
South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!



Recently, a piece of news about the successful return of Chang'e-6 to the earth has exploded the circle of friends, which is another successful exploration mission of the lunar exploration project of the eastern powers, and it is also the first time that the eastern powers have achieved the landing and sample return mission of the lunar probe return capsule, which can be described as a space exploration activity of great significance. The successful return of Chang'e-6 has not only made the Chinese people excited and proud, but also attracted great attention and warm congratulations from countries around the world, and the media of various countries have also reported and commented on it.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

In these reports and comments, there are some media reports from South Korea that have aroused the dissatisfaction and strong disgust of the majority of netizens, in which they have overly smeared the aerospace achievements of the eastern powers, and even directly accused the eastern powers of stealing technology, this kind of irresponsible remarks is undoubtedly an unreasonable slander of the scientific and technological achievements of the eastern powers, and it is also a great harm to the scientific researchers of the eastern powers, so after seeing these reports, many netizens have responded in the comment area, expressing their dissatisfaction and anger, also strongly condemned the actions of the South Korean media.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

South Korean media smeared the aerospace achievements of the eastern powers

After the news of Chang'e-6's successful return to Earth was released, the South Korean media also carried out relevant reports, but the content of their reports made many people feel very surprised and shocked, because in these reports, the South Korean media overly smeared the aerospace achievements of the Eastern powers, and they believed that the reason why the Eastern powers were able to successfully complete the mission of orbiting the moon and successfully send the probe return capsule back to Earth was entirely because of the theft of South Korean technology, and they also openly made such accusations on their own media platforms. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a serious denial of the scientific and technological achievements of the great powers of the East, and it is also a great harm to the scientific research personnel of the big countries in the East.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

We have our own unique aerospace technology route and research and development capabilities, and there is no need to steal the technology of other countries, and the development of the eastern powers in the aerospace field has always adhered to an open, inclusive and cooperative attitude, and has carried out cooperation and exchanges with other countries in many fields, so such groundless accusations by the South Korean media are completely groundless and a manifestation of moral anomie.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

Netizens responded strongly

In the face of such groundless accusations from the South Korean media, the majority of netizens in the big eastern countries did not choose to remain silent and forbear, but responded strongly in the comment areas of major social platforms, and they used their own words and actions to carry out a powerful counterattack on the behavior of the South Korean media, and also expressed their firm support and pride in the country's aerospace achievements.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

In these responses, netizens not only strongly condemned the behavior of the South Korean media, but also showed the outside world the outstanding achievements of the aerospace industry of the eastern powers through various ways, they rationally and fully expressed their views and opinions, and also called on more people to pay attention to and support the aerospace industry of the eastern powers, I believe that through such efforts, more people can understand the aerospace achievements of the eastern powers, and can also establish a better image and status for the eastern powers on the international stage. This spontaneous and enthusiastic response has also been unanimously recognized and supported by the majority of netizens.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

Aerospace achievements are the best riposte

We don't need to be overly concerned and angry about this groundless accusation by the South Korean media, because the aerospace field is a very serious and professional field, and scientific and technological achievements can be proven by facts and figures, and the big countries in the East also have their own series of aerospace achievements, which are the best counterattack, and we can show our strength and self-confidence to the outside world with practical actions.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

In this Chang'e-6 exploration mission, the eastern powers successfully achieved the landing and sample return mission of the lunar probe return capsule, which is another major breakthrough and success in the aerospace field of the eastern powers, and it is also a unique exploration mission in the world, which can be said to be a very challenging task, and we can successfully complete such a mission, which fully demonstrates the strong strength and leading level of the eastern powers in the aerospace field, and has also been highly recognized and praised by the international community. is the most convincing riposte, which can make all unreasonable accusations disappear.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!


Through this incident, we can see that in today's international community, the competition and cooperation between various countries are very complex, each country has its own development path and development advantages, and also hopes to be able to obtain better development opportunities and voice in the international arena, but in the face of the development achievements of other countries, we should look at it with an open, inclusive and respectful attitude, rather than attacking through groundless accusations and smears, only through fair competition and cooperation, We hope that through our efforts, more people can realize this and make due contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6 and spoke shamelessly, causing netizens to speak angrily!

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