
Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

author:Goose group children

After signing a contract with the company, the artist will slowly choose to set up his own studio as the artist develops personally. Lin Chaoze, who recently belonged to Shanghai Banana Project Entertainment Company, announced the establishment of his own personal studio. But his company then jumped out and issued a statement.

Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

Lin Chaoze's company directly issued a statement rejecting their announcement, saying that Lin Chaoze's behavior was a serious breach of contract, and the company did not admit that he wanted to set up his own personal studio. Lin Chaoze is a person who is relatively little known to the public. He is a member of the TANGRAM Super Burning Youth League. After learning about the Lu Dinghao incident that was the same team as him before, netizens were very much in agreement with Lin Chaoze's approach.

Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it
Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

Their company is a bit like engaging in the "power" of ancient feudal society, that is, the company's artists should unconditionally obey the company's decisions. And it is these little love beans whose activities are not much, and the company seems to be blindly suppressing them. It is estimated that it is a liquidated damages that want to earn a sky-high price from the middle.

Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

The company didn't give them notices, as if they were going to hide them in the snow. However, in the ever-changing and very fast-changing entertainment industry, there has been no job and will soon be eliminated. Therefore, in order to get rid of this passive situation, the artist can only take the initiative to propose to terminate the contract. Now Lin Chaoze is facing a situation that is like Lu Dinghao was announced by the company to suspend all activities before, which is like a disguised snow hiding.

Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it
Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

Lin Chaoze and Lu Dinghao both participated in "Idol Trainee" together, and then they formed a group together and debuted with other team members. Lu Dinghao is currently participating in the "Creation Camp 2021" for re-furnace reconstruction and starting a new dream. But Lin Chaoze was still struggling. In the words of netizens, it is: this super-burning youth group is already extinct in name only.

Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it
Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

It is impossible for a company like this to retain artists for a long time. After a long time, such a company is afraid that it will be notorious, and any normal thinking person will not dare to sign such a company randomly. Artists and companies can be said to be interdependent. Only when artists develop well can they promote the progress of the company. But apparently Lin Chaoze's company is not aware of this problem. It is just blindly implementing its "monopoly" strategy.

Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it
Want to go it alone without talking about it? Lin Chaoze set up a personal studio, and the company directly issued a statement rejecting it

Everyone has their own judgment and emotional experience, when the company expresses great support and satisfaction with the development of the artist, the artists themselves can also feel it, and not everyone will abandon the company. For example, Di Lieba, Zhang Yunlong and other people under Jiaxing have also set up their own studios, but they still belong to the unified management of the company. Secondly, just like a good boss like Huang Zitao, everything will pull resources for his own artists.

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