
Don't open SMS notifications on your bank card anymore? Most are still doing stupid things, thanks to the reminder from bank employees

Due to the advent of the era of mobile payment, people are accustomed to using mobile phones to pay, but there is a condition for realizing mobile payment, that is, people's Alipay or WeChat accounts have money, of course, binding bank cards can also be. Usually people are bound to a bank card. This card is very important for our lives, our salary will be issued in the card, which also shows that we must have the bank card required by the company, to the bank of this institution can be processed.

Don't open SMS notifications on your bank card anymore? Most are still doing stupid things, thanks to the reminder from bank employees

▲Mobile payment

When people are dealing with bank cards, the staff will ask us if we want to open a text messaging service. In the early days, not everyone had a mobile phone, the mobile phone did not query the balance and other related businesses, for the safety of their own property, most people will choose to open, but now it is the Internet era, is it still necessary to open this business? Most people are still doing stupid things, but thanks to the reminder of employees, there is no need to open this business again.

Don't open SMS notifications on your bank card anymore? Most are still doing stupid things, thanks to the reminder from bank employees

▲Bank card

SMS notification business

Every bank has a text message to notify us of this business, and as long as people do this business, we will receive a text message from the bank. These text messages contain information about our amount, such as how much money is transferred to others, what is the balance after that, and the salary is in the account, etc., as long as it is a transaction of money, we will be notified.

In addition, we receive blessings during the holidays, as well as some sales products from banks. Opening this business will indeed bring us a lot of benefits, and the cost is not high, only two thousand yuan a month. As long as two yuan can ensure the safety of the deposit, know where the money goes, which person will not be moved? But now that it is the Internet era, there is no need to open this service anymore.

Don't open SMS notifications on your bank card anymore? Most are still doing stupid things, thanks to the reminder from bank employees

▲ SMS notification

Mobile phones have replaced the business of SMS notifications

Now is the Internet era, these companies want to continue to operate to adapt to the development of the times, all walks of life must be in contact with the Internet, some things can be achieved on mobile phones or related products. The bank is very adapted to the development of society, the institution makes good use of the network as a medium, and there are relevant bank APP on the mobile phone, and there are also public accounts.

If we download the official APP or pay attention to the public account, we can know where our balance goes and how much balance we have, which is very simple. Middle-aged people can ask young people if they don't know how to do it, and they will be happy to pass on this knowledge to others.

Don't open SMS notifications on your bank card anymore? Most are still doing stupid things, thanks to the reminder from bank employees

▲Bank APP

How to cancel this business

Since some business can be found on the mobile phone, how should the SMS notification business be canceled? One of the most useful ways is to go to the offline agency and let the staff cancel it, and it is enough to show them their demands. This method is the most straightforward and can be cancelled immediately, and there will be no automatic deduction next month.

Of course, everyone is busy at work, if you can't handle it on weekdays, you can also make an official phone call, let the professional staff answer the phone, let them cancel their business. Of course, we canceled these businesses, there will be a notice, everyone must be aware of this information in a timely manner.

Don't open SMS notifications on your bank card anymore? Most are still doing stupid things, thanks to the reminder from bank employees



Sms notifications were indeed of great use in the early days, but now that network technology is so advanced, people can know the balance and whereabouts on their phones, and they don't need to open it. Although the two dollars is a small number, if it is deducted all the time, the more the cost will be.

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