
Approaching the giant master 丨 Zhu Kezhen's "dead brain"

Zhu Kezhen is one of the giants filmed in the second season of "Centennial Masters". Zhu Kezhen was born in Zhejiang in 1890, and 2022 marks the 132nd anniversary of his birth.

Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974) was a modern Chinese meteorologist, geographer, and educator. The founder of modern Chinese geography and meteorology, the founder of Chinese phenology, has a profound study of the formation, characteristics, regionalization and change of China's climate. Former President of Zhejiang University. As early as when he was a student at Harvard, Zhu Kezhen established it as his mission to study the history of Chinese science. After returning to China, although he was busy teaching, founding the Institute of Gas And Image of the Academia Sinica, and presiding over Zhejiang University, his research on the history of science led China and influenced the world. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, as the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he established the Natural Science History Research Office, which put the country's scientific history research undertaking on the road of regularization and professionalization.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhu Kezhen served as the president of Zhejiang University, and established the school motto of "Seeking Truth", requiring students to seek truth from facts and pursue truth. He himself practiced what he preached, leaving behind a story of the implementation of a "dead brain" on the school system...

On February 7, 1949, Chen Yi, then the chairman of Zhejiang Province, found Zhu Kezhen and introduced Yu Fei, the son of Yu Dafu, to Zhejiang University for a loan. After hearing Chen Yi's intentions, Zhu Kezhen smiled, and because there were too many people borrowing the reading, he politely rejected Chen Yi.

Zhu Kezhen's lack of face, although Chen Yi did not understand, but there was nothing he could do.

After Yu Fei learned the information, he secretly wondered to himself: Is Chen Yi's face not enough? After careful consideration, he decided to find Hu Shi, the most famous at the time, to help. However, Hu Shi also had his own principles, and after hearing Yu Fei's intentions, he refused on the spot. As soon as he saw Hu Shi refuse, Yu Fei was in a hurry, and he fainted in the living room of Hu Shi's family. It should be said that this Hu Shi is also a person in temperament, and when he saw that Yu Fei was good at learning like this, he immediately softened his heart and wrote a letter of recommendation to Yu Fei.

Holding Hu Shi's letter of recommendation, Yu Feiru obtained the treasure and immediately went to find Zhu Kezhen. Who knew that after Zhu Kezhen read the letter, he immediately angrily tore up Hu Shi's letter of recommendation and scolded Yu Fei: "Your future life is really interesting, do you think that I Zhu Kezhen is such a person?" ”

After saying this, Zhu Kezhen issued an eviction order to Yu Fei.

After another period of time, Zhu Kezhen's eldest son Zhu Jin graduated from Zhejiang University Affiliated High School and applied for the Department of History and Geography of Zhejiang University, and the difference of five points did not meet the admission criteria. The teacher in charge of the recruitment asked Zhu Jin to intercede with his father privately, who knew that Zhu Jin's intercession was exchanged for: Zhu Kezhen severed his relationship with his son.

Why is Zhu Kezhen so ruthless?

Approaching the giant master 丨 Zhu Kezhen's "dead brain"

The reason is simple, he is an upright intellectual, if you let him take the lead in violating the school rules, it is like cutting his flesh with a knife! Afterwards, after Yu Fei knew about Zhu Kezhen and his son's grudge, his previous incomprehension slowly transformed into respect and admiration!

The president is the soul of the university, and what kind of principal brings out what kind of students. It is precisely because of Zhu Kezhen's dead brain that Zhejiang University later became a first-class university, and was praised by the British historian of science Joseph Needham as the "Cambridge of the East"

Source | Composition Weekly

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Producer | Hou Xuan

Art Editing | Magical conch

Approaching the giant master 丨 Zhu Kezhen's "dead brain"
Approaching the giant master 丨 Zhu Kezhen's "dead brain"
Approaching the giant master 丨 Zhu Kezhen's "dead brain"
Approaching the giant master 丨 Zhu Kezhen's "dead brain"

About us

The large-scale cultural project "Centennial Masters" is China's first large-scale series of biographical documentaries focusing on the masters and masters who made outstanding contributions to Chinese civilization in the 20th century, and is jointly produced by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Central Radio and Television Corporation, the China Academy of Arts, the Central New Film Group, the China Literature and Art Foundation, and the Centennial Masters (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

"Centennial Masters" is the "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Inheritance and Development Project" of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, the General Office of the State Council and the Central Propaganda Department, which has been selected for two consecutive years as the "Record China" communication project of the Propaganda Department (Information Office of the State Council), the key topic planning project of the "14th Five-Year Plan" documentary of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the key documentary celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the "Recording the New Era" documentary boutique project and the key documentary project (2018), and the major theme main line publicity and key topic selection project of CCTV. It is also funded by the National Arts Fund, the China Literature and Art Foundation, the China Art and Culture Foundation, the Beijing Municipal Government Cultural Innovation and Development Fund, the Beijing Culture and Art Fund, the Beijing Radio and Television Network Audiovisual Development Fund, and the Beijing Xicheng District Cultural and Art Creation Support Special Fund. It has won 12 documentary awards.

From 2013 to 2017, the filming of 43 masters in the first season of "100 Years of Masters" has been completed, which is divided into art, calligraphy, Peking Opera, drama, music and literature. The filming of 57 masters in the second season of "100 Years of Masters" has been launched in 2018, adding science and technology, education, traditional Chinese studies, architecture, traditional Chinese medicine, opera, and movies, and will be presented with the "100 Years, 100 People, 100 Episodes" documentary, "100 Masters Special Exhibition" and "100 Books Publishing".

The completed documentary "100 Years of Masters" has been broadcast on CCTV (one set, three sets, four sets, nine sets, ten sets, fifteen sets, discovery channels, international channels), China Education Television, provincial satellite television, overseas television stations and other 157 tv stations at home and abroad, which have been widely praised and have repeatedly set new high ratings for similar documentaries. "100 Years of Masters (International Edition)" is broadcast worldwide in 8 languages.

CCTV Market Research Co., Ltd. (CTR) in July 2020 According to the statistical results of CSM National Measuring Instrument, "Centennial Masters" reached a total of 10.2 billion people.

The series of books "100 Years of Masters" has been distributed to nearly 1,000 colleges and universities across the country for three consecutive years by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Finance as a "High Art entering the campus" study book.

"Centennial Masters" has become one of the most high-end phenomenon-level brands in the field of culture, and with its unique advantages, it has built an important platform for disseminating China's excellent traditional culture, interpreting and displaying cultural self-confidence, and practicing the core values of socialism.