
76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

author:Boat Racing News
76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

On June 28, local time, Japan's Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Keizo Takemi, said at a press conference that the number of consumers suspected of dying from taking Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company's health care products containing red yeast rice ingredients increased by 76.

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

Keizo Takemi said that after the incident of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company's health care products containing red yeast rice ingredients, some family members of the deceased who had taken related health products before their deaths contacted Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company. According to the current judgment, there are 76 new cases of consumers suspected of dying from taking the company's health products containing red yeast rice ingredients. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is investigating the causal relationship. Previously, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical reported the death toll to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as 5 people. In response, Keizo Takemi strongly criticized that although Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company verified the suspected related deaths, it did not report the relevant circumstances.

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

In addition, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical announced that it will establish a new "Compensation Response Division" to deal with health problems caused by health products containing red yeast rice. Kobayashi will compensate consumers who are suspected of developing symptoms after taking these health supplements. Recently, Japanese media have continuously exposed that Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's health products containing red yeast rice may cause damage to consumers' health and cause death. According to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as of May 28, five consumers who took Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red yeast rice-containing health products had died and more than 1,600 people had sought medical attention. On June 28, local time, the main station reporter learned that around the death of 76 new people suspected of taking Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red yeast rice health products, information from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare showed that on June 13, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare confirmed to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company whether there were any new related deaths, and the answer received from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company at that time was "no". However, on the 14th, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical changed its name to "yes", but the exact number was not reported to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare until the 27th.

Most patients have the same condition

The Japanese Nephrology Society released the results of a survey on April 9 this year, saying that most patients have a common condition, that is, Fanconi syndrome.

As of April 9, 212 consumers who took Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's health products containing red yeast rice have been hospitalized, 1,224 have been hospitalized, and 53,000 related consultations have been received. The Japanese Society of Nephrology recently took samples of problematic health products and conducted a survey of 95 patients with the disease, and the results of the survey were announced on April 9. According to the Japanese Nephrology Society, most of the 95 patients can be considered to have Fanconi syndrome, a disorder of renal tubular dysfunction. These patients have abnormal tubular function and are unable to recover many of the substances that the body needs, but instead excrete them.

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

Japan's "Internet celebrity medicine" has repeatedly overturned in recent years

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

Japanese "Internet celebrity" eye drops

In April 2019, several best-selling eye drops from Japan were banned in Canada. According to information released by Health Canada, a total of 6 eye drops and acne treatment creams from Japan have been removed from the shelves, and the specific recall list includes Santen Pharmaceutical's silver package eye drops SanteFXNeo, gold package eye drops SanteFXV+, color package eye drops SanteFXNEO and SantePC eye drops. Health Canada believes that these products contain ingredients that are prescription drugs and should be used under the guidance of a doctor, otherwise they may cause serious side effects and endanger the health of the user.

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

Anpanman children's cold syrup

In October 2020, Japan's "Children's Cold Syrup" series of products, which are widely popular in domestic and overseas markets, announced a large-scale recall of about 7.75 million bottles. This is Ikeda Mododo's "Anpanman Children's Cold Syrup", which comes in four flavors, including strawberry and peach, and is easy for children to consume, making it popular among similar products.

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

Ikeda Mojodo owns its own pharmaceutical factory, but the children's cold syrup recalled this time is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company called Nissin Pharmaceutical, and the recall is due to the fact that the product did not complete all the quality inspection processes before leaving the factory, and there were omissions in the intermediate links.

EVE "White Rabbit Pain Relief"

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

EVE "White Rabbit Pain Relief Tablets" is an over-the-counter drug produced in Japan, which has not been approved for marketing in mainland China and is mainly sold online. In fact, the main ingredients of this medicine that have an analgesic effect are the same as the common domestic drugs Fenpide and ibuprofen, which are all ibuprofen. In addition to ibuprofen, EVE's "White Rabbit Pain Relief Tablets" also use two ingredients: valproyl urea and caffeine. The survey found that valproylurea has been eliminated in many countries. It cannot be used as a pharmaceutical ingredient or medicinal use in the mainland, and can only be traded as a chemical ingredient for scientific research. When valproylurea enters the body, it binds to platelets, forming a complex of drugs and antibodies, and when the drug is removed from the body, the platelets are also removed, causing idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. In addition, valproyl urea itself has a certain degree of dependence and addiction. Although these drugs are not available in prescription in Japan, the risks of taking them are uncontrollable.

Taisho cold medicine

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

Photo/Taisho Cold Medicine Gold A Granules "Taisho Cold Medicine" official website

Known as "one pack is good, two packs are consolidated, every family must have" Taisho cold medicine gold A granules, experts from the Department of Pharmacy of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University found that Taizheng cold medicine contains 9 kinds of ingredients, which are basically not seen in domestic cold medicine prescriptions. "It seems that the more ingredients, the better the effect, but in fact, many ingredients in cold medicine only relieve the symptoms of various discomforts, but do not shorten the course of the cold." Experts from the Department of Pharmacy of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University said that when a cold occurs, the corresponding ingredients should be selected according to the symptoms, and the excess ingredients only have side effects for the human body.

Ryukakusan cough tablets

The Japanese "miracle medicine" Ryukakusan is also popular with purchasing agents, and the cough tablets of its strong cough suppressant series under its brand are "similar" to Taisho cold medicine. According to experts from the Department of Pharmacy of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, Longjiaosan cough tablets contain 9 ingredients (or extracts), of which dihydrocodeine phosphate, racemic ephedrine hydrochloride, and anhydrous caffeine are the same as those of Taisho cold medicine. "We analyzed the ingredients of Western medicine in Ryukakusan against the list of common ingredients of cold medicines and found that in addition to not having the effect of lowering body temperature, the various ingredients of Ryukakusan cough tablets surrounded the common symptoms of colds, and the cough suppressant ingredients in them can be described as very bold." Experts from the Department of Pharmacy of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University said that Longjiaosan cough tablets have both dihydrocodeine phosphate with central antitussive effect and nacodine with peripheral antitussive effect, and this prescription almost does not exist in domestic medicine.

76 new deaths! Suspected of taking well-known health products! Have you ever eaten any of these?

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Integrated editor of Zhoushan News and Media Center

Source: CCTV News, China Consumer Daily, Chao News, Overseas Network

Editor/First Instance: Qian Wenhua

Second trial: Cai Ping

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