
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members

author:Chen Xiaonan
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, in order to further carry forward the party's fine traditions and inherit the red gene, on June 29, the Longxiaonan Party branch carried out the "July 1st" visit to the old party members.

The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members

The condolence group went deep into Lianglou Village and Chenzhuang Village, Chenyuan Town, Chengxian County, and visited a total of 9 veteran party members who had been "glorious in the party for 50 years", and sent them the care of the party organization and holiday blessings.

The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members

Everywhere they went, the condolence group had cordial conversations with the old party members, inquired in detail about their physical condition, living conditions and family conditions, listened carefully to their memories of the past struggle and the unforgettable experience of working for the party, and sent them condolences to express their respect and gratitude for their selfless dedication, and told them to take care of their health and enjoy their old age.

The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members
The party branch of Longxiaonan carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolences to the old party members

Greetings and admonitions sent the party's warmth and holiday greetings to the hearts of old party members. The "July 1st" condolence activities not only made the old party members feel the care and concern sent by the party organization, but also strengthened the relationship between the old party members and the party organization. In the future work, the Longxiaonan Party branch will further strengthen the cohesion and appeal of the party organization, give full play to the role of serving the masses, uniting people's hearts and promoting harmony, and call on the company's party members and cadres to actively play a leading role in demonstration and contribute to the party's construction and organizational work.

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