
Alphabet brother wins another championship + FMVP is the second PF in history? I suspected that he was already there

What will be the historical status of Alphabet Brother? Recently, former NBA player Perkins made a guest appearance on the "First Take" program, saying that if the alphabet brother wins the championship again this season and wins the MVP of the Finals, he can become the second largest forward in history.

Alphabet brother wins another championship + FMVP is the second PF in history? I suspected that he was already there

At first glance, Perkins' claims are somewhat sensational. Many fans will think that Alphabet Brother has not played in the NBA for many seasons, how can he be compared with the superstars in the big forward position in history? Even if Brother Alphabet can become the second-largest striker in history, how can he be qualified to participate in such an assessment until he reaches the twilight of his career?

But in fact, if you look closely, Perkins' claim is not sensational. Because in the history of the NBA, the number four position is not a superstar position.

Alphabet brother wins another championship + FMVP is the second PF in history? I suspected that he was already there

The first in the history of today's big forward is Duncan, but who is the second largest striker in history, in fact, there is no public opinion in the industry. Usually, most people choose Carl Malone, and Bob Petit, Barkley, Garnett and Nowitzki have all been nominated.

Compared with these players, although alphabet brother has not been in the league for too long, he is not inferior in honor. Today, Alphabet Brother has been elected as the regular season MVP twice, the MVP of the Finals once, won a crown, is also the winner of the Best Defensive Player and The Most Improved Player Award, and has been selected as an All-Star 6 times, the Best Team five times, the Best Defensive Team four times, and the 75 Superstars.

Alphabet brother wins another championship + FMVP is the second PF in history? I suspected that he was already there

Compared with Alphabet Brother, Malone and Barkley have won the regular season MVP three times, but they have not won championships in their lives; Garnett's championship, regular season MVP and best defensive player are all in no shortage, but they have not been elected to the Finals MVP; Nowitzki has won the championship, regular season MVP and Finals MVP, but he owes the award on the defensive end; Petit has won the championship and won the regular season MVP twice, but he is in an era that is too old, and the NBA award setting is not complete.

Alphabet brother wins another championship + FMVP is the second PF in history? I suspected that he was already there

Therefore, it can be said that with the current achievements alone, alphabet brother can already be selected as the second largest striker in history. Next, he will continue to reap the honors and eventually establish himself as the second-largest striker in history, and even launch an assault on Duncan's throne. (Supine Braces/Hairy)

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