
Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Better understand Musk's way of thinking.

Translation | Jane

Source |The Divine Translation Bureau

Editor's note: Musk has loved reading since he was a child, and books have largely shaped his values and way of thinking. This article digs into Musk's early interviews and conversations, compiling 15 books that he recommends for everyone to read. This article is compiled and hopefully enlightened.

Who is Elon Musk? I don't think I need to introduce everyone who he is and what he's doing. His net worth is more than $250 billion, and many are his fans.

By digging into Musk's early interviews and conversations, I'm excited to put together a list of books he thinks everyone should read. Maybe after you read some of these books, you'll get a better understanding of Elon's way of thinking.

Here are 15 books that Elon Musk thinks everyone should read.

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

By Douglas Adams

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Musk read the book in South Africa as a teenager and it helped his thinking a lot. The book blends the characteristics of comedy and science fiction and has amassed a large readership around the world. In the book, the Earth is destroyed because a hyperspace fast track is built where it is located. At the last second, our protagonist, Arthur Dent, is rescued from Earth by his friend Ford Priefkett, who turns out to be an alien. Arthur learned a lot about the universe, and we can join this galactic roam through his travels.

Musk mentioned the book in a 2015 interview, and he was so obsessed with it that when he sent the Tesla Roadster into space, the car's central control screen said "Don't Panic!" (Don't panic!) ), a tribute to the Guide to The Galaxy.

2. Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down

Written by J.E. Gordon

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down by J.E. Gordon Gordon)

Musk had his first success in PayPal, he was a guy with a programming background, and it was quite difficult to jump from his field to rocketry. To do this, he began teaching himself rocket science.

In an interview with a California radio station, he mentioned that The book What is Structure is "a very good primer on structural design." ”

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of how the world around you is constructed and combined, then you should read this type of book. Why does a suspension bridge not collapse even if it has eight lanes? Why can dikes block or release huge amounts of water? Why did the Greeks unload the wagon wheels at night? Why do humans suffer from low back pain? Why do birds have feathers? What is the principle of skyscraper and kangaroo design? Engineers and architects have answered these questions in a simple and easy way, which is a strange and interesting thing.

Musk was directly involved in the design and planning of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. He was the chief designer and CEO of SpaceX, not because he wanted to, but because no good guy would join the company early on, so he had to do it himself.

3. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

By Walter Isaacson

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson

Elon Musk is one of our heroes, and Benjamin Franklin is one of Musk's heroes.

Some people may not know the story of Benjamin Franklin, one of the most illustrious Americans of all time. Franklin was a famous politician, scientist, publisher, printer, journalist, writer, philanthropist, and a prominent diplomat and inventor. He was one of the important leaders of the American Revolution and conducted many experiments on electricity, inventing lightning rods, bifocal glasses, fins, and so on.

In an interview with the Foundation, Musk said: "Franklin is amazing! ”

4. Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

By Nick Bostrom

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom

We're all familiar with Musk's stance on powerful AI, which he likened in an interview at MIT a few years ago to "summoning demons."

Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence reveals the impact of technology on humans over the next 20, 40, 100 or more years.

This book will show you how technology is changing the way we live and how it's accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Musk recommends the book to anyone who is very interested in the impact of AI on us in the coming decades. This book reveals why we need to be extra careful when AI was born.

5. Our Final Invention

By James Barrat

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Our Final Invention by James Barrat

In 2014, Musk tweeted that the book was "worth a read" and was also about artificial intelligence.

The book delves into the question of whether we can coexist with an entity with more intelligence than humans, and takes a new level to explain why we "perhaps should be a little more careful" with AI.

In an interview on the topic, Musk said: "Artificial intelligence does not have to become evil to destroy humans, if AI has a goal, humans prevent it from achieving this goal, it will eliminate humans without thinking, without feeling sad at all, it takes it for granted." ”

Artificial intelligence has emerged, and the question that remains is which direction we should choose to move forward.

The biggest impact we'll see is that in the actual workforce, millions of people end up unable to get employed because automation makes everything more efficient.

6. Ignition: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants

By John D. Clark

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Ignition: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants by John D. Clark

Musk said the ignition technology was crucial in his development of rocket fuel and kept many scientific discoveries in mind. The book breaks down the science behind rocket fuel, and it helps Musk a lot as he learns and masters the complex science of rockets.

If you're interested in chemistry or rockets, you can read this very specialized book.

7. The "Foundation" trilogy

By Isaac Asimov

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

The "Foundation" trilogy by Isaac Asimov

The trilogy was one of Musk's favorite reads growing up, and it changed the way Musk saw the world. His way of thinking is based on his early passion for life.

The book centers on the fall of the Galactic Empire, made up of millions of planets that can be inhabited by humans across the galaxy, a goal musk himself says is a worth pursuing.

The empire's problem is that its lifespan is cyclical, first growing dramatically, then a tipping point, and finally inevitable death.

As technology evolves, humans may eventually be able to settle on other planets and create backup resources for the knowledge we've gained so far.

8. Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

By Max Tegmark

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark

Of the 15 recommended books, this is the third book to focus on artificial intelligence.

But this time, the book focuses on the positive aspects of AI and how we can use it to advance humanity.

This book addresses the question: How can we achieve prosperity through automation without losing people their income or life goals?

What career advice should we give today's children?

How can we make future AI systems more powerful and do what we want to do without crashing, failing, or being hacked?

To better understand the topic, we recommend buying three books, but if you only want one, buy this one.

9.《指环王》(The Lord of the Rings)

By J.R.R. Tolkien

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien)

Growing up, Musk was a bookish and lonely child, so he immersed himself in these fictional worlds that greatly shaped his character.

In an early interview with The New York Times, he mentioned that "the heroes in the books I've read ... Always feel a responsibility to save the world", and we see that their core values have always been there.

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

By Peter Thiel

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel

Peter Tell and Musk know each other very closely, both of whom are members of the PayPal Mafia.

They all got rich by selling PayPal and eventually founded some great companies.

From 0 to 1: Unlocking the Secrets of Business and the Future is an extraordinary and easy-to-read book that we highly recommend. The book is short and to the point, and Thiel's views on how new companies can become agents of change in the world are very entrepreneurial.

It's easy to see how Thiel and Musk came together in a common project, and although sometimes their visions are different, they have mutual respect for each other and are both entrepreneurs we like.

11. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

By Robert Heinlein

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein

The underground cities of the Moon are inhabited by criminals exiled from Earth. The prisoners and their descendants worked hard to turn the moon into a food base, but they were exploited by the earth. In order to ensure that the limited resources of the moon will not be exhausted, the moon people began to resist.

It's another great science fiction novel that Musk considers "Heinlein's best work, and he loves it very much."

12. Merchants of Doubt

By Naomi Oreskes and Eric Erik M. Conway

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

"Merchants of Doubt" by Naomi Oreskes and Eric M. Erik M. Conway

The Skeptical Businessman tells the disturbing story of how a group of influential scientific decision-makers interfered with the public's understanding of scientific facts in order to advance some sort of political and economic agenda.

In public health and environmental science research, the U.S. scientific community has long been a world leader. Scientists have made landmark explorations of the dangers of DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain and global warming. But at the same time, a seemingly small, but in fact powerful affiliate in the field, is strenuously denying these dangers and convincing the world to accept their views.

In 2013, Musk himself tweeted that the book was worth a read.

13. Einstein: His Life and Universe

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson

Based on Einstein's personal letters, the book tells us how he went from a young, frustrated patent office official to a Nobel laureate and, in the process, changed the world as we know it.

Musk loves Isaacson's biography very much, and it's easy to see why. In a very familiar way, the author positions his protagonist as young rebels and non-conformists who are passionate about the purpose of their existence and in this pursuit ultimately change the way we see life.

If you're a big fan of Albert Einstein, I have a piece of advice: There's a TV series called Genius, and the first season tells the story of Einstein, so check it out.

14 Howard Hughes: His Life and Madness

Author: Donald M. Donald L. Barlett and James Barlett James B. Steele

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

Howard Hughes: His Life and Madness by Donald W. Bush Donald L. Barlett and James Barlett James B. Steele

Howard Hughes is the one who inspires Musk. This man is a legend and his life fascinates us. Howard Hughes is a great guy, and I suggest you get to know Howard Hughes. In his story, money, fame, and success are incredible.

Many people think musk is a modern version of Howard Hughes, hoping that the two will end differently.

15. The 'Culture' series

Author:Ian M. Iain M. Banks

Elon Musk thinks everyone should read 15 books

The 'Culture' series by Ian M. Iain M. Banks

It's a science fiction series of 10 books, and Musk was inspired by that series of books as well.

Banks is widely regarded as Silicon Valley's most popular writer for painting a possible picture of a society's future. The entire series consists of 10 books, and if you don't know where to start, you can read Gamer first.

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