
Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

The material is excerpted from China Textile Publishing House "How to Draw Bamboo", written by Wu Zhongpei, excerpts of online shared content for reference only, if you need in-depth study, please purchase genuine books from formal channels.

One of the combination painting methods of branches and leaves

The branches are rich and the leaves are thick, the branches and leaves are few, the leaves are small, the branches are high, and the leaves are drooping. Painting bamboo is difficult to neglect, Zheng Banqiao said that "redundant and deleted to leave thin", so bamboo branches can not be too congested. It is difficult for Tai Sai to draw the spirit of bamboo, nor is it easy to express the sense of spatial distance. When painting, the pen should be thin and plump, beautiful and pulled, sideways and with a rope, and turned and more intermittent. It is extremely difficult to do with the bamboo knots, so it is necessary to pay attention to observation and taste in reality.

Step 1: Use the wolf pen to dip thick ink to draw a thin bamboo branch, and use the pen to be round and elastic.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 2: Draw a cluster of bamboo leaves on the right side, the next pen should be decisive, real press the virtual out, wipe it out, do not stay.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 3: Draw a few bamboo leaves on the left. Pay attention to the changes in the size, shape and density of bamboo leaves on the screen.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

The second method of combining branches and leaves

Step 1: Use the wolf pen to dip the slightly thicker ink, draw a curved bamboo branch with a center line, and use the pen to make it in one go. Then on both sides of the bamboo node, the V-shaped growth of the thin branches, with the pen to be elastic, not stiff.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 2: Dip the thick ink to draw the first cluster of bamboo leaves on the thin branches, and the pen should be pressed back to the front and raised, and the pen should be decisive, do not hesitate.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 3: Draw the second cluster of bamboo leaves to the left of the first cluster of bamboo leaves.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 4: Draw a third cluster of bamboo leaves slightly further away from the lower right side of the first two clusters of bamboo leaves.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 5: Continue to add bamboo leaves, pay attention to the density, aggregation relationship and morphological changes of several clusters of bamboo leaves.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 6: Draw a cluster of bamboo leaves on the branches.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 7: Use light ink to draw a few bamboo leaves behind to enrich the sense of spatial layering on the screen.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

The third method of combining branches and leaves

Step 1: Use the wolf pen to dip the slightly thicker ink and draw the first bamboo pole at the root with the center.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 2: Finish drawing the whole bamboo pole with the trend.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 3: Add thin bamboo poles to the sides of the root bamboo joint. The morphological structure of thin bamboo poles is generally V-shaped.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 4: Draw the twig at the second bamboo knot in the same way.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 5: Enrich the small bamboo shoots at the top of the bamboo pole, and pay attention to the posture of the entire bamboo pole and bamboo branch.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 6: Draw a large cluster of bamboo leaves in the upper left corner with thick ink.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 7: Add the bamboo leaves at the top of the screen. When drawing bamboo leaves, use the pen to press the virtual out, and the next pen should be decisive.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 8: Draw the bottom cluster of bamboo leaves.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 9: Continue to add bamboo leaves, and several bamboo leaves should be of appropriate size and density.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 10: Finally, draw a cluster of bamboo leaves at the bamboo branches. When painting a number of bamboo leaves, pay attention to the overall momentum, charm and charm of the picture.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

A combination of twigs and young leaves

Step 1: Dip the wolf pen in thick ink and draw the first bamboo branch with a center line.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 2: Draw the second bamboo branch, pay attention to the use of the pen to press, light and heavy changes.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 3: Use the same method to draw the bamboo branch on the top left side.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 4: Draw the bamboo branches on the right side of the bamboo knot.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 5: Use a wolf pen dipped in thick ink to draw the first bamboo leaf on the left twig.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

Step 6: Draw the second bamboo leaf, when drawing the bamboo leaf growing upwards, use a counter-edge pen and push it out from bottom to top.

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

A combination of twigs and bamboo leaves

Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method
Freehand ink bamboo branch and leaf combination painting method

If you are not finished, please continue to follow Xu Zhan's video to learn to draw bamboo

Bamboo Painting Method (1)

Bamboo Painting Method (2)

Material source network, copyright belongs to the original author!

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