and has not yet provided urban high-end intelligent driving functions......

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

And when everyone thinks that Leap just learned the ideal, it gave it a shake of the wit, it learned not only the ideal, but also BYD and Huawei, which also have a full presence in the domestic automobile market - in fact, Leap and BYD have a similar concept, through self-development and self-manufacturing, as well as continuous technological iteration and technology cost reduction, to give users beyond expectations, good and inexpensive products, take the protagonist of this article, Leap C16 as an example, according to the official statement, Leap Motor's electric drive, battery, electronic and electrical architecture, vehicle system architecture, intelligent driving, Self-developed and self-made core components such as smart cabins account for 60% of the cost of the whole vehicle, that is to say, the majority of the cost is firmly in the hands of Leap itself, and it is natural to be able to "do whatever you want" in the price war.

Leap C16: Mingxue ideals, stealing BYD?

As for the so-called"Learn Huawei",Forgive me"Make a big fuss",Although the official claim is that Leapmotor C16 uses the self-developed Leapmotor OS,But from the perspective of its interface style,It's hard for you not to contact Huawei HongmengOS,"Do it yourself"+"Take its essence and go to its dross"The combination of punching down,Enough for opponents of the same level、The same price,Avoid the limelight in the trenches for a while,As for,Zero runC16How fierce the "real injury" brings,It depends on whether consumers accept"Enough" The product setting is still an epiphany of the truth that "the wool comes out of the sheep......