
Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

The most annoying person in "The World" is not about Zhou Rong's mother and daughter, especially Zhou Rong, from beginning to end, it is not enough to describe it with gritted teeth. But such a selfish and cold woman is loved by some people, or is cai Xiaoguang such an excellent man, is it not very unreasonable?

It is said that reading can be clear and clear,but in Zhou Rong's body, we deeply realize that the selfishness of Zhou Rong, who is the most ruthless reader, seems to be engraved in her bones, making people feel incredible. How can a person, a person whose parents are very reasonable, whose family is very warm, and who has been highly educated, be selfish and take it with peace of mind, without the slightest sense of guilt and shame?

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

But we also have to say that it seems that most of the children who are as good at reading as Zhou Rong and who have been proud sons of heaven in the eyes of outsiders since childhood are selfish and cold. If she is still very good-looking, there is always a willingness to pay for all her willfulness.


1. Caused by the educational system

In the past, coastal cities were not yet developed, few people did business, and China once cracked down on speculators. In the education of the older generation, it is an excellent talent to study well, have knowledge, be admitted to college, and assign a good job. But China is a big country, there are many people and few resources, and the examination is like crossing a single wooden bridge, which leads to everyone's mind being used in learning, as for character, quality, who looks at these things. More people look at your academic performance, what college you graduated from, and your connections.

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

Gradually we have formed a value that is not wrong, as long as I study well, as long as I get into a good university and have a good job, I am successful, I am worthy of my parents. As Zhou Rong said, she thought that she was excellent, that is, the best reward for her parents, was she wrong? Yes, her parents taught her, "You don't have to do these chores, as long as you study hard and become talented, it is the best reward for our parents."

The whole education system is to let people as long as they are excellent, as long as they manage themselves. Subtly, we have forgotten to be filial to parents, and educating children is the most basic obligation of parents.

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

Not all Maxima can meet Bole, and there are many people who are not met by Huai Cai, not to mention that some people have worked hard all their lives to reach the starting point of some people. The belief to get ahead makes many people who have few opportunities choose to sacrifice their flesh, faith, and even conscience in exchange for what they want.

Because this is an era of results, who cares about the process. When you succeed, what you say is the truth, you are not successful, and your correct beliefs are only empty truths, and no one cares.

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

2. Parents are influenced by the environment and intentionally teach and treat them differently

From birth, Chinese children are taught by their parents to study hard and get ahead, this kind of education and guidance is beyond reproach, after all, being admitted to college and having a good job is the best shortcut for ordinary family children to change the status quo of life. But most families have limited financial resources and do not give every child a fair chance.

Some children may only develop late, primary school and even junior high school performance is average, to high school but by leaps and bounds, but most families because of limited conditions, at a very young age because of the child's performance to choose the key training and to give up. And take the one that Pass dropped or those that support the key cultivation together. He even felt that the other party's efforts were taken for granted, and it was his own inability that he had fallen to such a point.

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

This leads to children knowing from an early age to show their excellence and strive for more resources for themselves. Let parents make a choice. Strive to be the one who is not sacrificed. It can be said that everyone around you is your competitor, especially brothers and sisters.

Because Zhou Zhigang's words to Zhou Bingkun were "just to let you take the exam, you can't pass the exam" All our good feelings for Zhou Zhigang, the strong father, were gone. Indeed, perhaps Zhou Bingkun is a little less talented than his brother and sister, but if Zhou Bingkun went to the countryside and Zhou Rong stayed at home and dragged an old mother, even if the college entrance examination reopened, she could put down the old mother and go to college alone?

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

The reason why Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong were able to sit back and realize their ideals was not that they knew that they had a younger brother to take care of the family. With Zhou Bingkun there, they don't have to worry about their parents at all, and if there is any difficulty, they can still ask for their parents' help at the first time. It can be said that their excellence is carefully cultivated by pouring everything out of the family, without taking any responsibility.

How can a child who is educated in this way not be selfish, it is the parents who tell him that as long as he is excellent, as long as he is excellent, I can have more things, and I can not bear the responsibility that should be borne. After all, in the eyes of Chinese parents, face is more important than Lizi. Whether they get a little bit of good or not, they feel that face makes them have a light on their faces and makes them look up in front of others.

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

What's even funnier is that they also let the actual action tell the good person that everything she has is her own ability, and it is because she is excellent that she gets so many beautiful things. Without teaching her, the other siblings are also excellent, but the resources are limited, and they have chosen you to make her grateful. Chinese parents never seem to have educated their children in this way, but instead say that the child who was sacrificed was abandoned because he was not excellent. Let him give everything, still live in inferiority, live in the shadows.

Once upon a time we would pity those old people who had no one to rely on, especially those who had a few children but were not filial piety, thinking that those children really had no conscience, and their parents raised them small, but they did not raise their parents to grow old. But personally experience some things, you will know, everything has a cause and effect, why some families have children filial piety, even if there are not filial piety in some families, there are at least filial piety, this kind of filial piety is not filial piety, is it all the fault of the child?

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

Just like Zhou Bingkun is incompetent, every penny he spends is earned by himself, and Zhou Rong, who pursues his love and threatens his father that if he does not agree, he will break off relations with the family, but In those years when Feng Huacheng was not rehabilitated, he was not at ease with the money that his parents saved and thrifty, and even there were many of them earned by Bingkun. Hurting her father's heart, hurting her mother's paralysis, throwing her daughter to her brothers and sisters, she pursues her love in a dashing manner, consumes all those who love her unscrupulously, and the university professor lives like a joke.

It is said that there is no unprovoked love and hate, and there is no unprovoked filial piety and filial piety, whether genetics or education, many times parents must understand that fair treatment of each child, in your eyes, the excellent one is to repay the favor, the ordinary one is to make you worry. But the harsh reality is quite the opposite! Don't try to repay all your neglect and apologies with a sorry word at the moment you close your eyes. The useless, unfortunate childhood was healed with a lifetime, and his ruined life was exchanged for three words, which is your second harm to him. After all, the moment those three words are spoken, it means that you know that you are wrong with him like that, and you have done so many years knowing that you are wrong, so what reason does he have to convince himself to forgive you?

Why is it that children like Zhou Rong, who are excellent at reading, are mostly selfish and cold

Would you rather your child be Zhou Rong or Zhou Bingkun?

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