
Reporter: The Shenzhen Football First Team Began To Owe Wages in October last year Dai Weijun has applied to the Football Association for arbitration

According to Cheng Wenli, a reporter of the Deep Foot Team, some team members may not imply return to the team.

The full text sent by Cheng Wenli is as follows:

[Strike] After dinner last Saturday, I received a WeChat message from a foreign club player, telling me that I had a deep strike, see Figure 1, I was a little bit unconvinced, asked the club for verification, the staff replied to me, "There are a few people who don't want to practice, because of salary arrears, but they really don't have money, so they don't make trouble now." ”

Yesterday morning, I received WeChat from other club executives and insiders, asking me to verify the matter of the deep strike, see Figure 2, the club's reply to me was that there was no "strike training", but a few people said that they were injured and could not practice.

Strike! It's no small thing! As a reporter with the team, I can't just listen to the side of the club, so I asked the team for verification, from yesterday to now, I collected a lot of information from the players, including the loan players, I found that the deep salary arrears are beyond my expectations.

At the beginning of November last year, a "Kaisa wealth management product overdue" incident involving a total amount of 12.7 billion yuan surfaced the financial crisis of Kaisa Group, which happened very suddenly, three months ago, Kaisa's interim report showed 48.74 billion yuan in cash on hand, which was enough to pay off short-term debt, but the downturn in the real estate market, as well as the downgrading of ratings by international rating agencies, plus a US dollar bond payment involving $400 million, put Kaisa Group's liquidity under unprecedented pressure, and Kaisa's investment deep foot club was also affected.

At this time, south Korean coach Lee Jang-so appeared at the deep foot club, and it can be said that he came at some wrong time. Rumors of deep foot wage arrears also began to ferment from then on. On November 6, I asked the club for verification, and the reply was "there is no salary arrears", and on November 30, I asked the players, and the reply was "The first team is still running normally, there is no difficulty." ”

In fact, I only learned yesterday that the deep foot team has been in arrears since October last year, but the players chose not to tell the truth in order to protect the reputation of the club, and no players have revealed the truth to the media.

The unpaid players of the deep foot loan occurred even earlier, and they had already been owed three months of wages in November last year. Some players expire at the end of the year with the deep foot contract, and now, the club still owes them 5 months of wages, for which the club fully acknowledges and said that it will make unified arrangements to solve the salary arrears of the loaned players, giving the time at the end of February or the beginning of March, and at the latest before the start of the league.

[Contradiction] Compared with the overall situation of the domestic players, the foreign aides only want to do things according to the contract, after being owed up to four or five months of wages, the labor contradictions began to break out, several foreign aides chose to arbitrate with FIFA to defend their rights, one foreign aid decided to leave, and even booked a ticket, and later the club paid him part of the salary.

And the domestic players waited and waited, to March 15, the first-line players have been owed salaries for 6 months, some players told me: "The players did not force the club to give money immediately, but now at least someone has to stand up and say how to solve it, just like Kaisa Financial Thunder You have to come up with a set of plans, and everyone can understand the difficulties." However, what the players are waiting for is not a solution to the salary arrears, but a notice issued by the club to each player separately: if any player wants to leave the team, he can transfer or negotiate a loan.

Some players helplessly said that the Chinese football environment is not good, the results of the men's national team are not good, public opinion is one-sided irony and sarcastic players, we want to legitimately ask for salary has no bottom, feel that the salary news burst out, and we are scolded. In fact, our salary is not stolen and stolen, and the contract with the club is based on the voluntary conditions of both parties and signed, we only hope that both parties to the contract will act according to the contract, but now it seems that the defaulting party seems to have a reasonable, and we have no place to say it. We don't want to get into a fight with the club, but if in the end, the problem is not solved, it will only be a tearing face.

Dai Weijun, the only international in the deep football team, is currently preparing for the last two matches of the top 12 matches with the national football team in Haikou, it can be said that he is the treasure that the deep foot has found from the Premier League Wolves, the annual salary is only 1.3 million yuan, the cost performance is super high, but he is also like the domestic players of the deep foot, who is owed salary. The Deep Foot Club told me that Dai Weijun had earlier entrusted his lawyer to send a letter to the club and apply to the Chinese Football Association for arbitration. Born in Hong Kong and went to England after the age of 11, Dai Weijun has always been educated in the legal system, and he can only use this way to defend his rights.

According to the plan of the deep foot club, after the team returned to Shenzhen from Haikou for a week of rest, the deep foot will open a new stage of training, and the club also notified the team members to return to the team, but some players may not return to the team on time, they hope that the club will "solve the problem according to the formal procedures, or stand up and disclose a solution to everyone." ”

In fact, I still have a lot of materials that I have not written out, such as how to allocate the subsidies of the Longgang District Government before the Spring Festival, but I just don't want to intensify the contradictions between the two sides. I hope that the club can face up to the difficulties, show sincerity, properly solve the problem, or give the players a statement, rather than thinking about how to deal with public opinion, or even play word games to fool everyone, I hope that the players understand the difficulties of the club and do not delay training; I hope that the relevant government departments will pay attention to the current situation and jointly discuss a solution.

Reporter: The Shenzhen Football First Team Began To Owe Wages in October last year Dai Weijun has applied to the Football Association for arbitration

Figure 1

Reporter: The Shenzhen Football First Team Began To Owe Wages in October last year Dai Weijun has applied to the Football Association for arbitration

Figure 2

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