
Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

The paper cents issued in the second set of renminbi are the only ones in the mainland. Although it was issued in 1955, the era number on its face is "1953", and the paper penny is divided into two types according to the crown number: "long" and "short".

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

The "long code" in the paper penny is composed of Roman crowns and Arabic numerals, and the denominations of banknotes of one, two and five cents are commonly known as "long number paper cents". Trombone paper cents were issued in the early stage of social construction, in the period of low living price level, the frequency of use of cents is high, the loss is more serious, after decades of circulation and use, the stock is relatively rare, the value is higher.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

Unsigned paper cents refer to one-, two-cent, and five-cent notes that are printed in the original 1953 template, retaining the crown and canceling the number. Commonly known as "no number" paper cents, also known as "8 cents". Unsigned paper cents were issued from July 15, 1981, and were not printed until 2000, because of the subsequent economic development, the use of cents was small, the stock was large, and most of the paper cents encountered in the market were numberless cents, and the value was not high.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

The issuance of unsigned cents

The printing of unsigned paper cents takes the form of Roman numerals. A batch of one crown character, one crown character serial number printed 10 million pieces. Among them, one cent has 231 three Roman serial numbers and 89 two Roman serial numbers; two cents have 129 three Roman serial numbers; and five cents have 64 three Roman serial numbers, a total of 513 kinds.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

A fraction of a penny

In addition to the two categories of trombone and no number, the current market roughly divides a penny into three categories: oil-free, oil-free and 18K.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

There is a distinction between oil and oil-free, mainly caused by problems on the wrapping paper. There is an oil is wrapped in black oil paper, which penetrates into the banknote for a long time, stained with oil stains, and the quality is not good, while the oil-free one point is plastic packaging, the face is beautiful and smooth, so the value of the oil-free point is higher than the oily point.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

The numberless paper penny was printed since the 1980s, and the paper used was obviously different from the period of the trombone paper penny, so collectors subdivided the penny into 18K, auspicious cloud, double star and so on according to the different paper used. The following is mainly to introduce the 18K point with the highest market recognition.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

The 18K penny note is named after its unique golden yellow oil-free appearance and only 18 crowns, which are particularly golden in color and extremely saturated, so it is also called the 18K gold version of one cent. There are 320 crown numbers for unsigned one-cent notes, while the issuance of 18K one-cent accounts for only about 5% of the total, which is a scarce variety with a higher value, and once had a higher value in the market than the brilliant achievements of long banknotes, and now the price is back to normal.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

A thin crown of penny penny

As the longest circulating coupon, the early use frequency is high, the loss is serious, and the crown number issued during that period has long become a treasure, in addition to this, where is the crown number that is rare? Some collectors have spent several years to formulate rare star crowns by comparing and summarizing the surviving amount of one cent of banknotes.

Do you understand the collectible value of a penny note?

The numismatic market has always been a place for profit. Due to the large difference in value between the trombone and the numberless paper cent, there are trombone paper cents printed on the market as trombone cents with numbers; or the ordinary crown number is changed to a rare crown number, or the second Roman crown number is changed to a three Roman crown number... There are endless means, so it is important to say that the wisdom and awareness of coin collecting are very important.

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