
Taste of Hezhou Linxia cuisine - stuffed skins

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center

Taste of Hezhou Linxia cuisine - stuffed skins

Stuffed skin is one of Linxia's unique flavor snacks. It is characterized by orange-yellow and transparent color, soft and tough to eat, and excellent flavor. When eating, the stuffed skin is cut into thin strips, and then put on a few pieces of gluten cut into thin slices, poured with chili oil, vinegar, garlic, soy sauce, mustard and other condiments, its color is pleasant, the aroma is attractive, in the hot summer, if you can eat a plate of stuffed skin, suddenly feel cool and refreshing, appetite greatly increased.

Taste of Hezhou Linxia cuisine - stuffed skins
Taste of Hezhou Linxia cuisine - stuffed skins

Editor: Fu Yun

Editor-in-charge: Tuo Weiming

Editor-in-chief: Shaanxi Zhixiu

Producer: Ma Quansheng

Taste of Hezhou Linxia cuisine - stuffed skins