
The 65-year-old man unfortunately contracted AIDS, and the reason is difficult to explain! How should older people have sex?

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

Wu's mother is 65 years old this year, her health has been fine, some time ago she suddenly had fever, diarrhea and other symptoms, I thought it was a small cold, just take some cold medicine, but after taking medicine for a week, the symptoms still did not improve. In desperation, Wu's mother could only go to the hospital for further examination, which did not matter, the test results were like a bolt from the blue: the test report showed that she was HIV positive, and Wu's mother was diagnosed with AIDS.

It turned out that Wu's mother's husband died before Wu's mother retired, and for so many years after retirement, Wu's mother also lived alone, in order to pass the time, he often went to square dance after eating, and met a male partner in the process of dancing. After going back and forth, the relationship between her and her male partner quickly warmed up during the dance, and it didn't take long for a relationship to occur, because they were both older and did not do any safety measures, which led to the tragedy. After being diagnosed with AIDS, Wu's mother did not dare to tell her children, for fear that her children would say that she was not serious, and she was even more worried that she would cut off the relationship because of this.

The 65-year-old man unfortunately contracted AIDS, and the reason is difficult to explain! How should older people have sex?

Middle-aged and elderly people have become a group with a high incidence of AIDS!

According to a report by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Center for STD and AIDS Prevention and Control, the number of HIV infections among the elderly has increased significantly, and the proportion of people infected with HIV through sexual transmission has exceeded 90%. Most of this is due to unsafe sex. Due to the influence of traditional concepts, the sexual needs of the elderly are usually regarded as "old and improper", and the sexual needs of a large number of elderly people can only be carried out in a concealed manner, coupled with the lack of protection awareness of the elderly, which will lead to an increase in the incidence of related infectious diseases. Therefore, in order to control this phenomenon, it is necessary to face up to the sexual needs of the elderly.

How long can the sex life of the elderly be maintained?

The answer is forever!

In the traditional concept, many people feel that when they get older, the relationship between husband and wife is also dull, and it is undignified to continue to have sex, so they gradually reduce or even stop their sexual life, which is very undesirable. Suppressing sexual impulses and terminating sexual life not only has a certain impact on the emotional relationship between the elderly and couples, but also increases the loneliness and loneliness of the elderly, which is not conducive to physical and mental health. At the same time, maintaining a normal sex life has unexpected benefits for both elderly couples.

The 65-year-old man unfortunately contracted AIDS, and the reason is difficult to explain! How should older people have sex?

Men can stimulate the testicles to secrete a certain amount of androgens, delay the aging of sexual organs, and prevent various prostate diseases, while normal sex in women can maintain the depth and stretch of the vagina and slow down its atrophy process. Moderate sex can also help each other relieve stress, relax and enhance resistance, and is also a good exercise for the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.

Through a large number of surveys and studies, sexologists at home and abroad believe that the best way to maintain sexual function in old age is to insist on living a normal sex life and not stop having sex. Therefore, we must fully realize that a harmonious and happy sex life is not only the right of life for young people, but also the right of life for the elderly.

What is the moderation of sexual life for the elderly?

The sex life of the elderly is definitely different from that of young people, and there are many factors that need to be paid attention to in the sex life of middle-aged and elderly friends.

1. Pay attention to the duration of sexual life

Sex in youth is generally done at night, but older people may feel tired if they do it before bedtime. Therefore, the sexual life of the elderly is suitable after waking up, or in the morning, when the body has been rested, and it is easier for both partners to get sexual satisfaction. Of course, it can also be done at night as long as energy permits, and it is not necessary to follow a fixed time.

The 65-year-old man unfortunately contracted AIDS, and the reason is difficult to explain! How should older people have sex?

2. Pay attention to the frequency of sexual life

The frequency of sex varies from person to person, provided that you do what you can, and it is normal to have no discomfort after having sex. Generally speaking, those who are 60~65 years old should take once every two or three weeks; 65~70 years old, once a month to a month and a half is appropriate. If the physical fitness is good, you can also increase the number of times appropriately.

3. You can use foreign objects

As we age, it is very normal for both men and women to have a decline in libido and sexual performance, with the help of external objects if necessary. For example, if a man has erectile dysfunction, he can take "Viagra" under the guidance of a doctor before having sex, and women have less vaginal discharge and are prone to dry and painful sex during sex.

4. Pay attention to mutual cooperation

The sexual urge of the elderly will be slower than that of young people, so they should cooperate with each other well before having sex, not forced, communicate in a timely manner, do enough foreplay, and wait until both parties are prepared before having sex.

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