
Historically, what are the stories of liu Zhonghe, a famous Yu opera performance artist?

author:The Man in the Iron Mask interprets historical figures

Teacher Liu Zhonghe, who founded Liu Pai and mainly plays the role of red-faced, is known as the "Red-Faced King of Eastern Henan", the master of Yu opera, the reputation of "Little Red-faced King", the most outstanding disciple of Tang Yucheng School, a famous yu opera artist, a national first-class actor, and a Yu opera "Ma Lianliang".

He sings passionately and high-pitched, strong vicissitudes, natural and smooth, especially good at playing the image of the emperor in traditional plays, praised by opera critics as a clear voice, half of the walls of the river and mountain, he quickly sang the four provinces of Yulu Suwan with the golden branch, known as the king of the red face of Eastern Henan, he jokingly called himself a thief in the art of opera, set the strengths of hundreds of families, integrate their own characteristics, he is the famous Yu opera performance artist Liu Zhonghe. Today, let's walk into the opera life of Liu Zhonghe, the red-faced king of Eastern Henan.

He was born in 1943, he belonged to the sheep, he was 77 years old at the time, he was 12 years old to join the troupe, 77 to remove a 12, this is the time he joined the troupe, that is 65 years, 65 years. Shangqiu, who came in in 1952, began to go to school in 1953, until 1955, especially at that time life was just liberated life was not very good, not very good at that time, and his father was in Liukou, on this location in Shangqiu City, and continued a room, his original mother died earlier, and then continued a room, he renewed a room there, he called Liu Zhonghe He came here, came here to study, read at that time in their Shangqiu City Second Primary School, at that time, because his father was very doting on him, but his stepmother was not very good to him This is certain, not to mention that the stepmother in the world is difficult, but in fact she is not very good to him, not good so he was admitted to his (our) current Shangqiu Yu Opera Troupe in 1955, then called Red Star Drama School, was admitted to this, at that time just said that you have any big ideals, lofty ideals, at that time there was no idea in this regard, is now I have to find a place that does not rely on her to eat, can someone manage my place to eat, at that time was a child like this, I can be independent, Not bound by the harem, he did not dare to go home after school, after school, he lived at night, he was on this street and leaned on the past you can't see that now, the brick platform, we this place is called yak egg coal fire, just sit in a big pot, just like that fried fritters, lean on that to sleep, sometimes the father looks for him, like this you are not a common law, it is as if you think it is a feeling of sending people under the fence, you are very unhappy, do not dare to move at home, eat, she did not want you to eat, There are good things, you eat she quickly blocked, now just come, he himself did not tell his father, he was admitted to this troupe, just in the original is the Red Star Drama School, the current Shangqiu Yu Opera Troupe, to that exam, after the admission with the troupe mixed, with the troupe mixed, at that time the troupe, we (he) This Red Star Drama School was still good in Shangqiu at that time, it was originally a form of a drama school, that is, after the federation of industry and commerce was just liberated, the federation of industry and commerce organized, organized this troupe, By 1956, it was officially named Shangqiu Yu Opera Troupe, Liu Zhonghe after he arrived at this troupe, he practiced with these big brothers, because this big brothers they are not as standardized as the drama school, he is not very standardized, and today I am glad that you practice with him. Not happy, you yourself are like saying that the master led into the door, the practice in the individual, at that time very small no self-consciousness, no self-consciousness, but also mixed with you so about two years, two years or so, did not learn any drama, only with the old man to learn a few singing voice, singing opera is the old tune of the Shangqiu area, at the end of 1957 we Henan Provincial Drama School, Henan Provincial Drama School It was founded in 1956, Henan Opera School began to build in 1956, founded in 1956, after the establishment of this school a year they began to accept the first class of students, It was them, at the end of 1957, Liu Zhonghe was admitted, and after being admitted, it was called the fifth and eighth class, because after being admitted in 1957, they officially opened in 1958, the fifth and eighth classes. So after being admitted to the drama school, because his vocal cords are better, the voice foundation is better, the industry problem, because when he took the drama school, he sang red face, and at that time, he had forty-six people in the drama school at that time, but there were no blackface singers, and their director said, Zhonghe, said you simply have a good voice, you changed to singing blackface, he changed to singing blackface, blackface is singing lao bao (bao gong) this kind of drama, lao bao this play, substitute for the wrestling flower face, wrestling flower face is not the light lead singer, like Li Kui, Jiao Zan and so on these miscellaneous horns, this is the wrestling flower face, after that in the drama school to specialize, in fact, at that time the line is to give you points, but the practice is to practice the basic skills are the same, the basic skills are the same, the learning things are the same, nothing more than to give you a separate rehearsal, to give you your own, your own role, my own role, the things learned are also some basic things that are basically the basic skills of the martial arts, the basic skills, ah, ah, At that time, he arranged a play called See Huanggu, the old bag's play, see Huanggu, and studied these plays in the drama school for so many years, when I graduated on July 15, 1961, I should have been four years, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, even head to toe for four years, after he graduated in 1961, when they wanted him to stay in the province, stay in the province and say that this is not bad, the little boy sang ok , he was going to leave his hometown at that time, four years in Zhengzhou, just want to come back, come back to it, after coming back he also changed to sing the original red face, changed to singing red face is to come back and did not act any drama, that is, in the drama school to learn these things, can be called acting on the use, do not let the acting we can not go with the big sisters and big brothers to grab, grab the role, and then say that we can't do it, although you learn the basic skills, you are not in all aspects, that is, imperceptibly in that first look, how to practice the problem, By 1964, he began to act in modern dramas, acting in modern dramas at that time slowly 1964, 1965, 1966, in recent years he acted in modern dramas for a few years, acting in modern dramas, and began to play Bolt Bao, "Chaoyanggou" He played Bolt Treasure Her Aunt (Hu Xiulan) played Silver Ring, at that time began to act in modern dramas, to 1965, 1966 in the middle of shooting eight model plays, after these eight model plays, count yourself out of the day, because what, he this head is there, the image, It is not outstanding, it can be seen, it belongs to this kind, it is less than the top, more than the bottom. Looking forward and not seeing, looking back at a large piece, not as much as I am, so he acted in several modern plays, such as "Wise Tiger Mountain", "Red Lantern", "Rock Bay" and so on, these modern plays, until the beginning of 1977, began to rehearse classical opera, began to recover, although liberated, this classical drama although liberated, but still dare not to act, he (it) has to nod at the center before you dare to act, the central government does not nod your head, you play this drama The leader is also afraid of making mistakes, row that, row this "Forced to Liangshan", He always did not dare to say anything, this is what Chairman Mao said, who dared to oppose, this is Chairman Mao saw the forced liangshan, we will line up "forced to liangshan", and then began to row up Liangshan, when the platoon forced liangshan people's thinking was more imprisoned, at that time the thinking was not like now strides to go, go to try the water, see how deep, slowly go forward. Engage in singing, you dare not engage in this old singing voice, he also uses costume drama new singing, the so-called new singing, what is called the new singing, that is the classical drama with the singing method of modern drama, now say that at that time in our Yudong he is more obvious, you go to Zhengzhou, "we two in school for three years ah, "we belong to the modern singing cavity, you rehearse this classical drama "Forced to Liangshan" Lin Chong also uses this singing method, this beginning of a performance three times a day, this stage is crowded, the result is that in the past ten years have not acted in classical drama, Now when I watch the costume drama, I regret not watching it, regret it when I see it, because of what, I didn't hear an old singing voice. So these people (audience), we (he) this Yudong generally listen to the old singing voice, how to sing, you sing these new singing voices, because this cultural revolution in the middle of these plays are acting, or use this kind of singing, they are a little unaccustomed, the result is not thinking, slowly pinch the ground, you say some people watch it, but slowly is less and less, not so vigorous, we failed to which point, failed to sing in the singing cavity, and then at that time was according to his own characteristics, his voice conditions plus our Yudong genre, This is a Yudong River Valley, Yudong was more famous at that time was Mr. Tang Yucheng, and he himself sang this in his own voice, which was close to him; But you want two voices, for example, I am like Mr. Tang Xicheng Tang's two voices, then you learn this melody in him, then it will not work, he (it) one is two voices and one is big ben voice, they are not easy to combine, he has a false vocal cord, the other is a loud band or mixed sound, as long as you use some of his singing methods with Tang Teacher, the melody of his singing method is the big ben voice and the mixed sound, mainly to absorb the big ben voice and the mixed voice, the rhyme is based on yourself, Because it was after he came to Shangqiu and entered Shangqiu since he was a child, Liu Zhonghe listened to their old drama, Shangqiu used to be a gathering place, because it was close to the railway station, Shandong, Anhui, or our circle, because it was a station, Shangqiu station, in the past, many people were watching the train there, so a lot of opera in this place was in this piece, a small Shangqiu City came to this less than 30,000 people at that time, on this Shangqiu City, the Light Opera Troupe itself calculated, Ma Jinfeng, Shen Fengmei, Shangqiu area three regiments, A four-flat tune, a miscellaneous troupe, plus their troupe, eight troupes, less than 30,000 people and eight troupes, so at that time this location was the hometown of opera, Shandong's Anhui, these famous characters are here to perform, he also often hears these old artists singing, he personally has his own singing characteristics, so Liu Zhonghe he now uses Yudong tune, now he wants to make it clear through this, it seems to be Yudong tune, Yuxi tune Xiangfu tone Shahe tune, these four major genres, it is a category, For example, you are From Luoyang, you are from Kaifeng, you listen to them all the same, but the taste is different, "What are you doing, you are a girl" This is Kaifeng dialect, it becomes "what do you get Ah Sister", Shangqiu dialect "What do you get to go to the guys", just look at this, that Luoyang, "Pulp noodles", the tongue is a little harder, "bending and smearing", it is like this, it belongs to a regional dialect, forming a regional singing method, so as our Yudong genre is good, Yuxi genre is good, Xiangfu tone is good, Shahe tone is good, It represents a region, specific to who can represent this one Yudong school, who can represent the Yuxi school, which person can't do it, no one says, I go to the whole yudong school, I will represent the whole Yuxi school, no, I can only say that I am now confirming it. Can only say that I am the Yudong school Liu Zhonghe singing method, can not represent the entire Yudong school or Liu Zhonghe is the most representative, no, I can not represent this, personal singing, you can say that I am the Yudong school Liu Zhonghe singing, I am the Yudong school, this is his singing method, I am in this region, Ma JinFeng ma teacher is also Yudong, but Ma teacher her Yudong tune "Mu Guiying I live in my home" This shows her Yudong singing method, she uses the voice cavity is not the same, the use of sound cavity is not the same, so to say, I now cooperate with him, Liu Zhonghe is the red-faced king of Yudong on behalf of Yudong, he said to them, I can only represent my own Liu Zhonghe's singing method, our modest statement, much better than their own singing, you can only make progress in this way, we are not stronger than others, I am absorbing the strengths of the majority of people's actors, speaking of today, how to engage in this singing voice, according to their own conditions in line, you sing like this, we are just right, you only have the combination of voice and voice, I can learn your singing method, plus Teacher Tang These things, It is not easy to come out of a genre, because what, let's talk about the genre itself, it is the singing method that I represent the Yudong school, the Yudong school, and Liu Zhonghe, and I now hope that these major genres will do this, don't think that I sing well myself, I will represent this genre, I can't think so. Do you represent this alone, you can't represent it, but whoever represents, there is no better than what you sing, you represent. There is a singing method that is better than you, the masses recognize him, his Yudong school, who is who sings, this is enough, there is no need to fight for this representative, I am only me, only I represent, except for you, there is no one, so don't imprison everyone.

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