
Stop being deceived by the West! The Russian economy is not so bad, and the status quo is far beyond impressions

author:Wolf Smoke Jun

The United States has the most developed online media in the world and promotes its own values to the outside world, the most of which is to sing the praises of hostile countries, not only the mainland, but also Russia. The whole world has a bad impression of the Russian economy, but the current situation is far beyond people's imagination.

Stop being deceived by the West! The Russian economy is not so bad, and the status quo is far beyond impressions

In fact, Russia's economy is not so bad. We all know that oil and gas is the largest economic pillar in Russia, and the value of these two resources accounts for 1/3 of the country's GDP, but in addition, Russia has the second pillar industry, that is, the military industry. But all those who have studied history know that Russia's heavy industry is strong and light industry is slightly inferior. The military industry in heavy industry can bring tens of billions of dollars in profits to Russia every year, to a certain extent, to get the country out of economic difficulties, and even the advanced equipment that people export too much every year, and can also bring a lot of foreign exchange.

Stop being deceived by the West! The Russian economy is not so bad, and the status quo is far beyond impressions

In addition, Russia, as a large country with a large area and sparsely populated people, will naturally try to use the value of land by all means, and its agricultural development should not be underestimated, and the agricultural products sold every year account for the world's first, which is a well-deserved wheat export power. The above areas have formed an indispensable economic pillar for Russians. In this way, you must not be deceived by Western countries again.

Stop being deceived by the West! The Russian economy is not so bad, and the status quo is far beyond impressions

In the eyes of many people, Russia's economic structure is not only single, it seems that nothing but the military industry can get its hands on it. As of last year, Russia's per capita GDP was $12,000, which has exceeded the world average and is obviously much stronger than other countries. Due to the small population, Russia encourages its citizens to have more children, and naturally it will come with a series of free benefits, such as education and medical energy, a reward of 50,000 yuan for having a child, and if there are more children, the country will raise children for the people, so Russia is not as bad as the Western media reports. Nor are the Russians in dire straits, waiting for other countries to save them.

Stop being deceived by the West! The Russian economy is not so bad, and the status quo is far beyond impressions

However, I also understand the stereotype of Russia from the outside world, after all, in addition to the wanton smear of the Western media, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's economy has regressed seriously, and for a long time, its economy has not improved significantly in the world. The main thing is that the Russians are very low-key and do not want to expose their real strength, but the outside world also has to admit it.

Stop being deceived by the West! The Russian economy is not so bad, and the status quo is far beyond impressions

Today's Russia has emerged from the recession and resumed growth, the only drawback is that even if they have a complete industrial system, light industry is Russia's weakness, casually walk into a Russian supermarket to find daily necessities, most of which are made abroad. With Russia's strength, it is believed that the need is some time to overcome. I advise Western countries to compete with Russia as an opponent, and the most important thing to do is to have the courage to recognize the strength of the other side and report it to the people truthfully, not blindly confident, otherwise it will be their own loss when the time comes.