
Get out of these 2 misunderstandings, in order to really reap the benefits of exercise!

The temperature across the country has risen significantly, and the footsteps of spring are approaching. Sealed by the cold and dreary winter, it is time for us to come out and walk, move our bones and bones, and welcome the warm spring light.

Get out of these 2 misunderstandings, in order to really reap the benefits of exercise!

Active physical activity significantly reduces the risk of death in cancer survivors

A recent study published in a sub-journal of JAMA, a top journal in the field of oncology, suggested [1] the importance of physical exercise for cancer survivors.

Active physical activity was associated with a 66% lower risk of all-cause death compared with cancer survivors with physical inactivity deficit;

Conversely, sitting for more than eight hours a day was associated with an 81% increased risk of all-cause death;

Cancer survivors who sedent for more than eight hours a day and lack physical activity have the highest risk of death.

Long-term exercise to create a "cancer-suppressing environment" in the body

The evidence of Yungong anti-cancer has been increasing in recent years, and it is reflected in different cancers such as esophageal cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer and so on.

Studies on the mechanism of how tumor patients fight cancer after exercise have shown that myocyte factors in the body after exercise produce the ability to inhibit tumor growth, and the serum extracted from tumor patients after exercise can significantly slow down cancer cell growth.

Of course, creating a "cancer-suppressing environment" in the body requires adhering to long-term exercise.

Get out of these 2 misunderstandings, in order to really reap the benefits of exercise!

Tumor patients

Common exercise myths and correct suggestions

1. The exercise time is unreasonable

China's characteristic collective activity, square dance, is very popular among middle-aged and elderly people. According to the editor's observation, most of the time of square dance is carried out at night, and even extends until more than 10 o'clock in the evening.

However, such a timing is not reasonable. Because more intense exercise can alter circadian rhythms and delay the production of the sleep-stimulating hormone melatonin. Moreover, strenuous exercise at night not only affects the day's sleep, but also leads to the secretion of melatonin the next day, making it difficult to fall asleep.

If the body adapts to the exercise at night, then the biological clock will also change, postponing the habit of falling asleep to a later fixed time, which is not conducive to the physical recovery of tumor patients and violates the original intention of exercise.


Try to exercise early

Researchers found that exercise at 8 to 10 a.m. has the best anti-cancer effect, mainly because exercise during this period contributes to the normal secretion of melatonin, and is conducive to the normal function of parasympathetic nerves at night. Therefore, it is recommended that cancer patients and cancer survivors schedule the day's more intense exercise in the morning.

Low-intensity exercise is available at night

As the day time increases and the temperature rises, many patients still need to exercise properly after dinner. Xiaobian recommends that tumor patients choose low-intensity exercise in the evening or evening, such as walking, yoga before going to bed, etc.

Get out of these 2 misunderstandings, in order to really reap the benefits of exercise!

2. Irregular frequency of movement

Most cancer patients understand the health benefits of exercise and agree with the benefits of exercise from the heart. But in actual life, for various reasons, some people will have the phenomenon of "three days of fishing, two days of drying nets".

Such irregular exercise does not help us establish long-term exercise habits, so it is difficult to achieve the purpose of cultivating a "cancer-suppressing environment" in the body.

There are two reasons for this phenomenon: subjective factors such as irrational exercise intensity planning and self-inertia; objective factors such as temperature changes and physical conditions.

Make a reasonable exercise plan

Each patient's own situation is different, so it can not be "one size fits all", should be combined with the current stage to develop a suitable exercise for themselves, the specific planning can learn from the "blind exercise is not advisable!" Tumor patients need to pay attention to distinguishing between these three periods》

Be mentally prepared for long-term exercise and stick to it

The strategic thinking of "winning first and fighting later" tells us that doing things under psychological construction and reasonable planning will definitely achieve the expected results. The small thing of sports, many people can do well, but you insist on it.


[1] Cao C, et al. Association of Daily Sitting Time and Leisure-Time Physical Activity With Survival Among US Cancer Survivors. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Jan 6:e216590.

[2] Kim JS, et al. Myokine Expression and Tumor-Suppressive Effect of Serum after 12 wk of Exercise in Prostate Cancer Patients on ADT. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2022 Feb 1;54(2):197-205.

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