
Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

author:Gao Ming release

Jitian Village is located in the western part of Foshan, 60 kilometers away from the central city of Gaoming. The rolling hills enclose the village like a green screen, giving it green waters and green mountains, and at the same time, it also makes the remoteness and backwardness of Yoshida Village a brand. Until a few years ago, collective economic income was an unspeakable pain in the village: the village committee had problems paying water and electricity bills.

A few years later, in 2023, the collective economic income of the two levels of the Jitian Village Group will be 7.13 million yuan. The village has sold local products, set up agricultural tourism scenic spots, and raised high-value fish. The industrial economy is not uncommon in today's Yoshida Village. "In the future, Yoshida Village will become a beautiful and livable village with rich industrial forms." What was once a blank sheet of paper has now been drawn on a promising "development blueprint" for the future, and it has become a reality step by step.

From the poverty of the collective economy to the promising future, what has Yoshida Village done right?

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

The beautiful scenery of Yoshida Village. Data map

Seizing the opportunity, Yoshida Village wants to fight a "turnaround battle"

In 2019, Jitian Village seized the opportunity of the pilot implementation of the "land voucher system" in Foshan City and applied for the implementation of demolition and reclamation work in the Jitian villager group under its jurisdiction, that is, the index of idle construction land in rural areas, so that the village collective and villagers could obtain corresponding funds. Through this move, the villager group transferred more than 90 acres of land, creating more than 30 million yuan of income for the village collective and villagers at one time.

Behind the "accidental" is actually the inevitability of Yoshida Village's repeated efforts and active struggles.

In order to promote the smooth progress of demolition and reclamation, the original pig barn and abandoned houses on the ground must be completely demolished. The party members and cadres wore out their mouths, walked through their trousers, and lost count of how many days and nights they spent, constantly doing policy propaganda and project explanations. The old building was demolished, and the space was freed up and had to be managed. To this end, Yoshida Village replanted the vacant land with vegetation, planted flowers and plants around it, and built irrigation and drainage canals, determined not to let the vacant land become a dirty and messy environmental black spot again.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

The beautiful scenery of Yoshida Village. Data map

For the long-term development of Yoshida Village, demolition and reclamation is not a one-time process. On the one hand, the funds obtained from demolition and reclamation, after deducting the prescribed retention at all levels, as well as the villagers' dividends, do not belong to the village collective. On the other hand, it was only one of the villager groups that received the funds for demolition and reclamation, and how to start the revitalization of rural industries was still unknown at that time. If you hesitate, Yoshida Village will miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime development opportunity.

Zhong Zhiqiang, secretary of the general party branch and director of the village committee of Jitian Village, said with emotion that because of the successful implementation of the demolition and reclamation project, the village's collective economy has suddenly "turned over" and is no longer a poor mountain village that cannot afford to pay water and electricity bills.

However, if the industrial work is not done well, the benefits brought by the demolition and reclamation will only be fleeting like a meteor, and no one knows what the situation will be next year or the year after, and the development of Yoshida Village is still a long road.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

In the exhibition hall of Jitian Smart Agricultural Park, Gaoming special agricultural products are displayed. Photo by He Zhiyong

Shouldering the heavy responsibility of strengthening the village and enriching the people, Yoshida Village took the first step: to attract investment for the space vacated by demolition and reclamation.

The village cadres unanimously agreed that it would cost a lot of money every year to maintain the contiguous land that had been demolished and reclaimed. If you attract investment and use third-party capabilities and resources to build a cultural tourism project in the village, not only does not need the village to pay money for maintenance, but also can make money for the village collective through circulation and contracting.

Under such a plan, Yoshida Village hit it off with Channong Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. through investment promotion. The company integrated the natural ecological landscape resources of the Jitian area, and established a Channong Cultural Tourism Town in the Jitian villager group by creating ecological agriculture and a sea of flowers.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

Lingnan Statistical Cultural Forest in Yoshida Village.

Intensive land to find a "breakthrough" in economic development

As a villager and a village sage, when the spring breeze of the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy blew to Jitian Village, Mai Qingjun was one of the first people to respond. He feels that relying on the vast world and rich resources of his hometown, the future is promising.

Therefore, Channong Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. invested funds to build Channong Cultural Tourism Town, revitalizing idle land resources. Based on the abundant agricultural products, the scattered cultivated land in the hands of the villagers is intensively transferred to the enterprise for unified management, giving the agricultural products here a higher production standard, thus bringing higher added value.

Land intensification, circulation, contracting, large-scale operation...... What Mai Qingjun did in Jitian Village is the development model that the local people have always dreamed of, and it is a breakthrough in the collective economic development of Jitian Village.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

More than 100 acres of patchouli are planted in Yoshida Village.

Long before the demolition and reclamation work was implemented, Jitian Village took back the collective land and re-issued the contract through asset clearance and capital verification, helping the village collective economy to increase its income, and tasted the sweetness of intensive and unified land circulation. After that, while promoting the reform of the rural collective economic property rights system, Yoshida Village assisted interested farmers to intensify the cultivated land, forest land, and fish ponds that were originally scattered in each household, and issued contracts to attract investment.

Because of land intensification, some land that used to have zero value has also been revitalized.

In 2024, Mai Qingjun planted more than 100 acres of patchouli on one of his rented land. At the end of the year, this batch of Chinese herbal medicines that are growing well will be harvested and purchased by pharmaceutical companies. Originally, it was just a piece of cultivated land that was close to abandonment, but through intensive and circulation, it has become a high-quality land that generates rental income for the villagers.

In 2020, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Smart Agriculture Innovation Research Institute selected Jitian Village to use the intensive cultivated land to build the Gaoming Jitian Smart Agriculture Park with multiple cooperation. In 2022, the "unmanned rice farm" in the park was officially opened, which has received the attention of the central media many times, becoming another case of Yoshida's active exploration of the rural collective economic development model.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

In the smart agriculture park of Jitian Village, unmanned tractors carrying rotary cultivators are operating.

Rich business formats, Yoshida should "make a fuss" in industrial development

As one of the pillar projects of the collective economy of Yoshida Village, the production base project of Ma's Aquatic Products in the Yoshida Village Group has been officially put into operation and production, cultivating high-value products such as osmanthus fish and California perch.

Compared with the "small fights" of retail investors, the project operator has contracted 300 acres of fish ponds, with a rent of 1,500 yuan/mu/year and a lease period of 20 years. In 2023, the collective economic income of the two levels of Jitian Village Group will be 7.13 million yuan, and more than 30% will come from the project. After the lease, the operator also carried out high-standard renovation of the fish ponds, so that the breeding conditions can meet the survival of high-value fish, and promote the industrial upgrading of the local fishery.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

Located in Yoshida Village, the Ma's aquatic production base cultivates high-value products such as osmanthus fish and California perch.

Qiu Xuehua is another person who smells an opportunity for development. In 2020, after learning that his hometown was making drastic efforts to promote rural revitalization, he chose to invest more than 2 million yuan to return to his hometown to start a business, revitalize more than 80 acres of abandoned dry land, and planted agarwood. At the busiest time of the year, Qiu Xuehua also hires more than 10 villagers to take care of the agarwood trees and settle their wages on a daily basis. While struggling to start a business, it also allows the villagers to make money.

With the increasing number of industrial projects that choose to land in Yoshida, the demand for professional market operation in Yoshida Village is increasing, and Yoshida Village is unwilling to stop at industrial development, so Foshan Gaoming District Yoshida Agricultural Co., Ltd. came into being.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

Agarwood grown in Yoshida Village.

This is a subsidiary of Yoshida Village Economic Cooperative, which is a market-oriented model to better carry out investment promotion, land transfer, project services and other work for Yoshida. With this main body of operation, the collective economic development of Jitian Village is more professional, and the rural management articles are getting better and better.

Taking the second phase of the Lingnan Statistical Cultural Forest project in Jitian Village as an example, Jitian Village, through Jitian Agriculture Co., Ltd. of Gaoming District, Foshan City, cooperated with Genghe Town to concentrate resources such as mountains, cultivated land, and fish ponds for the development and construction of the project at a price significantly higher than the average market price. The project consists of two parts: the stream recreation and sightseeing belt and the ecological pastoral sightseeing belt, and will form a rural landscape with unique Lingnan pastoral characteristics in the future.

Hundred Village Story Meeting丨From "one poor and two white" to the future, what did Gaoming Yoshida Village do right?

Jitian Village will rely on the first and second phases of the Lingnan Statistical Cultural Forest project to build camping, homestay and other projects. Photo by He Zhiyong

Jitian Village will rely on the first and second phases of the Lingnan Statistical Cultural Forest project, make use of the natural ecological resources of Laoxiangshan, build camping, homestay and other projects, explore the development of the agricultural tourism industry, and continue to contribute to the collective economy of Jitian Village. Stargazing and camping at the foot of the old Xiang Mountain, the scenery on the bank of the Cangjiang River is beautiful, and the industry in Jitian Village is thriving. For the future of this village, we have reason to expect more.

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