
The Hall of the Corpse King of the Blood Legend

In the legendary game world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Maybe two people are still enemies a moment ago, and then they can become friends because of a piece of equipment. At that time, this game was not as long as you could get what you wanted with Krypton gold, and players liked to rely on their own hands to burst out of the equipment to feel meaningful, otherwise there would not be so many players who stayed in the game every day and night. If you want to get some excellent weapons and game props, then you need to spend a lot of time and energy to spawn boss mobs, and this is not to say that we can definitely explode as long as we hit a certain boss, which is also a chance. The better the weaponry, the more scarce it is, then it must be the most difficult to get rid of. This requires the patience and perseverance of players, so in some places where things come out, it has become a place where soldiers must fight, and those places have not dried up because players have been fighting for many years.

The Hall of the Corpse King of the Blood Legend

When players want to get the skill book, they have to mention one place, that is, the Corpse King Hall. How many friends have squatted in the Corpse King Hall for a few days and nights for a high-level skill book, and they have also worked hard to see the Corpse King. At that time, a thirty-five-level vocational skill book, even if the player did not use it himself, could be sold for a good price. Walking in the right-hand direction of Early Beach City, at the end of the cliff, you will find a large cave, and at the entrance of the cave, there are some abandoned minecarts and mining tools. The wind in the cave whizzed, and from time to time there were several howls of unknown monsters. Enter the cave and see hordes of miners digging through veins, which is the main source of gold for the early days of the Legendary Game.

The Hall of the Corpse King of the Blood Legend

The deeper you go, the less you see the miners, because you will brush out hordes of zombies. The Corpse King Hall is darker than the light in the abandoned mining area, and the smell inside is also very unpleasant due to the perennial lack of ventilation. Corpse King: The King of Zombies, living in a dead mine. It can inject strange gases into dead bodies to make them call zombies. Originally he possessed this magic power to create zombies, but now he is trying to regain this ability, and if people pass through the death mine, it will kill them with chains wrapped around their bodies. Danger and opportunity coexist, although the corpse king is not easy to deal with, but the benefits brought to us after getting it are also huge.

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