
Euler Automobile: Affected by the rise in raw material prices, the price of the good cat GT version is adjusted

On March 1, the Euler APP released the message that "from March 1, 2022 Euler Good Cat began to be ordered, and the price adjustment of the GT version of Good Cat" was released.

Euler Automobile: Affected by the rise in raw material prices, the price of the good cat GT version is adjusted

Judging from the release information, due to the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline of new energy car purchase subsidies, Euler Automobile officially adjusted the price of the GT version of Euler Good Cat today (March 1), and the adjusted price was from 147,000 yuan. Users who have previously paid a deposit to sign a contract can still enjoy the insurance policy.

Previously, for the same reason, Euler Automobile has suspended orders for Euler Black Cat and Euler White Cat, and according to the manufacturer, Euler Black Cat loses ten thousand yuan for every one sold. Nowadays, the GT version of Euler Good Cat also has to adjust the price, which shows that the price of raw materials has risen sharply, and the "impact" on the new energy market is great.

In contrast, on January 6, 2022, the average price of battery-grade lithium carbonate was 302,500 yuan / ton; on February 28, 2022, the average price of battery-grade lithium carbonate has increased to 480,000 yuan / ton; among them, metal lithium rose by 20,000 yuan / ton, the average price was 2.67 million yuan / ton; lithium iron phosphate rose by 5500 yuan / ton. In the case of the implementation of the subsidy decline policy, this undoubtedly casts a shadow on the new energy market in 2022, and now with the rise of battery raw materials, I am afraid that the price of many new energy vehicles will be raised in 2022.

In addition, the 2022 Euler good cat also officially began to book, the official price of 121,900-151,900 yuan, using the "1 + N" customization model. Among them, "1" represents the 400km and 500km endurance of the good cat basic version of the model, each endurance is divided into two configuration versions according to the configuration; "N" is a subscription package, including intelligent driving assistance and Morandi color optional bag. Regardless of which version is purchased, users can subscribe to optional packages according to their actual car needs and preferences.

Euler Automobile: Affected by the rise in raw material prices, the price of the good cat GT version is adjusted

Specifically, the 2022 Euler Good Cat offers two endurance versions of 400km and 500km, a total of 4 models. Each endurance version is also launched according to different configurations, namely 400km endurance deluxe type 121,900, 400km endurance premium type 131,900, 500km endurance deluxe type 141,900, 500km endurance premium type 151,900.

As a new model based on the upgrading of market demand, one of the biggest changes of the 2022 Euler Good Cat is the comprehensive upgrade of the comfort configuration.

Euler Automobile: Affected by the rise in raw material prices, the price of the good cat GT version is adjusted

In the four new cars, such as 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels, body stability control system, fixed speed endurance, 360 ° panoramic fusion image, keyless entry system and other functions with higher user demand are standard; on this basis, the 400km and 500km endurance premium models have added high-end configurations such as panoramic sunroofs, inductive electric rear tailgates, comfortable modes, and front power seats with ventilation, heating and massage functions, which further reflect the care and consideration for female users.

Euler Automobile: Affected by the rise in raw material prices, the price of the good cat GT version is adjusted

In addition, if the user has a more personalized demand for body color, the "cream green" appearance color matching of 2,000 yuan can be optional, and the three new customized interior colors of brown gray, green rice and blue gray of 2,000 yuan can be selected. As for the color combination of the exterior and interior, users can match it at will to fully highlight the personality.

On the whole, the launch of the 2022 Euler Good Cat, on the one hand, caters to the personalized car needs of more users with the "1 + N" subscription model; at the same time, the comprehensive upgrade of the comfort configuration also means that the product strength of the new car is fully advanced. The innovative rebranding model coupled with excellent product strength will also continue to shape the market competitive strength of Euler Good Cat and consolidate its leading position in the A0-level BEV market.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhang Yi

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