
There will still be heavy precipitation in the next few days! How to control pests and diseases in corn, peanuts and soybeans after rain?

author:Agricultural Resources: Agriculture

This week, the northern boundary of the subtropical high in the western Pacific

Lift the west to the north to the Huanghuai region

It is expected that there will be more convective precipitation weather in our province

There will still be heavy precipitation in the next few days! How to control pests and diseases in corn, peanuts and soybeans after rain?

Tomorrow: There are local showers and thundershowers in Xinyang.

3rd: Light to moderate showers and thundershowers south of the Yellow River, heavy rain and localized heavy rain in some counties and cities in the central, eastern and southern parts of the Yellow River, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds; Other counties and cities have scattered showers and thundershowers.

4th: There are scattered showers and thundershowers in the province, moderate to heavy rain in some counties and cities in the east and south, and local heavy rain accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation.

5th: Showers and thundershowers in most parts of the province, moderate to heavy rain in the south of the Yellow River, heavy rain in some counties and cities in the central, eastern and southern parts of the province, local heavy rain, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation.

6th: Showers and thundershowers in most parts of the province, moderate rain in the central and eastern parts of the province, locally heavy rain or torrential rain.

7th: Light to moderate showers and thundershowers north of the Huai River, including heavy rain and localized heavy rain in some counties and cities north of the Yellow River; There were localized showers in other counties and cities.

There will still be heavy precipitation in the next few days! How to control pests and diseases in corn, peanuts and soybeans after rain?

According to the latest weather forecast, there will be continuous heavy rainfall in many places in China in the near future, which can easily cause more water accumulation and serious waterlogging in the fields in some areas, resulting in weak growth of corn, peanuts, soybeans and vegetables and other crops, many wounds, poor resistance, and epidemics of a variety of pests and diseases. How to do a good job in the prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests after floods and reduce disaster losses? Pay special attention to the following aspects!

First, the key points of prevention and control

(1) Corn diseases and insect pests. Heavy rain, sediment, waterlogging, etc. are easy to cause damage to corn plants, and the resistance becomes weaker. On the basis of draining and dehumidifying, cultivating and loosening soil, spraying amino-oligosaccharides, brassinolides and other immune inducing or growth regulators, and enhancing crop resistance, all localities should timely spray pyrimidine nucleoside antibiotics, Jinggangmycin and other agents for prevention and control in view of the possible recurrence of bacterial diseases such as corn-based rot, leaf spot, and wilt. For fungal diseases such as tumor smut, brown spot, small spot, sheath blight, rust, etc., carbendazim, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole and other agents can be used for prevention and control. For migratory pests such as fall armyworm and cotton bollworm, recommended drugs such as chlorantraniliprole and emamectin benzoate can be used for control.

There will still be heavy precipitation in the next few days! How to control pests and diseases in corn, peanuts and soybeans after rain?

(2) Flower diseases and insect pests. After the rain, the high temperature and humidity in the field can easily lead to peanut leaf spot, fruit rot, white silk disease, as well as the occurrence of leaf-eating pests such as cotton bollworm, Spodoptera litura, and Spodoptera exigua. For peanut leaf diseases, fungicides such as bifotriazole, fluconazole, dienazole and triazolone can be used for foliar spray control; Peanut fruit rot can be treated with carbendazim, azoxystrobin, triazolone, polyantimycin and other sprays; For white silk disease, fungicides such as fluoramide and thiofuramide can be sprayed with water at the base of the stem of the plant; Leaf-eating pests such as cotton bollworm and Spodoptera litura, chlorantraniliprole, emamectin benzoate and other foliar sprays can be used. When the pest and disease is severe, spray again after 7-10 days of the first application.

(3) Soybean diseases and pests. After the flood, the fields are humid and prone to pests and diseases. The Huanghuai region should focus on the prevention and control of soybean root rot, rust, downy mildew, gray spot disease, aphids, bean pod borer, heartworms and other pests and diseases. Fungicides such as pyroxonil, pyrazole, fluconazole, benzopropiconazole, azoxystrobin, carbendazim, and insecticides such as imidacloprid can be used for spray control. In addition, after the disaster, the weak growth of soybean and continuous high temperature are easy to cause soybean greening, and boron fertilizer and amino acids, amino oligosaccharides, lentinan polysaccharides, fish protein and other nutrients or immune inducers can be sprayed on the foliar surface to enhance the plant's own resistance to stress. At the same time, clothianidin, dinotefuran and other medium pests such as bee bugs, planthoppers, and thrips should be used to control points.

Editor: Agricultural Dictionary

Source: Henan Meteorology, Green Speed Agricultural Technology Center

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