
DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

Hello brothers, DNF is also ushered in its twelfth year, in the past version of DNF many professions have also opened the "fifth turn", this year's Spring Festival male big gun is finally ushered in his fifth career transfer "Alloy Warrior", will his appearance directly affect the phantom list? Next, Xiaobian will take the brothers to study the intensity and skills of the new profession.

DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

The type of skill

It has been almost 2 months since the Alloy Warrior was launched, and I believe that many players have almost all their equipment, and Hillock has basically graduated, but Ozma's damage may still be slightly insufficient. There may be many kinds of damage shortages, the most likely of which is that the order in which the skills are released affects the damage, and if you want to play a good class, you must first understand his skills and follow the order of the release of skills. Alloy Warrior's skills are divided into two categories, one is an overclocked warrior and the other is a non-overclocking warrior.

When using the Overclocking skill, the arc can be charged, and the recharge arc can be released once after the charge is completed. Using Awakening can also be directly fully charged.

DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

Non-overclocking skills are normal output skills, which can also be equipped with release skills and non-loaded release skills, that is, whether they can be released when carrying AT-S0 walkers.

DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

Choice of skills

When choosing skill plus points, you must first look at the damage ratio of the skill DPS, otherwise you may lose more than half of the damage, which is also a lot of small partners do not have output, and the points are all added to the insignificant skills. The DPS of a skill determines whether you are full of this skill or not. The skill of AT-S0 is that many brothers use this skill to subtract CD, but in the 20S pile, this skill can indeed account for the top three.

DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

Secondly, we have to look at the form of the skill, a good output skill he must release coherently can be matched with a variety of release sequences. The feel of the big ambassador player increases, otherwise you can also use the stone guard to change the shape of the skill, if the optimization is still not smooth, then you can consider giving up the skill.

The release of skills

The order of skill release is also a greatly affected output ratio, such as overclocking skills, if you release the awakening at 90% of the time, then you waste a charging opportunity, because the awakening is immediately full of arcs. Although the damage of the arc is average, the arc does not have a skill CD, and can be released at least 4-5 times in 20S, which is not to be underestimated when combined.

DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

In addition, the release of overclocking skills can get rid of the back shake action, which also greatly reduces the time we release the skills, and increases the coherence of the skill release. This AT-S0 can be interspersed during release, which reduces the CD and facilitates multiple outputs in a short period of time.

DNF male big gun fifth professional alloy warrior novice raider, easy to get started, not pit teammates

So brothers think that alloy warriors you play smoothly, welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

Pay attention to the game information that I took my brothers to see differently.

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