
Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public

We know that tomorrow will update the eighth episode of the fifth season of the anime of "Bad Guys Who Painted the Rivers and Lakes", and today, Wakamori officially gave information early, roughly explaining what will be played tomorrow. In the new episode, Li Xingyun will take Ji Ruxue, "Little Rich Woman" Sister, Luo Xiaobei and the accompanying bad people to the general rudder. Due to the extremely mysterious and remote location of the general rudder, on the way, it is naturally indispensable to the entanglement of Li Xingyun and Ji Ruxue. Seeing Li Xingyun and Ji Ruxue xiu's love, Sister Ah was mesmerized to see it, while Luo Xiaobei did not say a word.

Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public
Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public

After a long journey, Li Xingyun and others finally came to the helm of the bad people. The general rudder, located in a small town in the desert, seems to have many ordinary people, but in fact, they are all disguised by bad people, just waiting for the election of bad handsome. For the arrival of Li Xingyun, the bad people in the general rudder did not show much enthusiasm, but instead looked like they were fighting with swords, and seemed to be ready to do something to Li Xingyun. However, the bad people who were in the general rudder all surrounded the mirror heart demon, as if the mirror heart demon was the new bad handsome.

Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public
Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public

Seeing the arrival of the former Heavenly Son, the Mirror Heart Demon first looked enthusiastic and treated Li Xingyun wholeheartedly. After a full meal, the Mirror Demon began to inquire about Li Xingyun's ambitions, and if Li Xingyun could inherit the will of the bad marshal and raise an army to become emperor, he would swear allegiance to Li Xingyun and be willing to go to the tang for Li Xingyun. However, Li Xingyun's answer was not the answer that the Mirror Demon thought in his heart. Even if the bad marshal died to thank him, Li Xingyun still ignored it and did not change substantively. Li Xingyun still did not want to raise his sword and raise his army to claim the emperor.

Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public
Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public

For Li Xingyun's answer, the Mirror Heart Demon was very disappointed, and instantly changed from the appearance of attentiveness in the previous second to a cold one. In the eyes of the Mirror Heart Demon, Li Xingyun was really cowardly, had no ambition, and was not worthy of bad people serving his life and sacrificing his life for it. Moreover, what made the Mirror Demon even more angry was that Li Xingyun actually wanted to run for a bad marshal and lead a bad person. For Li Xingyun's shamelessness, the mirror heart demon instantly exploded in his mentality. In the view of the Mirror Heart Demon, Li Xingyun did not want to be called emperor, and was already a disgrace to the death of a bad marshal, and Li Xingyun had not cooperated with the bad people. However, Li Xingyun wants to run for a bad coach and change the fate of bad people. You must know that such a miserable fate of bad people now is caused by Li Xingyun's concessions.

Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public
Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public

Therefore, the Mirror Heart Demon bluntly ridiculed Li Xingyun's idea of running for a bad marshal, and also encouraged other bad people to hate Li Xingyun. In the general rudder of the bad people, although many bad people did not arrive, similar to Wen Tao, Meng Po, Master Hui Jue and Shangguan Yunque did not come, but it was still the arrival of a very few bad people. The strength of these lieutenants is also the best among the middle heavens and the great heavens. At the instigation of the Mirror Heart Demon, they moved towards Li Xingyun. However, out of guilt, Li Xingyun did not choose to fight back, but quietly endured the anger in the hearts of bad people and the punches and kicks in reality.

Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public
Bad Guy 5: The mirror heart demon mentality exploded, Li Xingyun still did not want to be called emperor, and the former Tianzi attracted the anger of the public

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