
After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

author:Chase the drama under the fan

Text/Next Fan

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

September 25, 1978,

A protracted wedding was held in Hong Kong.

The wedding invited more than 4,000 powerful people in Hong Kong to participate.

The red envelopes given to each guest alone are as high as 9999.99.

The male and female protagonists of the wedding are called,

Zhu Lingling, the most beautiful Miss Hong Kong, and Huo Zhenting, the eldest young master of the Huo family.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

But 4 years later,

The wedding of Huo Zhenhuan and Chen Qiqi, the second son of the Huo family, was much more shabby in comparison.

Even for the dowry, the Huo family only symbolically gave Chen Qiqi a necklace.

This is tantamount to giving Chen Qiqi a dismount.

Also the daughter-in-law of the Huo family,

Why is there such a big difference between Zhu Lingling and Chen Qiqi?

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

In 1958,

Zhu Lingling was born in Myanmar and came to a very wealthy family.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

And the wealthy family also allowed Zhu Lingling to receive a good education from an early age.

Whether it is knowledge or temperament, it is much higher than its peers.

When she was 9 years old, Zhu Lingling followed her parents back to Hong Kong.

Within a few years, he was sent to study in the UK.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

In 1977,

At the age of 17, Zhu Lingling participated in the miss Hong Kong audition.

Along the way, she won the crown of Miss Hong Kong with her outstanding appearance.

Overnight, she became the dream lover of all men in Hong Kong.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

At that time, even Chen Baiqiang publicly stated,

Zhu Lingling is her ideal type,

But he wouldn't pursue Zhu Lingling because she had too many suitors.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Among these suitors, the most conspicuous one is Huo Zhenting,

His identity as the great young master of the Huo family can be described as extraordinary,

In Hong Kong, it can be said that it is a giant among the giants.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

When Zhu Lingling was filming,

Every day a fresh rose is received at the table.

You should know that at that time, all the roses in Hong Kong were imported into Southeast Asia.

Don't look at this little rose,

I don't know how much material and financial resources will be spent behind it.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

A lot of people don't understand,

Why would Huo Zhenting choose to pursue a Hong Kong sister,

In fact, behind this is inseparable from the arrangement of his father Huo Yingdong.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Huo Zhenting, as the eldest son of the Huo family,

Naturally, it is to take over the sports career at home.

But at that time, Huo Zhenting did not have much popularity.

So Zhu Lingling, who became popular overnight,

He became the perfect candidate to help the Huo family improve its reputation.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

In 1978,

After 9 months of dating,

Zhu Lingling, 20, and Huo Zhenting, who is 12 years older than herself, had a wedding.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Celebrities and celebrities from all walks of life attended.

The Lord's house set up a total of 360 tables of feasts,

About 4,000 dignitaries and celebrities attended the wedding.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Moreover, the Huo family also gave Zhu Lingling's family a dowry of 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

At the same time, the guests attending the meeting were also given 9999.99 yuan of opening red envelopes.

Even the wedding dress worn by Zhu Lingling is specially tailored in Italy.

The wedding was arguably the most extravagant wedding reception of the 1970s.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

On the other hand, the treatment of Chen Qiqi, another daughter-in-law of the Huo family, when she got married, was too different.

Chen Qiqi is an actress who has starred in many works in the 80s of the last century.

Among them, the more famous ones include "Lin Shirong" and "Famous Sword".

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling
After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Chen Qiqi's husband Huo Zhenhuan is the second young master of the Huo family,

Since I was a child, I have loved learning martial arts,

Two people met at a banquet,

One is gentle and beautiful, one is humble and stable.

Both were attracted to each other and soon came together.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

But this relationship was opposed by Fok Yingdong.

Because according to its original plan,

Huo Zhenting not only wants to take over the sports business in the family,

And to become the spokesperson of the Huo family,

Therefore, Huo Zhenting needs a high degree of attention.

And Zhu Lingling has a high reputation, Huo Zhenting married Zhu Lingling,

Naturally, you can increase your popularity.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

But Huo Zhenhuan was different,

Fok Ying Tung wanted his second son to take over his business empire.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

As a businessman, nature is as low-key as possible.

But the son fell in love with a female star,

And the fame is no less than Zhu Lingling.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

This makes Huo Yingdong feel that this is a bit too high-profile,

And Chen Qiqi is also a Taiwanese.

At that time, the relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland was still relatively tense.

As a patriotic businessman, Huo Yingdong naturally hoped that his daughter-in-law could be innocent.

So as not to be contaminated with some other matter that will have a bad impact on the reputation of the family.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

But Huo Zhenhuan was different from his eldest brother.

He has a deep personality, and the things he has identified are a lifetime.

He has repeatedly publicly stated that he is not married to Chen Qiqi.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

That's it

Huo Zhenhuan resisted the pressure from the family and fell in love with Chen Qiqi for 10 years.

In the end, Fok Yingdong still chose to compromise,

When Huo Zhenhuan was 32 years old, he finally married Chen Qiqi into the family.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

You know, when the Huo family married Zhu Lingling, it was an unprecedented event.

But when she married Chen Qiqi, she just had a simple wedding.

Even the dowry was not given, which was inevitably a little too shabby compared to the previous protracted wedding.

But no matter what, Huo Zhenhuan and Chen Qiqi were still very content.

This is also the best result of their 10-year love run.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Want to be a good daughter-in-law of the rich,

It's not that easy.

Especially a famous family like the Huo family.

The requirements for the daughter-in-law in the family are naturally very strict,

One of them asks the daughter-in-law not to be allowed to show her face easily.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

However, Zhu Lingling's personality is lively,

Freedom-loving, is a representative of a new era of women.

Naturally, there is no freedom in this kind of rich family.

Moreover, most of the jewelry worn by Zhu Lingling to participate in the event is also the asset of the Huo family.

She also had to borrow the registration every time she used it, which made her feel too much restraint.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

She gave birth to her eldest son Huo Qigang in the second year.

When the child is a little older,

Zhu Lingling followed her son to accompany her study abroad.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Originally she wanted to open a jewelry store.

But the Huo family felt that she was hurting the façade by doing so.

After the joy of marrying into the rich disappears,

All that remains is endless sadness,

Huo Zhenting is often busy with his career and is on the go, and Zhu Lingling has always been alone in the empty house.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

In 2000,

Huo Zhenting was rumored to have a scandal with the female anchor.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

At that time, the Huo family had a lot of investment in the mainland.

Huo Zhenting also often goes to the mainland to promote sports.

Guangdong, the closest to Hong Kong, is where he stayed the longest.

At that time, Hou Yuting was a famous host of Guangdong Television.

Therefore, there are also many opportunities to interview Huo Zhenting. As soon as the two people came and went, there was a scandal.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

In Zhu Lingling's questioning,

Huo Zhenting only replied with one sentence, "Men, it is inevitable",

There is no remorse at all, because in his opinion,

His father had three wives,

So I didn't take this matter to heart at all.

This made Zhu Lingling very disappointed, and she moved out of the Huo family in a huff.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Once the rumors of the separation of the two were spread,

Naturally, it will have some bad influence on Huo Zhenting's reputation in society.

But no matter how Huo Zhenting persuaded, his wife just wouldn't go back.

In the end, it was her father-in-law Huo Yingdong who came forward, and Zhu Lingling took into account the face of the Huo family and moved back.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

There has been an irreparable rift in the feelings between two people,

After enduring for two years, Zhu Lingling was separated from her husband again.

He filed for divorce in 2005, ending a 27-year marriage between the two.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Unlike Zhu Lingling's yearning for freedom,

Chen Qiqi is very smart,

Because she knew that Huo Yingdong didn't like to show her face outside,

Therefore, after getting married, he directly chose to take the shadow and became the husband's kennai helper.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling


Chen Qiqi gave birth to two sons and a daughter to the Huo family.

In just a few years,

Chen Qiqi relied on her own virtuous virtue,

Began to be slowly accepted by the Huo family.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

In 1986,

Huo Zhenhuan and Chen Qiqi took their children to Guangdong to attend an event.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling
After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Unexpectedly, just at the door of the hotel, there was a driver driving because of fatigue,

Mistakenly slammed the throttle as a brake.

In order to protect the child, Chen Qiqi pushed the child aside,

He was hit by a car, causing his pelvis to shatter and was rushed to the hospital.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

After several hours of rescue, I finally saved my legs.

However, the legs are also installed with a steel frame, only in this way can we maintain normal walking.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

And the father-in-law Huo Yingdong heard that his daughter-in-law had a car accident,

He also rushed to the hospital to visit.

Because of this one thing,

Chen Qiqi's status in the Huo family was once high.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Under the cultivation of Chen Qiqi,

Several of her children are also very good,

My daughter set up her own jewelry brand at the age of 26.

Today, his net worth has already exceeded 100 million.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

My son started his own business as a teenager.

He is also currently a vice president in the Group.

Compared with the ending of zhu lingling and Huo Zhenting's divorce,

The couple, who were not optimistic about Huo Yingdong at the beginning, have also walked hand in hand for more than 50 years.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Today they still sing with their husbands and wives when they attend events,

Very affectionate, and the two people have never passed on any gossip,

Sons and daughters of contention, plus the approval of the in-laws,

Chen Qiqi also lived a life that others envied.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

At her best age, Chen Qiqi gave up her career,

After marrying into the rich, he was peaceful and divided at home to teach his son,

As a result, he gained the unchanged feelings of his husband for 50 years.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

Huo Yingdong arranged the direction of his son's life, but feelings could not be arranged in advance.

It is not the right door, you can have a long-term relationship, and sincere love is often more precious than wealth.

After 50 years of suffering, she finally became the hostess of the Huo family, and Chen Qiqi's "humble" was smarter than Zhu Lingling

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