
From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front
From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front
From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front
From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

In front of you, the shining medals seem to tell a thrilling game. The yellowed newspapers and magazines froze her heroic posture when she was desperately slaying.

In the old photos, her face is as young as a porcelain doll, and her eyes reveal determination. At the time, she was in her early twenties and was a "rising star" in the international handball world.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

"Any one of these medals can make me brag for a while." But in the 28 years since their retirement, the medals have been packed in bags, kept in cabinets, and only recently framed. Even her daughter didn't know that her mother was so cattle. ”

She is a former national player, the current public interest litigation prosecutor of the Baoshan Procuratorate, and a hero who "does not have merit in me, but success in me" - Li Chuanfen.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

On the occasion of celebrating the 112th anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8, the Baoshan Procuratorate held a special program of "Noon Salon" - "Catching up with learning and striving for excellence" and the "Olympic Games and Her" sharing meeting. Female cadre police representatives followed Li Chuanfen's story and reviewed her magnificent mental journey from athlete to prosecutor for more than 40 years.

The "masochist" who puts pressure on his own cruelty in training

"Her sporting career is full of 'not giving up'. So cruel and high-pressure training, so many times of pain, she can rivet enough, more and more frustrated, more courageous, and constantly overcome herself. ”

At the age of 8, many girls wear flower dresses and dance. 8-year-old Li Chuanfen took the step of marching into a professional athlete and entered the Municipal Junior Sports School. Since then, her life has no winter and summer vacations, only hard work day and night. She first practiced basketball, got up early every day and went dark, continued to jump frogs, weight-bearing squats... Repeat the boring movements over and over again until your legs are shaking and your scalp is tingling. She couldn't remember how many times she cried tiredly, but she remembered clearly: when the tears dried up, she had to keep practicing. She was not very tall in the team, and the coach called her "Xiao Fen". She dares to fight, her explosiveness and speed are amazing, and she often becomes a bright spot on the field.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

One ordinary afternoon in 1980, the coach suddenly told her that the coach of the city women's handball team had chosen her. In that era, handball was not valued, and the people of that era had a very pure idea, "If you choose me, I will go!" In this way, on January 20, 1981, Li Chuanfen entered the Shanghai women's handball team. Soon after, she was selected for the National Women's Handball Youth Team. Her former teammates envied her luck, but she knew in her heart that all her luck was bought through devilish training... She played the position of right winger, and the most suitable candidate for this position was tall and left-handed, but she was not tall and did not use her left hand. Her greatest strength is the speed and strength created by the "self-abuse" of day after day.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

During strength training, the front teeth are broken by barbells, the ligaments of the fingers are torn during confrontation, the meniscus of the knee is torn during rapid running, the waist is broken and lying flat and unable to move... Hands, knees, waist, these are the lives of handball players. Any injury that could ruin her athletic career was enough to be a reasonable reason for her to offer to retire. However, she did not give up once, but became more and more frustrated. After each injury, she would force herself to double her training to restore her competitive state, get up at dawn to practice, and continue to practice hard after dark. Don't give up, don't accept defeat, let her overcome herself again and again, and go to the top again and again.

The "King of The Points" in the Arena

"Participating in the Olympic Games is every athlete's dream. Everyone is eager to win glory for the country by working hard. Every time I think of that collective sense of honor, it makes people feel excited. ”

In June 1984, the Chinese women's handball youth team went to Italy. This is Li Chuanfen's first time going abroad. Since then, her highlight moment has begun.

In October 1985, the World Junior Women's Handball Championship was held in Seoul, South Korea, and 21-year-old Lee Chuan-fen caught the opposing goalkeeper off guard with "one step can shoot", and she scored 53 points in seven games, which was evaluated by the Japanese team as the "king of the points" and became the well-deserved "best scorer" in that World Championship. That year, she was awarded the national level of athletes, which is included in the timeline of the development of handball in China.

At the 6th National Games in 1986, she shined as the absolute main force of the Shanghai team, and was selected to join the Chinese women's handball team after the game.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

At the 1987 Asian Women's Handball Championship and the 1988 South Korea Olympic Qualifiers, China and Japan competed for the only Olympic ticket. It was a particularly tough game, with only 1 minute and 40 seconds left for The Chinese team to fall behind by one goal. Li Chuanfen was the killer of the Chinese team, and the coach entrusted her with the heavy responsibility. "It was very hot in Jordan in August, but at the moment the coach's hand was cold, he held my hand tightly, stared into my eyes and said: 'Pass the Fen, so many years of hard work, look at you!' Li Chuanfen recalled. The rest of the time is only enough to organize an attack and shoot a goal. This ball, if you can play the game into overtime, the Chinese team still has the hope of pulling back, and if it can't score, it will go back to the house and miss the Olympics. At that time, Li Chuanfen was under tremendous pressure and quickly ran as soon as he got on the field, shaking off the encirclement of the Japanese players. With only 40 seconds left in the game, she got a pass from her teammate, and she quickly flashed past the defenders, exerting all her strength. The ball, passing under the armpit of the goalkeeper. Cheers from the whole team! Morale boosted! In the end, the Chinese team eliminated the Japanese team in extra time and successfully entered the Olympic Games.

Although the Chinese women's handball team did not go to the highest podium at that Olympic Games, the sonorous roses played a momentum, and the quality of "fighting hard and winning glory for the country" was engraved into the bones of every national player. After returning to China after the Olympic Games, Li Chuanfen was also cordially received by the leaders of the country.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

The "Desperate Three Ladies" who do not let Su Mei on the anti-corruption front

"In anti-corruption, anti-blasphemy, she never regarded herself as a woman. One by one, they stayed up all night, and the next day they drove around to collect evidence. She never cried bitterly, and we kept beating her until she was seriously ill. ”

In 1994, Li Chuanfen retired from the national team with a heavy bag of medals, put the medals in the cabinet, and ran to the anti-corruption front with the athletes' hard work.

At that time, anti-corruption and anti-malfeasance belonged to the self-investigation departments of the procuratorial organs, and the investigators had to disguise themselves to investigate, talk through, search for evidence, stay up late continuously, and travel frequently on business... There is no doubt that this is a battlefield suitable for men, and the vast majority of the entire self-investigation team are gay men. Li Chuanfen did not treat herself as a woman, although her daughter was only 1 year old at the time, and she was still particularly clingy to her mother, but she never cried bitterness, did not call tired, did not need special care, and rushed ahead when she started working. Because she has motivation and a sharp work, the older comrades like to call her "little plum".

- "Little Plum, the briber is a woman, and it's up to you!" ”

- "Good! ”

- "Little Plum, his wife is at home, you lead the team to search!" ”

- "Little Plum, there are no female work objects tonight, you can go home and rest." ”

- "No. I'm with my brothers! ”

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

She often said: "Anti-corruption case handling is very similar to playing ball, it is a team battle, pay attention to cooperation." Working overtime all night is tiring, but the kind of happiness when the case is completed is like winning the championship. "On the anti-corruption front, the athlete's hard-working spirit makes her feel like a tiger. In order to ensure that the subject of the case does not run away and does not commit suicide, she can not go home for three days and three nights, and sleep on the ground at night and block the door with her body. In the more than ten years of her self-investigation department, the other female investigators in the team changed several times, but she became more and more engaged, obsessed with this battlefield that belonged to men.

Later, fewer and fewer people called her "Little Plum", and more and more people called her "Teacher Li". Everyone seems to think that Teacher Li is an iron-clad female haojie, with a body that is not bad in King Kong. It wasn't until January 2013, when bad news came, that she fell ill. Two major surgeries, repeated chemotherapy, she still did not cry tired in the hospital bed, she smiled shallowly: "It's okay, I have a hard life, thank you for your concern." ”

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

The "pioneers" on the front line of public interest litigation

"When we tried to collect photos of her work, we found stinky ditches, garbage on the side of mountains, wet clothes in the rainstorm, sweating in the hot sun... She didn't even have a beautiful uniform photo of herself. ”

"You have to call her phone, and the landline is often not answered." Can you imagine a person who has been seriously ill, opens the computer to find clues as soon as he goes to work, and after reading the clues, he runs the scene without stopping? That's her daily routine. She's either on the outside or on the way out. More than 200 times a year, in five years, she ran all over Baoshan, where there are ancient bridges, where there are martyrs' monuments, where it is easy to pile up garbage mountains, where the river will be secretly polluted... She knows everything, like a family treasure.

It is difficult to discover clues in public interest litigation, it is difficult to investigate and collect evidence, and it is difficult to supervise rectification. The stoicism of the athletes and the acumen of the investigators made her a mainstay of the public interest litigation procuratorate. On occasions where others are not taking it personally, she can discover new clues. At the moment when others were afraid to retreat, she refused to give up lightly. When she was repeatedly misunderstood and ate the closed door, she patiently explained the Fa and reasoned.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

Time is silent, who has the years spared? She wasn't an iron man, she was full of pain. On rainy days, old wounds become faintly painful, knees are often twisted to affect walking, and the vision of one eye has deteriorated to 0.1. In two years, she will retire, but she is still determined to stay in the distance. Someone painfully advised her to be careful of her body and not to be too serious. But she always said: "No way, the temperament is like this, since the leader has entrusted the task to you, you can't be sloppy." This answer makes people feel as if they see Li Chuanfen, who took over the coach's heavy trust and went all out to shoot.

From the "scoring king" in the arena to the "desperate three ladies" on the procuratorial front

After listening to Li Chuanfen's sharing, the female cadres and police deputies present said one after another: Heroes are not far away, role models are around; everyone will draw energy from Li Chuanfen's story, not afraid of difficulties, catch up with learning, forge ahead, bravely strive for the first-class, constantly overcome themselves, become the "best shooter" in their respective fields of work, and contribute stronger strength to the people!

Source: Baoshan, Shanghai

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