
The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

On May 31, 2021, the state implemented a policy that a couple can have three children. From this day on, the MPV models of major automobile manufacturers ushered in a good time for promotion. When the media introduced an MPV model, they did not forget to emphasize that the three-child policy is coming, and the spring of MPV is coming. Looking at it more, I thought that the sales of MPVs would soar after this historic moment.

The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

What is the reality?

In terms of production, in terms of production, in the whole year of 2021, the mainland will produce 1.073 million MPV units, an increase of 6.1% year-on-year. The confidence of various manufacturers is still quite strong.

In terms of sales, MPV models sold a total of 1.079 million vehicles (data from the Association of Passenger Vehicles) fell by 1% year-on-year. The total sales volume is Wang Xiao'er's New Year, and one year is not as good as a year. The total sales of MPV have declined, is it not the overall sales of passenger cars? The overall passenger car market in 2021 increased by 4.4% year-on-year.

The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

In terms of model sales, Wuling Hongguang sold 252,200 units, ranking first in the sales list, accounting for more than 20% of total sales, but compared with its own sales in 2020, it fell by 11%. Not only Wuling Hongguang, Dongfeng Fengxing, Baojun 730 and other tool-type, low-end entry-level MPV sales decline is relatively severe.

The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

The second to fifth sales list are Buick GL8, Trumpchi M8, Capgemini, and Alexand. Buick GL8 and Alexand are no strangers to each other, and the top five nail households in the sales list. The Trumpchi M8 sold 66,153 units in 2021, almost doubling compared to 2020. Capgemini sold 62,616 units in 2021. Although many people complain that Wuling Capgemini is a van, sales have increased by 345.8% compared with 14,045 units in 2020.

The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

As a model evolved from a station wagon, MPV has both the comfort of a sedan and the loading of a van, which should be the first choice for many families.

The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

Putting aside tool-type cars such as Wuling Hongguang, most of the MPV shape design is square and thick, as a business car, almost every car can not be faulted. As a family car, I always feel like a driver when I go out.

The three children have let go, why can't MPV sales come up?

Secondly, there is no price advantage, in addition to the entry-level model, how to look like a tool car, whether it is the material and chassis power, the sense of grade is difficult to say. The general price of models above the mid-range is much higher than that of SUV of the same level, so many people prefer to buy a seven-seat SUV.

So if you have a large family, will you buy an MPV?

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