
Some students of the 2022 family education instructor learned from the experience

The following randomly selected part of the family education instructor training course students learning summary and experience; the ownership of the works belongs to the students of the family education instructor training class of our institution

Listening to Teacher Jin Ying's lessons, I have a feeling: a child who grows up in a happy family must be happy and rich in his heart, and the children raised by the unhappy family are either inferior, or sensitive, or a little twisted in psychology, so it is said that lucky people are cured by childhood in their lives, and unfortunate people are cured of childhood in their lives. If the relationship between the parents of the original family is not good, it will also have a certain impact on the child, if it has had a bad impact, you may wish to sit down with the child and chat, say the problems between you, say your truest thoughts, and untie each other's knots.

On January 7, Xu Yihong's "Emotional Management of Parents" concluded: The accumulation of long-term pressure and bad emotions seriously affects people's physical and mental health. Because inappropriate work, life, study and other pressures not only damage individuals, but also damage the health of the organization, stress and emotional management are relative to our relationship. Out-of-control emotions are the enemy of life and things, and extreme emotions can keep your friends away from you, alienate your family, and cast a shadow over your career. Therefore, you need to correctly adjust your emotions, let your influence value in negative emotions fall to the minimum limit of self-control, and always maintain a "positive attitude" to take every day seriously. Naturally, due to differences in personality, different people's reactions to stress are certainly not the same, and everyone has different experiences and experiences in the management of stress.

"Basic Principles of Family Education II" Teacher Li Jiao

In this lesson, the teacher talked about the basic characteristics and basic methods of tutoring

I had two lessons in mind

1, the reason why our children become our children, is a kind of fate, because he can not choose, we can not choose, therefore, we should cherish the parent-child relationship with the child

2, the best way to educate children is from life, taken from life, in the daily life habits, to find opportunities to teach children by example.

Excerpts from Teacher Lin Wencai's classic praise sentences:

1 You can take responsibility, amazing

2 First of all, I am interested in your thoughts

3, it's great that you did it before I said it

4, I like the way you are now

5, you are very active, think clearly and do it

6, you can reflect, willing to change, really good

7, I'm so glad to have a child like you

8, do not hurt people, do not hurt themselves, the rest let go to do.

Listen to the basic principles of family education I have a feeling: Personally feel that the basic content of family education includes: one, moral education, two, good behavior habits, three, good psychological quality, four, intelligent development, five, strong body.

The basic role of family education: parents are the child's first teacher, but also the child's lifelong teacher, family education has three major roles: early enlightenment, lifelong decision-making effect, lifelong educational impact. Therefore, parents are lifelong. To do a good job as a parent is to do a good job in family education, and the healthy growth of the child's life will be guaranteed. Family education, school education and social education, all three are indispensable and must be closely coordinated. Family education has a lifelong foundational role and a lifelong development role for children. However, family education is different from school education, family education has a restrictive effect on school education, and schools guide family education. Family education is related to the quality of the people and the rise and fall of the country. May our family education blossom with the flower of happiness under the joint action of school and social education.

2.22 Listening to the lecture on the basic principles of family education has a feeling: in a family, the child's growth is too much to do with the parents, the parents' role model power is infinite, and it affects the child all the time, so as a parent, you must always be strict with yourself in words and deeds. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will take a lifetime or even several generations to make up for it. People are mutual, feelings are very important, when you are too attached to a hobby and yaw, neglect the family, less love for the child, in fact, on the road of no return farther and farther, the roles in the family are different at different times, if you deviate from it is equivalent to loss. May there be a little more responsibility, a little more persistence and perseverance on the road of love.

Some students of the 2022 family education instructor learned from the experience

Professor Qin Jie's "Basic Principles of Education and Growth of Talents" has a feeling: that is, the combination of education and practice is manifested in: First, education and productive labor are one of the most powerful means to transform modern society; second, the combination of education and productive labor is a way to improve social productivity; third, the combination of education and production practice is the only way to cultivate all-round development of people. Marx said in Capital: "The combination of education and productive labour is not only a method of raising social production, but also the only way to bring about the all-round development of man."

Supplement listening to the "Basic Principles of Family Education II" Teacher Li Jiao has a feeling: In this lesson, I have two feelings: 1, we become father and son is a kind of fate, because he can't choose, we can't choose, so we should cherish this parent-child relationship with our children.

2, the child's way of education, the best way is to experience life, in daily life to maintain a good habit is very important, and used in the usual habits of life, while finding opportunities to teach children by example.

2.23 Learning Professor Cao Xia's "Strategies for Getting Children's Addiction to Online Behavior" has a feeling: 1. First find out the reasons for children's addiction and the reasons behind it, and why they like it so much. 2. Tell us what are the dangers of addicting to the Internet. What are the consequences. 3. Teach according to the person, adopt methods, transposition thinking to try to communicate, and consolidate the strengthening effect.

After studying Professor Xu's "Family Education Development Strategy", I felt that the family-based home-school community combination model has six advantages:

(1) Comprehensiveness: In areas where school education and social education are not involved, family education is indispensable.

(2) Permeability: Refers to all aspects of family life factors, will play a subtle infiltration role for children. Relationships between family members, cultural atmosphere, living customs. Parents' hobbies and so on will penetrate into the child's soul.

(3) Authority: Parents have an advantage that general educators cannot match, because there is a blood relationship between parents and children, and there is a relationship of economic and life trust. Authority has a powerful personality influence and is an invisible educational force.

(4) Flexibility: Family education is not limited by time, place, occasion and conditions, and can be carried out at any time. "Teaching when encountering things", teaching with the camera, through life practice or activities with children, using all available opportunities to educate children, the method is very flexible and easy to be accepted by children.

(5) Pertinence: Due to the special relationship between parents and children, children and parents get along day and night, and children are less wary in their natural state, so their ideological style and behavior habits are the most real and full. "Knowing the son Mo Ruo Father, knowing the daughter Mo Ruo Mother" illustrates this point. This provides conditions for parents to conduct education in a timely and targeted manner.

(6) Long-term: The long-term nature of family education is accompanied by life, and compared with school education, it is more continuous and lasting. Children are homeschooled from birth. Although the role of family education at different stages is different, it always accompanies life. This is a topic that has been insisted on for a long time, and I hope that parents will keep their original intentions and stick to it.

Some students of the 2022 family education instructor learned from the experience

"Out of the misunderstanding, make children adult" Zheng Yuechang

Start listening to the first lesson today

Whole-person cultivation: (cultivation of posture, body shape, physical fitness, personality, intelligence)

One of the things that made me feel most deeply was the cultivation of physical fitness and personality

In this lesson, the teacher explained a lot of the misunderstandings of the godson, which made me re-understand my thinking in tutoring, which was very beneficial.

The core of personality cultivation: it is the cultivation of self-confidence (give more positive psychological hints, unconditional positive attention, find and let children see their own advantages, link more to the place where children progress to give affirmation, and let children succeed in doing things to achieve self-confidence)

Some students of the 2022 family education instructor learned from the experience

Now mobile phone addiction is not only a problem for children, many parents are addicted to mobile phones and can not extricate themselves, or play games or play mahjong or chase dramas, adults have not done what to ask good children? In order to solve the problem of children's mobile phone addiction, first of all, as a parent, we must control the problem of using mobile phones in front of children.

After completing Professor Zheng's course, I benefited a lot.

First of all, Professor Zheng's whole-person education level is clear, the context is clear, and the explanation is detailed, which makes me realize that I usually ignore the aspects of my own education of children, and also let me have a clearer direction in the future.

Secondly, I think that parents are originals, children are copies, parents' words and deeds are very important, whether it is games or other aspects, parents should lead by example and be a good example for their children!

"Basic Principles of Family Education I" Li Jiao

Listen to the second lesson today

In today's class, I learned the importance of family education for children, for schools, and for society, (small to settle down, big to prosper)

The main methods of family education: teaching by example, charisma, authoritative influence

The focus of this lesson is mainly on the basic rules of home teaching: 1. How to guide the five total family structures. 2. Only personality can affect the development of personality, and only personality can cultivate character. At this point, it is mainly said that the primary focus of tutoring is that parents need to improve their personal quality, and individuals agree with this point, and we should maintain an attitude and action of lifelong learning and growth.

Finally, the teacher mentioned to stay healthy, although the teacher did not focus on this, but this point is really important, if our body is not healthy enough, then do anything is more than enough and insufficient strength, even if you have a broad sky inside, the body is not healthy, you can only be an eagle lying in the nest

On February 18, I learned Mr. Li's "Basic Principles of Family Education I" very fruitful, and I felt that I should have contacted these principles earlier, so that I would take fewer detours on the road of parenting, and the parent-child relationship would be more harmonious. After learning the video and looking at the training materials, combined with their own family situation, put down the mobile phone to try to communicate with the child, the effect is not bad, there is laughter at home. Although you can't grasp every minute to accompany your child, if you can grasp every minute of your child and improve the quality of companionship, then I think the quality of family education will gradually improve.

On February 19, I learned Mr. Li's "Basic Principles of Family Education 2"

1. The sand table at the beginning impressed me, from the children who make the sand table seem to see some shadows in their own homes, as a parent, sometimes you should think differently, take care of the child's emotions, and listen to the child's voice.

2. Teacher Li introduced in detail the basic methods of family education, the combination of cases and videos, which is reasonable and convincing. In the matter of educating children, parents should seek appropriate methods and effective guidance, rather than simply and rudely, using excessive language and even violent behavior to make their children obey.

Through the study of Professor Zhao Jie's "Child Psychology", I have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the physical and mental development of children of different ages and avoid the foreknowledge of problem children, which is practical!

When your original family is hurt, what matters is not how you let go and forgive those who hurt you, but how to heal yourself and get yourself out of the hurt.

On February 20, I listened to Professor Zheng talk about how to get out of the misunderstanding of family education: First, tell less reason to children and tell more stories to children. Using stories to inspire and guide is more acceptable to children than simple preaching. The second is to allow children to make mistakes in a safe environment, with our correct guidance, making mistakes is also an exercise for children, and experience will make him grow. The third is to remember a sentence when we want to nag our children, and we would rather not say it than say more. When the child hates your nagging, even if you say the truth, the child cannot listen to it or want to listen to it, and such education is not only ineffective, but also further stimulates the child to redouble his rebellion against you. The fourth is to understand more about the characteristics of children, give children more encouragement, and listen more to what children want to say. Only when you really understand the child and know what the child needs, can you respect the child and give the child what he wants, and our education will be more targeted. Fifth, from now on, not to do more for the child, but not to do anything for the child. Learning to let go, but not to give up, is like a kite, no matter how high it flies, the line is in our hands. Sixth, love means companionship, and growing children need the companionship of our love more, but we must pay attention to the quality of companionship rather than quantity. Let us work together to build a clear sky for children, so that children can continue to grow up healthily under our company and guidance!

On February 20, listening to The basic course of Teacher Zhao Jie, I felt that attention is the basic ability of children to learn and live, and although the formation of children's attention has a certain relationship with innate genetics, the acquired environment and the influence of education are more important. Parents should consciously cultivate their children's attention according to the laws and characteristics of their children's physical and mental development, and help their children develop good qualities and abilities.

On February 20, I learned Mr. Xu's "Parents' Emotional Management", and whether parents' emotions are stable has a great impact on children. Parents have good temperament, good at managing their emotions, the child's temper is relatively mild, even when encountering the child's temper can be properly handled, will not be violent to counter violence, with a loud voice, even more fierce than the child's temper to suppress the child's temper. Parents who can control their emotions are the blessing of their children, and the good of their children is also the blessing of parents. I like Teacher Xu's closing sentence, "If things backfire, there must be other arrangements."

2.21 Listen to Professor Xu's basic abilities for parents and children: Parents should have these four abilities:

First, the ability to analyze the purpose of the child's behavior. To educate children well, it is necessary to recognize that each stage of the child's child shows different and different development characteristics. Parents' analysis of the purpose of their children's behavior is particularly important.

Second, the communication ability between parents and children. This is a benign positive two-way communication ability. Parents with this ability is not only conducive to the creation of a harmonious atmosphere in the family, but also directly improve the effect of children's education.

Third, parents' own emotions, the ability to regulate Some parents face their children's problems can regulate their own emotions and rational educational methods and attitudes to deal with. This is not only conducive to properly solving the problem, but also enhances the parent-child relationship.

Fourth, the responsibility of parents, the ability of parents are the managers of family life, in the family to bear important responsibilities. Parents have the courage to take responsibility, responsibility is conducive to the child's active and healthy growth, and vice versa will cause various shortcomings in the child's personality.

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