
Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

author:Fun Horn Sports
Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment


Unexpected! At present, there are less than 30 days before the opening of the Paris Olympic Games, and the Table Tennis Association has now decided the quota for participation, and the previous invitation list of the International Table Tennis Federation and the Olympic Committee invited Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu to participate in singles, and Chen Meng's name did not appear.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

Regarding this news, it still aroused the anger of fans at the time, after all, they believed that Chen Meng's strength was above Wang Manyu, and in the recent list of participants released by the Chinese Table Tennis Association, Chen Meng successfully replaced Wang Manyu and obtained the singles qualification, which also made many fans wonder, how dare Liu Guoliang do it against the Table Tennis Federation?

Twice on the list

The Paris Olympics is the world's top event, for the Chinese table tennis team, the importance of this game is self-evident, of course, the Chinese team must want to be able to win all the championships, but this is not an easy thing, because the main competitor Japanese team, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, so we have to send the most top-notch people in national table tennis to fight against it to hope to win the championship.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

The strength of the "Little Devil" Sun Yingsha is obvious to all, so it is not surprising that fans are not surprised that she was selected for the singles quota of the Paris Olympics, and even knew early on that Sun Yingsha would definitely be selected, on the other hand, the other singles quota is a little twisted and turned.

Among them, the highest voice is Chen Meng and Wang Manyu, if you have to say which of the two is stronger, I believe that no one can be 100% sure, as long as there is a game, there will be wins and losses, of course, there will be players who play unstable, this is already a very normal thing.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

On June 19, the International Table Tennis Federation updated the singles quotas of various countries and associations, and by the way, Chen Meng was also pushed to the hot search, mainly because the International Table Tennis Federation did not invite Chen Meng, and the list of the Chinese team showed Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, but at the same time, it also made fans think that as early as May 14 this year, the Chinese Table Tennis Association had announced the list of participants for the Paris Olympics.

At that time, it was very clear that Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng participated in singles and teams, while Wang Manyu only participated in the team competition, so what is the reason for this situation? For a while, fans didn't know who was going to replace the Chinese table tennis team to participate in the singles of the Olympic Games, and in addition to Sun Yingsha, who was the other place?

The rules are controversial

The so-called singles invitation list, which specifically means that in the associations that have obtained two singles qualifications in the Olympic Games, the top two players will be included in the sequence of the singles list for the invitation to the Olympic Games.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

Sun Yingsha is ranked first in the world, and Wang Manyu is ranked second in the world, so according to this rule, the singles places should be Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu.

In the face of such a regrettable result, it is normal for fans and friends to feel anger and dissatisfaction. However, we also need to be rational to recognize that from the perspective of the selection mechanism and criteria of the Olympic Games, there is indeed a clear rule that the table tennis association that has won two quota places for the singles event of the Olympic Games must send the top two players in the current world rankings to participate.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

However, many people may overlook an important note in the regulations that national table tennis associations have the autonomy to decide which player to send to the singles competition. This means that the list of participants announced by the national table tennis team itself is reasonable, because the coaching staff of the national table tennis team knows the technical characteristics, psychological state, competitive level and health status of each player well.

In addition, the world ranking of table tennis players often fluctuates and is unpredictable, which makes relying solely on rankings to determine the players seem mechanical and inflexible.

When the dust settles--- it is an unexpected joy

Although there is a list of invitations, the Chinese Table Tennis Association has its own selection criteria, and the Saudi Grand Slam competition is the Olympic trials, in this competition, as the world's second ranked Wang Manyu, won the invitation of the International Table Tennis Federation, if she performs well in this competition, the singles quota of the Olympic Games must be hers.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

Maybe it's too nervous, Wang Manyu upset 1-3 to India's first sister Batra, you must know that Batra's world ranking is only 39, which is not a level at all, it is really unexpected, on the other hand, Chen Meng seized the opportunity, defeated Japan successively, and Sun Yingsha had a peak duel, Chen Meng suppressed Sun Yingsha all over the court, and finally won the championship of Saudi Arabia. Chen Meng successfully replaced Wang Manyu in the singles qualification with the key match of the Saudi Arabia station.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

In fact, on the question of who can qualify for singles, the debate between Chen Meng and Wang Manyu has not stopped, and the fans on both sides are fighting on the side of the players they support, and Wang Manyu's supporters have said that due to the change in the rules, the unfairness of the game has increased, and if there is no change, Wang Manyu is fully capable of qualifying for singles.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

And Chen Meng's fans said that they should respect the rules of the game, Chen Meng was finally able to achieve corner overtaking, which is itself a reflection of her strong strength, they believe that the opportunity has been given to Wang Manyu, but she did not seize the opportunity, who can blame it?

Chen Meng talks about Olympic singles for the first time

After confirming the qualification for the singles competition, Chen Meng said in an interview that he never gave up and has been training hard, and he still felt very surprised that he could finally qualify for singles.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

The Olympic Games are a long process, which not only requires hard work and continuous training on weekdays, but also plays a particularly important role in the state before the Olympic Games.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

Chen Meng has shown extraordinary talent and outstanding performance in her daily life, her hard work and perseverance make us full of confidence that she can participate in the Olympic Games, her skills and strength stand out among many athletes, allowing her to obtain this precious qualification, behind Chen Meng's achievements, is her countless days and nights of hard work and perseverance training, her success is obvious to all.


Regardless of whether the selection of national table tennis is reasonable or not, the fact that Wang Manyu will not be able to participate in the singles competition at this year's Olympic Games has been confirmed, and although this result may be disappointing, we still expect Wang Manyu to actively adjust his mentality and state and refocus his energy on the next team events.

Chen Meng: The ITTF and the Olympic Committee were not on the invitation list twice, and they did not give up until the last moment

At the same time, we also hope that Chen Meng can prepare seriously and meet the challenges of the Paris Olympics in the best condition, as a member of the national table tennis, Chen Meng has performed well in the past competitions, and we have reason to believe that she will be even better in the future competitions.

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