
【Striving for a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service】Jishishan Taxation: Four measures to promote key work at the same time has made a good start

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center

The Jishishan County Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Tenth Committee of the CPC Jishishan County committee and the economic work conference of the county party committee, combined with the deployment requirements of the provincial taxation bureau and the state taxation bureau in 2022, with full strength, concentrated on empowerment, really grasped the work, and showed the new deeds and new atmosphere of the tax department in the key year of accurately promoting the high-quality economic and social development of the county and making a good start to the "14th Five-Year Plan".

【Striving for a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service】Jishishan Taxation: Four measures to promote key work at the same time has made a good start

Highlight the leading role of party building, resolutely raise the position and fulfill the duties.

Persist in arming the mind, guiding practice, and promoting work with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and give play to the exemplary vanguard role of Communist Party members. Earnestly implement the "three meetings and one lesson" and normalize the organization of life meetings and other systems, strengthen the regular education, management, supervision and service of party members, build a platform carrier for party branches to play the role of fighting fortresses, and transform the learning results into a powerful driving force for expanding ideas, solving problems, promoting development, and revitalizing undertakings. Always put party building, especially the party's political construction, in the first place, earnestly perform their duties and responsibilities, assume responsibilities, and further promote the deep integration of party building and all aspects of taxation.

Adhere to the principle of organizational income, resolutely lay the foundation and bonded sources.

Scientifically organize tax revenues in accordance with the law, straighten out the relationship between the economy and tax sources, policies and tax bases, and grasp the main business and fulfill the main responsibility. Strengthen daily supervision, focus on the implementation of tax risk management, plug management loopholes, and standardize tax collection and fees in accordance with the law. It is necessary to strengthen comprehensive tax management, adhere to the combination of governance and protection, give priority to tax protection, establish a ledger of key tax sources, support enterprises to accelerate development, and promote the growth and stability of tax sources. Adhere to risk management as the guide, take information management and taxation as the starting point, and focus on tax assessment, continuously consolidate the foundation of collection and management, improve the quality and efficiency of collection and management, give full play to the effectiveness of the reform of "decentralization and management of services", strictly implement various preferential tax policies for fee reduction and fee reduction, and let taxpayers enjoy the reform dividends.

【Striving for a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service】Jishishan Taxation: Four measures to promote key work at the same time has made a good start

Deepen the people-oriented thinking, resolutely seek efficiency and excellent service.

Always adhere to the taxpayer as the center, firmly establish the service awareness of "I do practical things for taxpayers", relay the special actions of "facilitating private tax spring wind action" and "spring rain and running seedlings", combined with "run at most once", "project housekeeper", "tolerant of lack of acceptance" and "do not come to enjoy", continue to consolidate and expand "non-contact" services, strengthen online consultation and counseling of taxpayers, and let taxpayers take more networks and run less roads. Focusing on the reasonable needs of taxpayers, comprehensively carry out the questionnaire survey of tax payment services, effectively understand the pain points, blockages and difficulties of taxpayers' tax payment, identify "lesions", prescribe "prescriptions", and ensure "curative effect".

Firmly manage the concept of love, resolutely grasp education, and strengthen the team.

It is necessary to base ourselves on studying and focusing on cadres, broaden the channels for training and training cadres, take the "military training and competition" examination as an opportunity, and use the "Jishishan Xing tax lecture hall" and "Jishishan Xing tax micro-lecture hall" to create a good atmosphere of advanced learning, being more advanced, and striving for advancement. We should earnestly strengthen the construction of tax culture, cultivate a tax culture atmosphere of upward mobility, adhere to the good atmosphere and correct orientation in selecting and appointing people, stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of the cadre contingent and officials, and promote the comprehensive training and growth of reserve cadres. Adhere to the "performance management + digital personnel" dual drive, scientific evaluation and use of cadres, the establishment of incentive mechanisms, the establishment of growth platforms, and the creation of a good environment conducive to the growth of talents. (Contributed by: Li Yong'an)

Editor: Fu Yun

Editor-in-charge: Tuo Weiming

Editor-in-chief: Shaanxi Zhixiu

Producer: Ma Quansheng

【Striving for a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service】Jishishan Taxation: Four measures to promote key work at the same time has made a good start