
Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

The child is small, the kindergarten is bullied by other children, dare not tell the teacher, can only go home to tell the mother, even the mother does not tell, their own life is sullen. I don't know if your child has ever encountered such a thing when he is in kindergarten.

My daughter's personality is a very quiet person, such as a slide in the park, a few children in line to skate down, if there are children who are a little more brutal, they have to cut in line. Normally, the children in the back definitely disagree, and my daughter is not, and will let the children who cut in line slide down first.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

According to this situation, I have communicated with my daughter several times, and the effect is not satisfactory anyway. When talking, I promised to be good, and when I really encountered such a situation, my daughter would be humble again. In the end, I could only teach my daughter to protect herself from getting hurt.

When my daughter was in kindergarten, she was "bullied" many times. My daughter was "bullied" and suffered losses, and every time she came home, she would tell me which classmate had "bullied" her and robbed her of her toys. Your child is bullied in kindergarten, what do you do? I think it's important to do all three things.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

1, the child is "bullied", to know how to tell the mother

Kindergarten children, not very old, most children are between 2 and a half years old and 6 years old, can be said to be an important stage of children's social sensitivity. For socializing, children don't know what to do to be right, what to do at home, what to do in kindergarten.

If the child is at home, no one teaches him to be humble. Then, in kindergarten, children will not know how to be humble, and it is easy to rob other children. And some children, timid, dare not speak out when encountering things, and only know how to blindly give in.

And we're talking about this kind of kid. The child was "bullied" in the kindergarten and did not dare to speak up. Then, when we are at home, we must tell the child what happened in the kindergarten to the mother.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

For example, my daughter was "bullied" in kindergarten and did not tell me when she came home. I remember when I first started kindergarten, I asked my daughter if she had been "bullied" in kindergarten, and my daughter shook her head and said no. However, when I guided my daughter to have something unhappy in kindergarten, my daughter was able to repeat to me the "bullying" thing.

Therefore, according to the child's personality, in a way that the child can accept, we should guide the child to tell the mother about the unhappy things that happened in the kindergarten.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

2, the child is "bullied", to teach the child the correct way to deal with

When children leave their parents and live a group life in kindergarten, it is inevitable that they will encounter things that have never been encountered before. For example, a child in kindergarten, playing with his favorite toy, accidentally took the toy away by other children. Such a situation, the child is around the parents, is never encountered.

In the face of such a thing, some children will throw fists at each other and punch the children who have taken the toys; some children will be sullen in their own lives; and some children will cry and cry, not knowing what to do.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

Parents should do a good job with their children at home in advance, telling their children what to do when other children grab toys. For example, tell the teacher that someone snatched his toy, or tell the child with the toy directly to return the toy to me.

As for what is suitable for the child, it still depends on the child's personality. What we have to do is to understand the child's personality, to teach the child the right way to deal with it when he is "bullied".

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

3, in the child is "bullied", we must treat it calmly

When the child walked out of the school door after school, he saw his mother and cried loudly, saying that so-and-so classmates had "bullied" him. Some parents see their children being wronged, they will be angry, and immediately go to the teacher and the parents of classmates to accuse.

The disadvantage of this is that the child will learn from the behavior of the parents. Parents are reckless and cannot calmly solve problems, and children learn that there will also be problems in this regard.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

Parents should first comfort their children, actively respond to what their children say, and help their children sort out what happened. After the child's emotions calm down, then help the child analyze the origin of the matter and teach the child what to do when he encounters these things again.

Moreover, we can ask the child's opinion, whether the mother should find the teacher or the mother of the classmate to give feedback to solve the problem. If the problem is not too serious, the child will not agree to the mother to help her do it for herself.

Children are "bullied" in kindergarten, parents should calmly and calmly solve, on the one hand, let children see the stability of their parents' work; on the other hand, can effectively soothe children's emotions.

Your child is "bullied" in kindergarten, what do you do? Have you tried these three tricks?

Written at the end: the child is "bullied" in kindergarten, we can not ignore this, we must understand the process with the child in time, and then according to the child's personality, teach him the solution that is suitable for him. Otherwise, the number of times the child talks to the parents and does not get a response, the child will lose trust in the parents, and will not share things with the parents in the future. (The picture is from the network, if there is infringement, it must be deleted)

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