
How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

author:History speaks of the new domain

On November 25, 1948, the People's Liberation Army surrounded the huang wei corps in motion on all sides in the shuangduiji area of Suxian County, Anhui Province.

The famous general Huang Wei is proficient in the regulations of the code of conduct, and the deployment is quite methodical. Based on the weakness of the PLA's weak firepower mainly relying on infantry impact, he ordered all military sub-districts to fortify, and each division to carry out three layers of in-depth defense -- forward positions, main positions, and core positions -- based on villages, and carefully laid out a seemingly solid "iron barrel array."

Each layer of positions consists of a bunker group of ming forts and dark bunkers, forming many triangular plum-shaped strongholds, and each corner can be arranged as a crossfire net.

The bunker group is connected by a communication ditch and a cover ditch, and each position can fight independently and support each other, and the village and the village are used as horns to cross as the death line.

But Huang Wei did not get relief from this, he understood that no matter how strong the fortifications were, how cleverly defensively equipped, in the end they were passively beaten.

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

What he was most worried about was that Du Yuming's side had done nothing, and since the People's Liberation Army had blocked him, it would not continue to fight in parallel on both sides, and the focus of the attack was most likely to shift to the double pile, first solving the 12th Corps and then solving the Xuzhou clique.

Huang Wei had already seen this sign, the General Front Committee of the Huaihai Campaign of the People's Liberation Army was moved to Linzhuoji in the west of Suxian County, and when Su Yu's command post had already advanced to the southeast of Suxian County, it was very close to the double pile set, and if Su Yu threw a few more columns, his equipment would be good, and the defense would be even more difficult.

Chief Liu Deng finally issued a general attack order, and the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army had already waited tirelessly, shouting: "Destroy the Twelve Corps!" Catch Huang Wei alive! The time for meritorious service has arrived, rush! ”

Desperately, they rushed through the sub-defensive zone, through the trenches and barbed wire, to clear the explosives, to remove the deer, and to break through the forward positions with a single blow.

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

However, it is very difficult to continue to attack the main position, and it is necessary to replenish the strength and reorganize the formation, and Huang Wei's defensive equipment does not give the PLA the necessary time and space.

The crossfire of the triangle stronghold and the plum blossom stronghold is too dense, and the firepower of the villages that are horned at each other is very clever. The follow-up troops of the People's Liberation Army are difficult to continue, and even if they rush to a certain part, they are overwhelmed by firepower, and it is difficult to rectify the formation and command a strong attack.

If we don't find a way to break the line, we can't solve the problem by blindly attacking wildly. Chen Geng, commander-in-chief of the Eastern Group, ordered the troops to rest and hold a "Zhuge Liang meeting," and everyone used their brains to think of a way. In the night, he limped around the forward positions and practiced the method of breaking the position with the command personnel.

Less than three days after resting, "Zhuge Liang" came out: taking advantage of the darkness of the night to secretly march into the vacuum zone, forming several scattered lines of troops, quickly carrying out individual operations, first making horizontal bunkers, then expanding into kneeling bunkers, and then communicating with each other.

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

At dawn, crisscrossing traffic ditches appeared in front of Huang Wei's defensive zone.

Rifles and machine guns could not be fired, and a cannon could not kill or injure several people when it fell. The Kuomintang Eighteenth Army was well-equipped, and its commander, Yang Botao, ordered the firing of artillery, "Blow up all the traffic ditches for me, and see where he hides!" ”

After a roar, the vacuum became a vacuum again. At dawn the next day, the communication trenches of the scattered trenches reappeared, and then destroyed and reappeared.

Chen Geng instructed his subordinates: "Do a good job of traffic ditches, withdraw all of them before dawn, and watch Yang Botao perform artillery battles." ”

The Eighteenth Army performed for three days, and on the fourth day, Yang Botao's orders could not be issued, and it was necessary to cherish the ammunition, so the trenches were extended, and some fire support points were only forty meters away from the enemy's front, almost under the eyes.

Chen Geng did not rest any longer, issued an order to attack, and attacked the Fourteenth Army first.

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

Li Weizi was stationed in the Tenth Division of the Fourteenth Army. The People's Liberation Army dug trenches to the edge of the village, and if there were enough cannons to open the way, Li Weizi would be finished with a single order. But Chen Geng only had four howitzers in his hands. His offensive weapon is mainly "flying thunder", an iron lump filled with 30 pounds of explosives.

When launching the attack, a salvo of howitzers was fired first, so that the Kuomintang officers and men could hear clearly and the new weapons were genuine, and then the "flying thunder" was thrown over without hesitation with the earth launcher.

This thing is not very lethal, the momentum is not small, only to see it like a black old pigeon dangling and flying slowly, a muffled thunderclap, gun smoke and sand and gravel dust rising, shocking people to the point of deafness.

Groups of black eagles flew over one after another, rumbling endlessly, shaking the mountains, and the sky was dark, and not many of the officers and men of the Tenth Division were killed and stunned.

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

When the PLA's "artillery preparations" were completed and one by one woke up to prepare for the battle, the PLA had already rushed in, and some of them even appeared behind them.

Only 40 minutes before and after the Battle of Li Weizi, the officers and men of the Tenth Division were taken prisoner in a daze, and the division commander Pan Qi did not accept defeat and said: "You are engaged in the art of human sea drama. ”

Chen Geng smiled and said, "I really want you to be right, our army suffered heavy losses in this man-sea tactic, with a total of 10 casualties." ”

Chen Geng took two more small villages in succession, and decided to fight Yang Weizi. It was this decision that broke through Huang Wei's "iron barrel array" in one fell swoop.

Yang Weizi is a double stack of east barriers, and the aircraft drop field and landing field are behind it. Garrisoning Yang Weizi were the headquarters of the Fourteenth Army and the Eighty-fifth Division.

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

The commander of the Tenth Army, Xiong Huanchun, Huangpu III, and Chen Geng was the commander of the infantry section at that time.

Before the attack, Chen Geng wanted to talk to Xiong Huanchun on the phone, but the line was not connected, and he wrote a letter and sent it to the captured Kuomintang commander.

The letter said that the last night melee caught you, but unfortunately I was not there, no one knew you, let you go, and you had to suffer a second difficulty. Now that the overall situation has been decided, the revolutionaries should take the revolutionary road, clinging to neither possible nor meaningless, if they are willing to come and win the welcome. Cloud.

Xiong Shouchun asked the leader of the letter, "Do you want to reply to the letter?" ”


"Are you still in the past?"

The regimental commander hesitated for a moment and said, "Chen Geng said to do whatever you want, but I still want to go." ”

How did the "iron barrel array" carefully laid out by the famous general Huang Wei be broken by Chen Geng in one fell swoop?

Xiong Shouchun burst into tears: "Chen Geng loves to tell jokes and also loves to tell the truth, we have no way out." You did the right thing, but unfortunately I can't be as free as you, and I can't do anything to apologize to the chairman! ”

Yang Weizi was breached, Xiong Shouchun reached out and touched the pocket of his clothes, Chen Geng's letter was still there, he decided to go to See Chen Geng and propose other ways to solve the problem, less senseless sacrifice. Just out of the bunker, a bullet flew in front of him, and Xiong Shouchun was killed.

Of course, Chen Geng was still interesting enough for this former colleague, and he ordered someone to bury Xiong Shouchun's body and erect a wooden plaque, which was a decent arrangement for his future affairs.

Xiong Shouchun's death gave the Kuomintang generals in the Huaihai Campaign a warning: to surrender to the People's Liberation Army, they must seize the opportunity to surrender, and the fate of hesitation is often sad.

As Chen Geng broke through Huang Wei's "iron barrel array", the battle became more and more smooth, and by December 15, Huang Wei's corps was finally completely destroyed.