
3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

author:Frozen history

On March 10, 2020, Wuhan Jiangxia Cabin Hospital and Wuchang Cabin Hospital were officially closed, and at this point, all the operating cabin hospitals in Wuhan were closed.

At the same time, the post-95 female nurse Gan Ruyi, in her WeChat circle of friends, released today's first message: "Today, the cabin is closed!" Behind this message, there is also a flower-scattering emoji, and anyone who looks at it can feel the heartfelt joy of Gan Ruyi.

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

Gan Ruyi is naturally excited, which can be said to be a very iconic day, and the dawn of victory is getting closer and closer. And this is also the first time that Gan Ruyi, since January 31, he rode 600 miles back to Wuhan to fight the epidemic, and he was excited from the bottom of his heart.

At the end of January 2020, Gan Ruyi, a laboratory technician at the Jinkou Health Center in Jiangxia District, prepared to return from Wuhan to his hometown in Gong'an County for the Chinese New Year. When she learned that Gan Ruyi was going home for the New Year, her parents were very happy, so they began to buy New Year goods from a very early age, and most of the things they prepared were things that Gan Ruyi liked to eat.

The Gan Ruyi family is so looking forward to the Spring Festival, and the family is reunited together. However, in the same year, the new crown epidemic broke out, and the epidemic caught people off guard. For Wuhan, the situation is even worse.

Gan Ruyi had just arrived home, and before he could rest well, he learned the news of the epidemic. As a medical worker, Gan Ruyi suddenly felt that the situation was serious, and she immediately opened the hospital work group to learn more from it. Subsequently, in the many messages of the working group, I saw that "in order to control the epidemic, the Han Passage has been closed".

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

The moment he saw this news, Gan Ruyi decided to return to the hospital. Soon, Gan Ruyi found his parents who were preparing for the holiday and said to them: "No Jok (uncomfortable), I want to hurry back to Ke (go back)!" The sound was not loud, but it fell into the ears of Ganpa Ganma, like thunder.

Parents are of course unwilling, and now that the epidemic in Wuhan is serious, they cannot look at their daughters and put themselves in danger. The old couple immediately objected. Gan Ruyi understands that her parents are worried about herself, but she also has her own reasons.

In Gan Ruyi's view, now that the epidemic is very serious, she must rush back to test the nearby residents so that they can rest assured that they can celebrate the New Year. Moreover, now in the laboratory department, counting herself, there are two doctors in total, and if she does not go back, her colleagues will not even have a shift change.

In addition, doctors and nurses from all over the country have begun to rush to the aid of Wuhan, as a local medical worker, Gan Ruyi believes that it is necessary to fight side by side with everyone; more importantly, "where it is needed", has always been a belief in Gan ruyi, and now Wuhan needs her, of course, she can not back down!

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

Willing to give these reasons to parents little by little, hoping to get their support. GanPa and Ganma know that although their daughter has an introverted personality and does not like to express herself, she has a lot of ideas in her heart. They looked at the determined look on their daughter's face, and finally nodded in agreement.

After receiving the support of her parents, Gan Ruyi was very happy, and then she immediately inquired about public transportation to Wuhan. But as soon as I inquired, all the public vehicles going to Wuhan were stopped, and even the road from Shuanghechang Village in banzhu town to the county seat of Gong'an was also blocked.

Upon learning of this news, Gan's father and mother asked Gan Ruyi: "Then how do you want to go back?" Gan Ruyi thought for a while, suddenly thought of the bicycle, she wanted to come and go, thinking that riding a bicycle is a good idea, so she said to her parents: "Even if it is a bicycle, I will also go back to Wuhan!" ”

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

The old man's face was full of worry and reluctance, and his father said: "I have no objection to you going back to the unit, but you a girl who has to ride more than 300 kilometers, it takes a few days to arrive, the weather is cold, don't say, what do you eat on the road?" Where do you live? "The father's concern is not unreasonable, but he is determined that as long as he is prepared, all difficulties can be overcome."

Gan Ruyi thought so, so he comforted his parents: "There will be a road before the car reaches the mountain." I am a doctor and patients need me. After convincing his parents, Gan Ruyi planned the route while contacting the director of the health center by phone and issued an electronic version of the return to work certificate.

Subsequently, Gan Ruyi went to the village committee to handle the passage procedures. In the process of going through the formalities, the staff of the village committee asked her: "There is a road, but how do you go?" Gan Ruyi told the staff about her plan.

The staff was surprised, but then it was full of emotions, he did not expect that this thin little girl had such a fearless strength. In this way, the staff with admiration, in the "license plate number" column, solemnly wrote the three words "bicycle".

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

On January 31, 2020, at ten o'clock in the morning, Gan Ruyi began her retrograde journey. Before leaving, the mother, with red eyes, took a stuffed suitcase to Gan Ruyi. It was full of sweet things she liked to eat, and her mother's love touched her, but in order to ride briskly, she ended up with only a backpack, a little clothes, and two days of snacks.

And the father was not at ease, saying that he would accompany Gan Ruyi to the county seat. So, before leaving, the father and daughter rode the family's old bicycle from their hometown to Gong'an County. The total length of the road is 34.9 kilometers, from 10 a.m. to 2:57 p.m., and GanRuyi finally reached Gong'an County.

After not riding a bicycle for many years, Gan Ruyi's legs could not stop trembling, and her knees were also painful, but she did not retreat, and that night she and her father stayed at a relative's house in the county town.

On the morning of February 1, Gan Ruyi changed to a temporary county-level pass, and she carefully put the pass in her bag, got on a bicycle and headed towards Wuhan. Her father was not at ease and wanted to accompany Gan Ruyi, but she couldn't bear it.

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

Gan Ruyi persuaded her father to go home, and at the same time worried that his father would secretly follow her, she insisted on watching her father leave first, until her father turned into a black spot in the distance, and Gan Ruyi rode on her bicycle. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Gan Ruyi arrived at the Yangtze River Bridge in Jingzhou, and she could hardly see anyone on the way, and the whole city seemed to be asleep.

Gan Ruyi rested for a while and prepared to cross the bridge, but at this time, the staff said that the bicycle could not communicate for the time being. Gan Ruyi had to turn around, find a food shop at the head of the bridge, store the bicycle there, and then dial the home phone to report that he was safe.

Her parents were still very worried about Gan Ruyi and tried to persuade her to go home, but Gan Ruyi, who had always been shy, was very stubborn on this issue, and she comforted her parents while cheering: "Rest assured, your daughter will do it!" After hanging up the phone, Gan Ruyi pulled out the map again and walked to Wuhan step by step.

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

Walking across the bridge, it was completely dark. Gan Ruyi walked in the night and decided to live in Jingzhou tonight, but where to live? Gan Ruyi decided to find a hotel at the train station, which was a place where she often took the train and was more familiar.

When Gan Ruyi arrived there, she found that there was no one outside the train station, and her mobile phone was running out of battery, and she was like a lost child, looking around for someone to help her. After some searching, I finally found a hotel with lights on a few streets away, and the tired day passed.

Early in the morning of February 2, it was already the third day, and I got up early and looked around for a car to go to Wuhan, but where was there a car on the empty street? If you can't get on the bus, keep riding your bike! She found a shared bicycle and continued to rush along National Highway 318.

At this time, it suddenly began to rain lightly, and the raindrops fell on her face and was cold, because Gan Ruyi did not bring a raincoat, and after a while her clothes were wet. The long ride had caused her knees to hurt more and more, and the contents of her bag had been eaten, and she only felt cold, hungry and painful now.

Suddenly, the bike slid violently, and Gan Ruyi deflected to the side and fell into the puddle, and in an instant her whole body was soaked. Gan Ruyi couldn't help but cry, but even then she didn't have the idea of going home. After a while, Gan Ruyi stood up, got on his bicycle and gritted his teeth and walked forward.

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

In February 2020, Gan Ruyi was on her way back to Wuhan by bicycle from her hometown

After more than 9 hours of trekking, Gan Ruyi finally came to Qianjiang, and in the dark night, she saw several policemen. Gan Ruyi's eyes lit up in that instant, and she had hope!

The police were very surprised to see Gan Ruyi, and when they learned that Gan Ruyi rode back to Wuhan Hospital for epidemic prevention, they were shocked by this brave girl. In addition to being moved, the police did not forget to help Gan Ruyi contact the hotel and find a car to Wuhan.

With their help, on February 3, Gan Ruyi arrived in Wuhan, and when she saw the familiar Jinkou Street, she couldn't help but cry: "Four days and three nights, 300 kilometers, I finally came back!" ”

Gan Ruyi did not rest much, and after briefly reporting to her parents for safety, she immediately changed into a protective suit and returned to work. Colleagues also did not expect that Gan Ruyi would come back, after hearing her deeds, I could not help but give a thumbs up, to this, Gan Ruyi said: "My surname is Gan, I am not afraid of suffering." ”

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

From the beginning of epidemic prevention to the unsealing of Wuhan, this retrograde "cycling girl" was willing to do as she wished, and has been sticking to her post. And her story spread, inspiring groups of young people.

Soon three years passed, and during these three years, Gan Ruyi's life changed a lot, she was named "National Advanced Individual in The Fight against the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic", occasionally participated in lectures, and was later transferred to the Zanglong Island Community Health Service Center as a deputy director.

But Gan Ruyi did not feel that there was any change, she still went through the various wards as before, giving patients blood tests. In the process, I also learned the management work, sorted out the number of reagents, purchased equipment, etc., and kept the department in good order.

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

In 2022, when the Spring Festival approached, Gan Ruyi took the initiative to go to the Wuhan Jiangxia District Epidemic Prevention Big Data Center to carry out work. In the schedule hanging on the wall, it is written that the date of the shift is as willing as possible: February 2, 7, 13 on duty, and this is the third consecutive year that she has stood guard during the Spring Festival and stayed in the frontline post of epidemic prevention.

And when people ask whether Gan Ruyi has stayed in the front line of epidemic prevention for three consecutive years, Gan Ruyi will laugh and say: "My surname is Gan, I am not afraid of suffering!" ”

3 years ago, the post-95 female nurse who spent 3 days riding 600 miles to Wuhan, what happened now?

Now, it has been a full three years since the outbreak of the epidemic and the "unsealing" of Wuhan. Walking through the streets of Wuhan, if you don't ask specifically, you can't see that this place has been ravaged by viruses.

Now Wuhan is full of people, the vehicles on the Yangtze River Bridge are endless, the streets and alleys are full of fireworks, and the city has long been restored to its original state, full of vitality.

And all these changes are inseparable from the ordinary Wuhan people who spontaneously abide by the anti-epidemic policy; the volunteers who walk through danger and provide services to the people; and even more inseparable from the medical staff who are willing to stick to the front line of their posts.

Today, the happy life has long been ordinary, but everything this post-95 girl has done to fight the epidemic, her spirit is still shining brightly. Gan Ruyi is the greatest ordinary person!

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