
Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

There are many types of monsters in the legend, and each map refresh has its own characteristics, such as the wild boar series refreshed in the stone tomb, and the zombie series mainly refreshed in the mine cave. There are also some cases of duplicate appearance among the monsters in the middle, that is, the name has been changed, and the attributes are somewhat different.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

There are still many monsters with the same appearance, for example, the Woma Sect Leader has many "twin brothers", there are heavy emissaries, and there are Sacred Domain Sect Lords. Their stats and dropouts vary. Today, Lao Dao will take stock of the three pairs of monsters in the legendary game that "look different from life", and two of them are no longer visible.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

The first pair: monk zombies and stone tomb corpse kings

The monk zombies in the Beech Mining Area are also one of the more exquisite types of monsters of the same kind, and they are relatively comfortable to look at. It produces some low-end skill books and small potions, and also contributes a lot of initial experience and skills to newcomer players. The most classic is that the entrance to the Corpse King Hall is set as a hole drilled by a monk zombie, but at that time, everyone was looking for it.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

At the end of the seventh floor of the Stone Tomb, when the player approaches the small mound, a monk zombie's "big brother" will be drilled out, the Stone Tomb Corpse King. People are boss level, burst three also advanced skill books, and a lot of potions and equipment. Among them, some people have played "Summoning Divine Beasts", which is really hi-pi.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

Second pair: Falcon and Condor

But from the appearance point of view, there is no difference between the falcon and the condor, both of which are monsters refreshed by the alliance. But the difference is not just the name. Condor used to be the big boss of the alliance heavy ground, because it was randomly refreshed, sometimes refreshing in the league city is the player's "nightmare", the security zone is watching black and white TV, because the BOSS is not easy to play.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

In addition, condors can be dug, and three kinds of props appear randomly: skill books, equipment and potions. However, the Condor was canceled in the early years, and now it cannot be seen, I believe that there are not many players who have seen this aerial BOSS, right?

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

The third pair: The Dragon God and the Dark Dragon God

Touch Dragon God said that the BOSS will have almost meaning, said that it is a mob bar seems to be slightly stronger, Touch Dragon God in addition to the ability to drill the ground is very strong, the rest is the ability to explode the sun water, basically a dozen large sparkling small yellow bottles.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

In the early years, on the tenth floor of the illusion, there lived a distant relative of the Dragon Touch God, the Dark Touch Dragon God, who was the real big boss, not only had high damage, but also had the explosive rate of slaying the dragon. Many buddies have said in previous messages that they have beaten the dragon slayer. Unfortunately, after the cancellation of the Illusion Map, the Dark Touch Dragon God disappeared along with the map.

Blood Legend: Three pairs of monsters with "different looks and different lives", two of which are no longer visible

After reading the above analysis, you can intuitively see that these three pairs of monsters are indeed "different lives with the same appearance", especially the two disappeared BOSSes have been seen when playing legends?

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