
New Zealand and the Philippines have attacked and killed Chinese in a row, why are they all dumb?

author:Tao Wen

After an incidental assault case occurred in Suzhou, China, there have been a series of attacks and even killings of Chinese citizens overseas.

The first case: a Chinese student was racially attacked in New Zealand.

On the morning of June 28, local time in Auckland, New Zealand, a 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked by a woman on a bus in Auckland, New Zealand, who was armed with an iron rod and brutally beat the Chinese teenager without warning or reason.

New Zealand and the Philippines have attacked and killed Chinese in a row, why are they all dumb?

The teenager had five teeth knocked out on the spot and suffered serious facial injuries. At the time of the attack, the woman, who was said to be Māori, an indigenous native of New Zealand, had been making racially abusive remarks to the teenager.

New Zealand and the Philippines have attacked and killed Chinese in a row, why are they all dumb?

There were many passengers on the bus at that time, including more than a dozen Chinese men in their 60s, but at the time of the attack, only a Chinese elderly man in his 70s stood up and snatched the iron rod from the female thug, saving the life of the innocent Chinese teenager student. The rest of the Chinese were indifferent.

Of course, the white people in the car were even more indifferent, and even said that they were watching and being spectators.

What is particularly absurd is that the Indian bus driver in Auckland, New Zealand, completely ignored the atrocities that took place on the bus, and even stopped the bus to let the female thug go.

On July 1, the Consulate General of the mainland in Auckland issued a document on the emergency handling of the attack on Chinese students, deeply shocked and saddened by the case, and immediately activated the consular protection emergency mechanism after learning of it, contacted the families of the injured students to express condolences, and expressed serious concern to the Auckland police, strongly condemned the cruel and illegal acts of the perpetrators, and urged the police to make every effort to investigate the case, bring them to justice as soon as possible, and give justice to the victims.

The second case: two Chinese nationals were kidnapped in the Philippines and their tickets were torn up.

Two Chinese nationals belonging to two different medical device companies, both of whom are middle and senior management of the company, arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to inspect the business, hoping to further expand overseas markets, but unfortunately were kidnapped and killed on June 24.

However, the family has already paid a ransom of 3 million yuan to the Filipinos, but they are still torn up.

After the Suzhou injury case in mainland China, we witnessed a large number of people going all out to hype, go online, and fight against blackmail, and the words are summarized as follows:

The first is to slander the righteous and courageous Sister Hu as a "Japanese spy"; second, to applaud the rioters and atrocities; third, to take the opportunity to incite other violent acts; fourth, to spread rumors that are "hate crimes against Japan" and that they are still spreading rumors with all their might after the official clarification; fifth, to conceal the truth and engage in extremism, and to slander China for engaging in "hate education"; sixth, to put the Chinese's simple and righteous views of righteousness and courage on the line as the so-called "to save the last face for the Chinese, save Sino-Japanese relations, and resolve a diplomatic crisis"; and seventh, fabricate and disseminate" Japanese capital has collectively withdrawn from China" rumors and deliberately created social panic; eighth, it has used the topic to "lower the flag at half-mast" and clamored for the so-called "civilization to pay tribute to civilization" to smear China; nine, it has fabricated and spread rumors such as "all parties in Japan have donated 4 million yuan to Sister Hu" and "Japan has issued naturalization invitations to the families of those who have bravely sacrificed their lives"; tenth, it has taken the opportunity to concoct and spread historical nihilistic remarks that stigmatize the Boxer Rebellion; eleventh is the so-called "diplomatic crisis" on the platform; and twelfth, it is engaged in expansion and extremism, and slander Chinese populism. Ultra-nationalism and U-shaped locks, the thirteenth is to deliberately create panic, spread rumors that affect the business environment, and scare away foreign investment, and the fourteenth is to smear China with the so-called "saving the last shred of face".

What is funny and slap in the face is that in the face of the facts, the Japanese Government has no choice but to personally deny these words.

Then, if according to these words, whether it is the racial attack on Chinese teenagers in New Zealand or the kidnapping and tearing of tickets against Chinese in the Philippines, which is far worse than the occasional injury case in Suzhou, the mainland, then those who speak the above words should repeat it. At the very least, New Zealand and the Philippines are engaged in hate education, and New Zealand and the Philippines are U-locked, populist, and ultra-nationalist, and New Zealand and the Philippines are not worthy of civilization. Because of the destruction of the business environment and the forced withdrawal of foreign investment, foreign investors are panicking, and foreign investment, especially Chinese investment, has to withdraw or flee from Singapore and the Philippines. This is enough to cause a "diplomatic crisis", and the media and netizens in Singapore and the Philippines should reflect deeply and painfully, and save the last shred of face for New Zealand and the Philippines......

But the strange thing is that those people and accounts who jumped up and down when the occasional wounding case occurred in Suzhou actually all pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Occasionally, one of them came out and said, "This is a New Zealand thing, it's my business?" ”

New Zealand and the Philippines have attacked and killed Chinese in a row, why are they all dumb?

The most interesting thing is that the Japanese media Nikkei Chinese Network published an article on major online platforms in the mainland, which is very clear, straightforward and explicit.

New Zealand and the Philippines have attacked and killed Chinese in a row, why are they all dumb?
New Zealand and the Philippines have attacked and killed Chinese in a row, why are they all dumb?

A sigh!

I can only sigh!

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