
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

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Prepare before painting

Pen: large white cloud pen, large blue bamboo pen, small wolf

Color: ochre, ink

Others: palette, raw rice paper

Spotted leafy trees

There are many different point methods of point leaves, according to the different brushwork and characteristics of point leaves, it can be roughly divided into rat foot points, pepper points, mixed points, etc. When painting, the point leaf method should be determined according to the shape of the tree.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

1, the use of small wolf pen, dipped in heavy ink, double hook method in the front of the pen to draw the trunk of the tree, according to the growth of the trunk to draw the twigs, the branches should be in line with the growth law of the tree.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

2. Further improve the tree, add other branches, and determine the tilt of the tree.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

3. Dip in thick ink, use the mixed point method to ignite the leaves, lighten the ink tone, continue to add at the edge of the first group of leaves, and have appropriate gaps between the leaves.

Flanking and center points

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Choose a small wolf pen, dip it in thick ink, and point out the oval blades. The leaves should vary in size and distribution.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Choose a small wolf pen, dip in thick ink, center the pen, start the pen to leave the edge, and point out the blade. Note that the leaves should be arranged loosely and densely.

Point leaf program

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

The flanking pen points out the leaves that approximately a triangle. The ink tone is light, based on the first set of leaves, improve the leaf layout form, the shape should be slightly changed, and there should be appropriate gaps between the leaves.

Correct and wrong point method

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Too round

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Too square

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

The leaves pointed out should be of different sizes, uneven distribution, not too compact, otherwise it will be boring, and you must know how to transform.

Common point method

There are many different point methods of the point leaf method, which can be drawn with thick lines, thin lines and dry and wet thick strokes according to different brush strokes and characteristics. The point leaf method can be roughly divided into rat foot point, pepper point, mixed point and so on.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Look up

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Hanging head point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Pepper point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

a large mixed point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Preposition dot

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Sycamore point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Pointed point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Small mix points

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Rat foot point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Tsubaki leaf point

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Plum blossom dots

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance丨 12 ways to paint trees

Pine leaf spots

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