
Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

What is the most important point in pursuing girls? Sincere, positive or willing to spend money?

If this "scumbag" from Japan was asked to answer, he would say, "No, you only need a mouth to pursue a girl." ”

If the person who said this is a handsome man, there may be some convincing, but the point is that Owu Yangkuang is not only not handsome, but also a disabled person who is born without limbs.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Ototake Yoko

But such an unsound person can cheat on more than 50 women in 15 years after already having a beautiful wife at home.

After the matter was exposed by the media, his wife chose to divorce him, but Owu Yangkuang did not die down, and just one year later he fell in love with the 19-year-old beauty Fu Erdai.

In addition to making people very "admired", many netizens are also very curious, how did people like Yiwu Yangkuang trick so many girls into their hands? What kind of experience did he have?

Ototake Yoko and women

Inspirational scumbag

In 1998, a Japanese author came out with his first autobiography, The Five Bodies Not Satisfied.

As soon as the book went on sale, it sold 500,000 copies. Just seven months later, 3.8 million books were sold, breaking the downturn in the Japanese book industry.

The author who won the number one book sales list is Ototake Yoko, a disabled person born with limb resection.

In the book "Five Bodies Not Satisfied", Ototake Yangkuan recounts what he experienced from childhood to adulthood. He wrote in the book: "Physical defects are only inconveniences in mobility, not misfortunes in life.

In the face of ridicule from others, he did not humble himself and punched the other person in the face with practical actions; when the people around him thought that he would not have a good future, he was admitted to the famous Waseda University in Japan; when others ridiculed him for his inability to move, he signed up for the school's football team and fought against sound classmates with a mutilated body.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Ototake's positive and optimistic attitude has inspired many people, so that young people in Japan who always want to commit suicide in the face of difficulties have found faith in their hearts.

After all, a person who does not even have limbs can still live so happy and happy, so what reason do healthy people with sound limbs give up on themselves?

Since then, Ototake Hiroshi has lived in the media lens and people's eyes, he is often invited to participate in college speeches, but also to special schools to perform football for children with congenital disabilities.

He is like a sun, using his own heat to warm everyone who is discouraged and disappointed.

At the same time, because of his inspirational experience and aura as a writer, Ototake Hiroko successfully attracted many girls, and the person he cared about the most was His sister Renmi, who was also a graduate of Waseda.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Ototake Yoko and Renmi

Initially, they met at a lecture. At that time, Ototake was invited back to Waseda University to share his experience, and Renmi, who was about to graduate and was confused about her future, sat in the audience.

Hearing about Yoshihiro Ototake's experiences and encounters from childhood to adulthood, Renmei was touched by his cheerful optimism and at the same time developed deep sympathy.

Therefore, after Ototake Yangkuang finished speaking and stepped down, she took the initiative to come forward to introduce herself.

Renmei is young and beautiful, and she is a famous college graduate, whether in appearance or conversation, she has a great appetite for Ototake Yoko, and the most important thing is that she is so proactive that it is difficult not to let him have narcissistic thoughts.

In the process of gradually becoming familiar, Ototake Hiroko did his best to release his talent and charm, and soon let Renmei, a pure love girl, fall in love.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

With the blessing of love, Ototake Yangkuang successively published works such as "The Gift of Otobu" and "Residual Image", and his fame has reached a higher level.

It is said that women in love can't see the shortcomings of each other, and Renmei is also like this, she ignores the inconvenience of her boyfriend as a disabled person, and only knows that the other party has a good personality and talent.

After three years of love, she actually gave up the great prospect of becoming a lawyer and rushed into this marriage that was not understood by the world.

Ototake Yangku was a little worried that she was just on a whim, so he asked, "I don't even have the ability to take care of myself, and even washing my face and wiping my ass need your help, are you really willing to follow me like a child all your life?" ”

At this point, Renmei did not realize what she would face in the next few decades, and simply replied: "I have a pet dog, so I can take good care of you." ”

After that, Renmi takes him home to meet his parents. It is reasonable to say that normal parents will firmly oppose this marriage, after all, no one wants to let their daughter take care of a disabled person for the rest of her life.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

But unexpectedly, Renmei's parents did not have any opposition, but urged them to complete the marriage as soon as possible.

So with the blessing of both parents, Ototake and Renmei entered the palace of marriage in 2001.

Perhaps in Renmei's imagination, married life is similar to love, but the reality is that she has to follow her husband almost every step of the way, because whether it is opening the door, getting on the elevator or other things, Ototake Yangkuang needs her assistance.

But in the face of these trivial things, Renmei did not complain a word, and worked hard to take care of everything for her husband. Due diligence, she received unanimous praise from everyone, and even Ototake's mother was very satisfied with her.

A few years later, this special family had three new members, giving Renmei a little more joy as a mother.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

But a news story broke the happy family.

In 2016, the Japanese media suddenly broke the news that Ototake Yangku had cheated on 50 women in marriage, accompanied by a number of photos of him with different women.

For a time, the story of inspirational authors becoming scumbags spread throughout the streets of Japan. Everyone can't believe it, is this lewd man in the photo really the sunshine boy he once was?

His wife looks beautiful as a flower, and she does not abandon him as a disabled person, what is the dissatisfaction of Owu Yangkuang who has to cheat?

However, according to the revelations of the people around him, Owu Yangkuang has never shown an inspirational image, and the derailment has long been traced.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

A photo of a derailment exposed by a newspaper

Sunny and deformed growth experience

In 1976, when the nurses at the hospital saw the first sight of Ototake Yoko, they were frightened and stunned.

He has only a body but no limbs, and with crumpled skin, he looks like a demon in the movie.

The nurses, fearing that his mother would collapse at the sight of this, immediately separated them on the grounds that Ototake was suffering from jaundice.

The moment the mother and son were taken away, Ototake's mother sensed something was wrong, and she repeatedly asked to see the newborn baby, but was repeatedly refused by the nurse and doctor.

Eventually, with the consent of Ototake's father, who knew the inside story, the nurses finally picked up the child and reminded her to be mentally prepared.

She was stunned when she saw the child's first glance, but after a few seconds of brief reaction, Ewu's mother still held him up with tears in her eyes and said softly, "My child is so cute!" ”

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Maternal love is great, and as the mother of a child, Ototake's mother is the first light that illuminates his life.

She constantly told the child that physical mutilation is only a congenital feature, and he may not be able to do what a healthy person can do, but what he can do is something that even many able-bodied people cannot do.

Under the constant encouragement of his mother, Ototake Yangkuang cultivated an optimistic attitude to face everything positively. And his mentality has also affected the classmates around him.

In the third grade of junior high school, he saw a letter in his desk, and with the help of his classmates, he learned that it was written by a female classmate in the next class.

Originally, this was just a letter of encouragement from an enthusiastic classmate, but Ototake Yangkuang had a different mind. He believes that when a girl writes such a letter to herself, she should be admiring herself.

However, due to his mutilated body, he did not have the courage to confess to the girl, and could only accumulate this kind of thought in his heart.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

After experiencing this incident, he suddenly developed confidence in himself, thinking that girls just liked him, and thus had a bold idea - I wanted to be the one who was chased by girls.

In order to fulfill this crazy wish, Ototake Hiroshi studied harder. After graduating from high school, he entered Waseda University with honors.

Excellent grades, a mutilated body, an optimistic attitude, and a variety of complicated situations were added to the body of Ototake Yoko, making him a celebrity in the school immediately, and he also attracted the attention of many women as he wished.

However, the feelings of the female students for Ototake Yangkuang are more admiration and sympathy than admiration.

However, this further stimulated his desire to fight, and in order to prove that he was no different from normal people, Ototake Yoshitsugu joined the football club and competed on the same stage with normal people.

Gradually, his deeds were known to more people, and the media rushed to interview him.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Non-human perverted thoughts

After publishing "Five Bodies Not Satisfied", Ototake Yangkuang became a hit and was also invited to give a speech at the school by major universities.

Looking at the adoring eyes of the girls in the audience, the perverted desire in his heart was even more crazy - how nice it would be if these girls were all my people!

It was at this time that Renmei appeared in the life of Ototake Yoko, which greatly satisfied his narcissism.

But at the same time, because of his disabled physical inferiority, he was worried that Renmei would be robbed by other normal men, so he said some sweet words every day to coax his girlfriend, and finally entered the palace of marriage with Renmei.

But his wife's active marriage proposal did not reassure Ototake Yangkuang, and his perverted possessiveness actually became more crazy after marriage. He had to be by his wife's side all the time, even when Renmi went to the bathroom, he had to wait at the door.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Once, Renmi went from the bedroom to the living room to get something, and returned in a few seconds, but Ototake Yoko asked in a strange way, "What have you been doing?" Is it time to pack up and leave me? ”

After having a child, Renmei could not focus all her energy on him, but Ototake Yangkuang could not understand his wife's fatigue, but instead threatened: "If you do not take good care of me, I will sue you for abusing the disabled!" ”

At the same time, because Renmei does not have the energy to manage her body and face, there are inevitable signs of aging on her body.

But this made Ototake Yoshikumi dissatisfied, he thought he deserved better and younger women, so he began to attack the people around him.

The first girl to be tricked was none other than Ototake's assistant. He first talks to the other party, and then complains when the girl opens her heart, saying that Renmei does not care about or love him, so that the female assistant has sympathy for him.

Then he repeated the process, and from time to time bought the female assistant some cheap gifts to make her happy. A few weeks later, Ototake Hirokumi took down the female assistant.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

This success made him feel a great sense of narcissism, but he was not satisfied with this, and he met different women on many occasions.

In the next 15 years, he cheated on more than 50 women and brazenly left photos with each other, seemingly not afraid of being discovered at all.

After being exposed by the media, Otomu Yangkuang did not have a little reflection psychology, but instead pushed everything off to Renmei's body.

The kind Renmei also took over the cauldron, saying that she was too busy taking care of the children and ignoring her husband's feelings.

However, the overwhelming public opinion did not stop because of Renmei's apology, and everyone asked Owu Yangkuang to give an explanation. Those who were inspired by him at the beginning were even more emotional, and they could not accept that the person who had once believed in was a shameless scumbag.

In the end, Renmei chose to divorce Ototake Yoshikami because she could not bear the pressure.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

However, his wife's departure did not make him restrained, but more wanton.

Just a year after the divorce, he and 19-year-old Naomi Iwasawa announced their love affair in a high profile, successfully dominating Japan's news list again.

What people don't understand is that this Czech mixed-race beauty is not only tall and tall, but also very good in school, but also a rich second-generation strong woman with outstanding ability, why does she look up to Owu Yangkuang?

The most important thing is that Naomi Iwasawa is not casually in love with Ototake Yoko, but has plans to get married.

In 2021, Ototake revealed at the event that he had met Naomi Iwasawa's parents and that they were happy with themselves and planned to get married in the last two years.

Japan's "scumbag man": born without limbs, but 50 people cheated in marriage, and the new girlfriend is 19 years younger

Naomi Iwasawa

As soon as this news was released, Japanese netizens boiled over again, constantly leaving messages on Naomi Iwasawa's social platform, telling about Otomu Yoko's past dirty experience and derailment. But Naomi Iwasawa doesn't seem to care about this, and still goes her own way.

Today, Owu Yangkuang, who is more than 50 years old, is still active in the public's vision and lives a life that everyone envies.

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