
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States

author:Zhang Fugui who worked hard

In fact, studying abroad is a personal choice, no matter which country you go to study, it is also your own business.

However, recently, a female graduate of Zhejiang University has been controversial on the Internet because of this incident.

The reason was because of her speech at the graduation ceremony.

How it happened:

According to the online video, this girl named Yang Jinwen stood on the stage of the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University as an outstanding graduate and spoke.

Student Yang is not only beautiful, but also very sonorous and powerful.

I saw her face a group of graduates, and said firmly word by word:

In the land of China, which I love, there may be ten or twenty years or even longer, and we need to expand our territory from 0 to 1 to overcome difficulties.

Out of the world, I hope that we are still tenacious idealists, brave enough to have the uncertainty of life.

Like the stars of the world, shining in the places where the motherland needs it most.

The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States

It is rumored on the Internet that Yang Jinwen has applied to study in the United States

With the exposure of this video on the Internet, just when everyone was enthusiastic about Yang's speech, and felt that contemporary college students are a responsible generation.

Unexpectedly, it was rumored that she had applied for a graduate degree in law at the University of Berkeley in the United States, which means that she will study in the United States next.

As soon as this news came out, netizens fryed

Many netizens began to criticize Yang Jinwen's approach, thinking that she said one thing on stage and did another thing off stage.

It's one thing to say, but it's another thing to do it backwards.

The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States

Yang is really good

According to relevant information, Yang is majoring in translation.

During his time at the university, he was the person in charge of the national college student scientific research training program, and also served as the president of the Zhejiang University Law Research Association.

And has won many awards.,It's an out-and-out woman who combines wisdom and beauty.。

If she goes to the United States to study, returns from her studies, and devotes herself to the construction of her ancestors, she can also be praised by everyone.

But because the major she applied for was law, this can't help but put a question mark on people?

If you study U.S. law, will you stay in the U.S. in the future?

Isn't this contrary to what she said about going to the place where the motherland needs it most?

The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States
The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States

It's time for universities to act

Nowadays, many college graduates have chosen to study abroad, and how many high-level talents cultivated by Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University and other famous universities have gone abroad.

How ironic it is that the motherland cultivated them, but when they were needed to serve, they ran abroad.

When major universities provide high scholarships to foreign students and give preferential treatment to foreign students, should they also give more consideration to our local students?

How many foreign students stay in China after completing their studies?

If universities treat foreign students with the same attitude as they treat students from their own countries, the brain drain will be much reduced.

The outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University said that they "went to the place where the motherland needs it most", and it was revealed that they had applied to study in the United States

Write at the end:

Whether it is Yang or other students, it is personal freedom to choose to study abroad.

But the problem is that you can't swear to other students that you want to go to the place where your motherland needs it most, and at the same time go to the United States to study. #深度好文计划#

As a highly educated and highly educated person, you must at least be able to match your words with deeds.

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