
Tarzan's top 3 challenges to defend his title

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In the new season of the Chinese Super League, in the end who is the favorite to compete for the title, from the current situation, Taishan team defended the title encountered many challenges, the reinforcement of the harbor is very rapid, the three towns in Wuhan have a rising trend, and the number of games in the new season should increase significantly, which has also become a variable in the Chinese Super League championship.

Last season, Taishan's victory was relatively smooth, and in the first stage, Taishan gave full play to the advantage of bench thickness and achieved a 3-point lead. In the second stage, the Tarzan team also had the last laugh in the strong matchup, especially the first leg of the 2-0 victory over the harbor, laying the foundation for winning the championship. In the FA Cup match, The Tarzan team defeated Harbor 1-0 and was crowned double champion, which is a manifestation of strength.

Tarzan's top 3 challenges to defend his title

In the 2022 season, the Taishan team will indeed face more challenges if they want to defend their title. First, in terms of his own lineup, Xu Xin is about to leave the team, Guo Tianyu is staying in Yang, of course, he may return after the middle of the season, plus Fellaini's age is one year older, and the Taishan team will face more tests. In terms of reinforcement, Taishan signed Liao Lisheng, replaced Xu Xin in the opposite position, the new forward foreign aid is still negotiating, and whether it can introduce a high-level forward is also a key, which needs to be resolved by Taishan before the start of the game.

Tarzan's top 3 challenges to defend his title

Second, the training of the national brand will also affect the team's preparation, taishan team's number of international players is now the largest number of Chinese Super League, they can not return to the team until the start of the league, almost missing the team's entire pre-season preparation, which is also a problem for the coaching staff to face. Not only the national football team members, but also young players may face the task of the Asian Games, including the training of the U21 national team, which will also have a certain impact. When the Tarzan team will be ready for the battle is a suspense.

Tarzan's top 3 challenges to defend his title

Third, the opponent's strength has improved significantly, especially the harbor, the existing information shows that the harbor is unlikely to sign Axon, Jiang Guangtai and Zhang Linpeng, and it is also expected to sign the other two internationals of the Guangzhou team, it is reported that it is also aimed at other naturalized players, which shows the determination of the harbor, and the harbor does have an advantage in reinforcements. If Harbor really signs so many new signings, it will indeed improve in overall strength and bring more pressure to the Taishan team. And the existing internationals in the harbor only have two people participating in the national football training, and their pre-season preparation will be more systematic. In addition to the seaport, the promotion of Wuhan three towns should not be underestimated, and their number of reinforcements in the new season may also exceed 8.

Overall, the Taishan team will indeed encounter more challenges on the way to defending the title, but in the new season, the key for the Taishan team is to be themselves, especially in the case of an elongated schedule, if they really play 34 rounds, then how to maintain the stability of the team is the key.

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