
If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

author:Hole A C

"Peers are suspected, and Skynet is flying disasters." In the famous section of the Yu opera "Fifteen Guan", the character Xiong Youlan in the play was unjustly wronged for no reason and directly expressed his grievances when he was sentenced to death.

"Fifteen Guan" is one of the representative works of the famous Yu opera performance artist Liu Zhonghe. In the 1980s, Liu Zhonghe was popular all over the country, no less than the current popular film and television star, known as "do not eat steamed bread for three days, but also listen to Liu Zhonghe". However, why is it that such a popular opera actor is rumored to be a "wife killer"?

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

The truth that no one believes

Liu Zhonghe was evaluated by his peers in the opera industry as "willing to be a ladder and support the opera seedlings", and the apprentices he brought out had the same excellent performance level. In the 1980s, his second apprentice Liu Shihe was already able to stand on his own. Once, he went to Zhumadian Runan County to perform the Yu opera "Playing Golden Branches".

You know, at that time, Liu Zhonghe's opera records were popular all over the country and even Southeast Asian countries, but because television was not yet popular at that time, people only heard its voice and did not see its people, and few fans knew Liu Zhonghe's appearance.

So when Liu Shihe opened his voice, the fans felt that Liu Zhonghe was coming, and they all wanted to see him in person, so they ran to the backstage to surround the "fake" Liu Zhonghe.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

Liu Shihe

Unexpectedly, the people at that time were as crazy and obsessed as the current "star chasers". No matter how Liu Xihe explained, he was not Liu Zhonghe himself, and everyone did not believe him and did not want him to leave.

In order to quickly open a path in the crowd, Liu Xiehe asked his colleagues to put on the police costumes of modern dramas, and then let them hold up a red wooden gun and wear a straw hat on their heads, performing a scene where the police arrested prisoners.

In this way, the "fake" Liu Zhonghe was able to leave, but he did not expect that the momentary helplessness would become the raw material for future nonsense. Liu Zhonghe's reputation was tremendous, and the people spread the rumors of the scene that happened on this day, and everyone believed it to be true. The plot turned out to be that Liu Zhonghe had an ambiguous relationship with an actress in the troupe, for which he murdered his wife, who would be executed in a certain month of a certain year.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

Then, the plot peaked and turned, and before Liu Zhonghe would be executed, a commander of the Guangzhou Military Region shouted "Leave people under the gun, I will take charge", thus saving Liu Zhonghe's life. There are also rumors that a big name in the Henan opera circle guaranteed that Liu Zhonghe's "death penalty" became "labor reform" and continued to perform with the troupe.

This drama, if adapted into a drama, must be wonderful and surprising. Liu Zhongheyi was highly popular, and did not think that the gossip about him was higher and more popular. Why is that? One of the main reasons is that no one believes the truth.

People hunt for wind and shadow, combining what they see with their rich imagination, making the event more bizarre and more eye-catching, in order to satisfy their own curiosity psychology, completely disregarding the truth and harm to others.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

There is no distinction between people and dramas

The wind was blowing, and no one believed the truth. Another reason is that the audience is not divided. Folk scolding about Rong Mama has been heard for many years, and this year Lin You has taken over the baton rong mamma.

I would like to ask, after 20 years, there are still irrational audiences, but what about the audiences of the seventies and eighties? Liu Zhonghe's masterpiece "Fifteen Consecutive", in which the characters suffered grievances is very similar to the rumor of "killing his wife".

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

During the Ming Dynasty, when Xiong Youlan, a Suzhou native, happened to meet Su Shujuan, who had run away from home, when the gambler Lou A rat quietly killed Su's adoptive father in order to steal fifteen copper coins.

What's more coincidental is that Xiong Youlan also has fifteen pieces of money on him, so Xiong and Su are believed to have j-shirts and commit theft and murder. The two were unjustly imprisoned for this reason, and of course, in the end, the ending was satisfactory, and the Qing officials returned their innocence.

In the play, the people and county officials, as in real life, only believe in the coincidences they see, and think that the stolen fifteen dollars are Xiong Youlan's own fifteen dollars. But in fact, the bear just happened to have fifteen on his body, and met Su Shujuan, who was lost, and was considered to have j love by the neighbors, and killed Su's adoptive father at the same time.

Similarly, Liu Zhonghe's audience, regardless of the truth, made up Liu Shihe's "helpless" move that day in a bizarre and eccentric way, blindly believing that Liu Zhonghe was a murderer, that the troupe had actresses, and that the motive for killing was definitely because of an improper relationship.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

However, how many people have seen Liu Zhonghe in real life and have really come into contact with Liu himself. This is the result of the indifference of human drama.

The various plays performed by Liu Zhonghe are deeply loved by the people, and many plots and characters can resonate with the audience, because the songs are what the people think and think. Coupled with Liu's superb performance level and unique singing voice, people often cannot distinguish between actors and roles, resulting in seeing people and seeing plays.

The public does not want to believe the truth, preferring to put their associations together with some fragments of catching wind and shadows, believing that Liu also lives in the drama plot, and puts together some popular drama plots such as "J love", "killing his wife", "leaving people under the knife" and so on to enrich his life. This is ridiculous and helpless.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

"One family lives in Wuxi and the other lives in Huai'an City, and the two places are far apart, so how can the two of them have a private relationship?" The lyrics in "Fifteen Consecutive" were sung repeatedly by Liu Zhonghe on different stages, and perhaps this is his firmest explanation of the rumor.

Artists who became popular by "drama" still use "drama" to measure his personal life in people's minds. In essence, this is the same as the habit of loving cp in the current rice circle culture, including the behavior of playing the little three in the play and scolding the actors outside the play.

Now, after 20 years, why can't there be audiences who can't separate actors from real life, they fill in the boring real life purely to satisfy their fantasies. I don't know how many years it will take for this situation to change.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

People red is not much

When the name is unknown, no one cares; when it is red and purple, it is very reminiscent in the blink of an eye. As the lyrics in the "Fifteen Continuities" are sung: "Peers are suspected and suspected, and the sky net is flying disasters."

In the current era of developed networks, the truth is still difficult to surface, let alone in that era of closed news. It turns out that the "pot to the pot" incident has already happened in the show business circle forty years ago. The public chooses to blind their eyes and speak quickly for a while, and only a rich life of gossip and entertainment can make them feel satisfied.

When the rumors flew in the air, Liu Zhonghe was already the deputy head of the troupe at that time. In addition to doing his job every day, he also goes backstage to clean up with other staff, and when he sees heavy work, he will also come forward to help.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

When some people saw Liu Zhonghe cleaning in the troupe and doing heavy work, he began to make up a plot that satisfied him, believing that all of Liu's words and deeds were "labor reform" to make up for the "murder" committed, and he did not believe that a famous character would do daily cleaning work.

Liu Zhonghe himself is helpless, and when others think that he has made a mistake, whatever he does is wrong. It is precisely because Liu Zhonghe is too red, so there will be so many gossip.

Fortunately, the older generation of artists only focused on art and never feared what others said. This is life, and the richness on the stage is set off by the bland life. I believe that Liu Zhonghe also thinks the same way in his heart, and he also does this in real life.

The older generation of artists are diligent and skilled, but life is really simple and unpretentious. Because only by feeling life in a down-to-earth manner can we reach the pinnacle of our deductive career.

If you don't eat steamed bread for three days, you must also listen to Liu Zhonghe, known as Yu opera Ma Lianliang, why is it rumored to be a wife killer?

Let me ask, isn't Liu Zhonghe's strong and vicissitudes singing voice an expression of his own life, and hasn't he sung to everyone's heart? "Life is like a play, drama is like life", how can there be a play without life? No one believes in the truth, the crowd plays no difference, and the facts prove that there are not many people who are popular, which is the main reason for Liu Zhonghe's encounter.

Fortunately, true artists will never be influenced by these gossip, and they devote themselves to the art kingdom, shining for the progress and inheritance of art, which is worthy of the title given by everyone. Whether it is a "national first-class actor" or a "willing to be a ladder and support the drama seedlings", Liu Zhonghe's deeds are all worthy of his own profession and character.

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