
Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

"It's time to keep up with the situation and change to a new energy vehicle"

"Commuting to work, changing a new energy vehicle to save money"


Recently, oil price related topics have attracted much attention

Many consumers want to change to a new energy vehicle

As everyone knows, the "threshold" of new energy vehicles

It is also quietly improving

From the end of 2021

A number of new energy vehicle brands announced price increases

The increase ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan

Last year, the price of new energy vehicles began to rise

"After two days of hesitation, it rose several thousand, and the losses were heavy." Ms. Xu in Taizhou last month thought of buying a new energy car, usually used to pick up children and buy vegetables, hesitated for a few days, Ms. Xu called the sales staff to book a car. However, the salesman's reply made her heart half cold: the price of the optimistic model was adjusted, up 3,000 yuan.

Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

Image source Visual China

Booking a car a day late, "losing" a mobile phone, is not a joke, the price increase of new energy vehicles began as early as last year.

On March 1, Euler Automobile announced on its official user app that the price of the GT version of Euler Good Cat will be officially adjusted from March 1, and the adjusted price will start from 147,000 yuan. However, users who have previously paid a deposit and signed a contract can still enjoy the insurance policy. Previously, the price of euler good cat GT version was 135,000 yuan after subsidies, and the price increased by 12,000 yuan after this adjustment.

At the same time, the 2022 Euler good cat series has also increased the price at the same time as a slight change, and the pre-price has been adjusted from the previous 103,900-143,900 yuan to 121,900-151,900 yuan, an increase of between 8,000 yuan and 18,000 yuan.

Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

As early as mid-February, SAIC Roewe, which released a price increase forecast in advance, also raised the price of its RX5 eMAX PHEV Fearless Premium Edition, Ei5 and i6MAX EV models on March 1, with a price increase of 2,000 yuan at the original price.

Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

Also on March 1, WM Motor announced that from March 1, the scheduling plan and model price of some WM models will be gradually adjusted. Among them, the price of the 2022 EX5-Z PRO all-round version was adjusted to 154,800 yuan, and the price of the Lead Chuangling edition was adjusted to 163,800 yuan, which was 3,000 yuan and 4,000 yuan higher than the original price, respectively.

WM Motors also said that other models may also be adjusted in the future, please pay attention to the follow-up announcements.

Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

On Friday (March 4), GAC Aean also announced that it will adjust the official guidance prices of its AION Y, AION S Plus, AION V Plus and other related models, and this round of price adjustment will take effect from the announcement on March 4. According to the official APP of GAC Aean, the price of each car after adjustment ranges from 4,000-10,000 yuan.

Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

According to the news of the Financial Associated Press on March 10, Tesla's official website in China shows that the model 3 high-performance version and the Model Y long-lasting and high-performance version have increased in price, and the price has been raised by 10,000 yuan. According to the official website, the price of the Model 3 high-performance version has been adjusted to 349,900 yuan, an increase of 10,000 yuan over the original 339,900 yuan; the price of the Model Y long-endurance and high-performance version is 357,900 yuan and 397,900 yuan, respectively, an increase of 10,000 yuan over the previous 347,900 yuan and 387,900 yuan.

The cost of building a car has skyrocketed

Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

The reporter learned that the 300-kilometer endurance is a "dividing line" of the new energy vehicle battery, and most of the models below the mileage use lead-acid batteries, and models above the mileage basically use lithium batteries.

From the perspective of battery types, new energy vehicles with long cruising range have joined the "price increase army" due to the large impact factors of battery raw material price increases. "The cost of batteries accounts for the highest proportion of the cost of new energy vehicles." Chen Xialiang said that from the perspective of market conditions, the raw materials of lithium batteries have risen from the original 26,000 yuan / ton to the current more than 500,000 yuan / ton, which will undoubtedly bring a huge impact on the cost of new energy vehicles.

The rise in raw materials is a global phenomenon, for the global procurement, configuration of supply chains of large car companies, production costs rise, price adjustment has become inevitable.

"In fact, for high-end new energy vehicles, the impact of rising raw materials will not be so serious." New energy vehicles priced at about 50,000 yuan have limited profits themselves, raw material prices are crazy, and car companies are losing even more. Manager Li of Taizhou Qianhe Roewe Lee 4S store revealed that for such models, car companies can only choose to adjust prices.

Source: Red Star News, City Express, Taizhou Evening News, Xiaoxiang Morning News

Editor: Huang Lin

Review: Xin Zhang

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Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more
Multiple brands announce price increases! Some people buy a few days late and spend 3,000 yuan more

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