
Parents' high expectations are the source of children's stress

author:Flying Xiaoyu

Today's children are more materially well-off, but they feel more vulnerable and sensitive, and too much stress is key, and this pressure is often associated with high expectations from parents.

Most chicken babies do not originate from self-drive, but in the parent-led over-high-intensity behavior, often full of intensity, full of expectations, children not only do not feel the joy of learning, but also do not feel the joy of life. When you feel that there is no sunshine and rain in your daily life, any small event may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Parents' high expectations are the source of children's stress

Why is it that children are so impulsive when they only count one sentence, but they don't know that this sentence is the result of tens of millions of sentences, and the accumulated pressure, without this sentence, there is the next sentence.

When children can't feel unreserved love, they can't see the sunshine in life. A highly played video, the son of the scavenger and his parents, suddenly happy rush, from the material conditions, this is indeed suffering, but from the child's point of view, there is no suffering at this moment, only happiness, it is the happiness of the mother's love. This is not a celebration of suffering, but the most sincere emotion between people, family affection, still exists under suffering.

Parents' high expectations are the source of children's stress

Under the pressure of more and more utilitarian education, children feel less and less love, and the endless requirements are getting higher and higher.

Many are only children, and the healthy growth of children is not more important, with life, a healthy body, and a healthy mentality, there will be unlimited possibilities for the future.

Parents' high expectations are the source of children's stress