
New energy vehicles again meet the "rising price tide"

RedNet Moment March 4 news (reporter Long Zhen) Following tesla, BYD, Xiaopeng Automobile, Nezha Automobile and other new energy vehicle companies announced price increases, a number of car companies announced price increases a few days ago.

On March 4, GAC Aeon announced that it will adjust the official guidance prices of its AION Y, AION S Plus, AION V Plus and other related models, and this round of price adjustment will take effect from the announcement on March 4.

New energy vehicles again meet the "rising price tide"

In addition to GAC Aean, at the beginning of March, a number of new energy vehicle companies joined the camp of "price increase". On March 1, Roewe Automobile's RX5 eMAX PHEV Dreadnought Premium Edition, Ei5, i6MAX EV three models were adjusted in price, all of which increased by 2,000 yuan at the original price. On the same day, the director of Euler Good Cat Products released a price increase instruction on the Euler APP, from 0:00 on March 1, the official guidance price of the GT version of Euler Good Cat was adjusted to 147,000, but customers who had previously paid a deposit to sign a contract still enjoyed the insurance policy.

It is understood that the price of the GT version of Euler Good Cat was 135,000 yuan after subsidies, and the price increase after this adjustment was 12,000 yuan.

New energy vehicles again meet the "rising price tide"

At the same time, WM Motor also announced that due to factors such as the rise in parts prices, since March 1, the price of WM EX5-Z has been adjusted by 3,000-4,000 yuan, and the latest price range is 15.48-16.38 million yuan.

Several models of Geely Automobile Group's high-end pure electric brand Geometric Automobile have also increased in price.

Among them, the price of the Geometry A Pro model increased by 1100 yuan and cancelled the original Rubik's Cube version of the model, and the model on sale became 7 models with a price range of 119,800-199,800 yuan; the price of the geometry EX3 Kung Fu Niu full series increased by 7,000 yuan, and the price was adjusted to 6.58-7.58 million yuan (previously 58,800-6.88 million yuan).

Why new energy vehicles have increased prices

First of all, this round of new energy vehicle price increases is related to the decline of subsidies. According to the latest subsidy plan, pure trams with a range of 300km-400km in 2021 can enjoy a subsidy of 13,000 yuan, and in 2022, the subsidy will be reduced by 3,900 yuan; in 2021, pure trams with a range of more than 400km and priced at less than 300,000 yuan can enjoy 18,000 subsidies, and in 2022, the subsidy will be reduced by 5,400 yuan.

Moreover, by December 31, 2022, the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated, and vehicles licensed after December 31 will no longer be subsidized.

New energy vehicles again meet the "rising price tide"

Screenshot of the interpretation of the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles in 2022 released by the official website of the Ministry of Finance.

However, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released a signal of the extension of the preferential tax policy for the purchase tax of new energy vehicles. On February 28, the New Office of the State Council held a press conference on promoting the smooth operation of industry and informatization and improving quality and upgrading, and Xin Guobin, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that it will pay close attention to studying and clarifying support policies such as the continuation of preferential tax treatment for new energy vehicles.

In addition to the impact of subsidy decline, the fluctuation of raw material prices is another important factor driving the price increase of new energy vehicles. According to the data, the early price of lithium was only 30,000 yuan / ton, and the average price of battery-grade lithium carbonate on February 28, 2022 has increased to 480,000 yuan / ton; of which, metal lithium rose by 20,000 yuan / ton, the average price was 2.67 million yuan / ton; lithium iron phosphate rose by 5500 yuan / ton, and the sharp rise in raw material prices made major car companies have to increase the price of vehicles.

With the implementation of the subsidy decline policy and the rise of battery raw materials, it is expected that more new energy vehicles will announce an increase in the price of vehicles in the future.

Related links: The "rising" sound of new energy vehicles The performance of the consumer side is still stable

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