
Ren Wei, the commended person of the Sichuan provincial-level social organization "Two Excellences and One First": Chasing Dreams and Danqing repaying the society

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Liu Kechen

On June 30, Sichuan held a grand gathering to commend outstanding communist party members, outstanding party affairs workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations in the province. Among the commended people of the "two advantages and one first" of Sichuan provincial social organizations, Ren Wei, member of the organization committee of the party branch and member of the discipline inspection committee of the Sichuan Sichuan Academy of Painting, was commended as an outstanding communist party member of the Sichuan provincial social organization.

Ren Wei was born in 1960 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1982. Speaking of his feelings about receiving this commendation, this veteran party member who is about to turn 40 years old said excitedly: "I have passed the age of flower armor, and I have been retired for many years, and I am also an old man. Thanks to the care of the organization, as an artist, I will continue my career, not forget my original intention, and repay the society. ”

Ren Wei, the commended person of the Sichuan provincial-level social organization "Two Excellences and One First": Chasing Dreams and Danqing repaying the society

Ren Wei

Endless learning, chasing dreams

Since childhood, Ren Wei has been full of interest in art, and once he has free time, he will not stop studying. In 1978, Ren Wei joined the army and served as a propaganda officer in the army. While engaging in text news reporting, Ren Wei also did not forget to give full play to his artistic expertise: "At that time, I drew the news deeds in the company into slides, painted a total of more than 50 pictures for a month, and everyone loved to watch them when they were broadcast, and the propaganda effect was very good, and I won the first prize in the division headquarters." It is precisely because of the good work of propaganda that Ren Wei has made a third-class meritorious service in the army.

After four years of service in the army, Ren Wei transferred to the local area and worked in the cultural center of his hometown of Lezhi County, Sichuan Province, and continued to engage in the fine arts industry. In addition to his busy work, he never forgot to improve his artistic accomplishment, within two years, he completed the university course by himself, passed all the courses of the Sichuan Higher Education Self-study Examination, obtained the college diploma of Chinese major of Sichuan Normal University, and was rated as an advanced individual in the provincial self-examination, and later went to the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the China Academy of Art graduate courses at his own expense for further study, and was rated as an excellent student cadre by the Chinese Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2000, Ren Wei became a member of the China Artists Association. In 2006, Ren Wei joined the Sichuan Sihai Painting Institute as an early member.

After nearly 20 years of hard work, Ren Wei has created the ink silk hair technique, and his best subject is the giant panda theme Chinese painting. Ren Wei's giant pandas are all cute, their expressions are agile, and their sense of dynamic and static beauty jumps on the paper. His works have been published by dozens of newspapers and magazines such as People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Xinhua Monthly, etc., and he has published nine copies of Ren Wei's Painting Collection, and has also participated in many art exchange activities at home and abroad, and derivative literary and creative works have gradually gone global.

Ren Wei, the commended person of the Sichuan provincial-level social organization "Two Excellences and One First": Chasing Dreams and Danqing repaying the society

Ren Wei Panda painting "Hongyun"

Ren Wei, the commended person of the Sichuan provincial-level social organization "Two Excellences and One First": Chasing Dreams and Danqing repaying the society

Ren Wei's panda painting "Qingfeng Xiang and Golden Garden"

"From self-study exams to further studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, I have not left my studies, and I think that studying is a lifelong thing." Ren Wei said that until now, he has also maintained his daily study, listened to audiobook lectures, and made up for his professional shortcomings.

Keep in mind the mission to repay the society

In 2018, the Party Branch of the Four Seas Painting Institute was established. As an early member of the Academy, a member of the first organization and a member of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Ren Wei spent a lot of thought on the party affairs of the Academy. He once organized and proposed more than 20 party-member painters to go to Lezhi County, the hometown of Marshal Chen Yi, to carry out the theme education activity of "not forgetting the original heart" in red sketching, and also participated in the organization of the painting academy's "Painting in a Thousand Autumns. 100-year Sichuan Party History Figures Touring Painting Exhibition".

At the beginning of 2020, after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the Sihai Painting Institute organized a charity donation activity for famous works, and Ren Wei also participated in it. Ren Wei recalled that at that time, he was spending the Spring Festival in Beihai, Guangxi, and after hearing the relevant news, he immediately began to create art: "At that time, I watched the report on TV every day, and I was very touched by the news of aid to Wuhan in various places, especially the old man of Zhong Nanshan, who was more than 80 years old and still had to go to the front line to provide support. "As an artist, although I can't go to the front line of medical care, I still want to pick up the pen in my hand and do something that I can do." So, during the month of home isolation, Ren Weiguan painted a large painting in the house that was 2 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. The picture is called "Spine", with Academician Zhong Nanshan as the main body in the center, and the figure of medical staff rescuing patients can be seen in the back of the picture. This work not only participated in the donation activities organized by the Sihai Painting Institute, but was later also exhibited at the Sichuan Provincial Anti-epidemic Theme Art Works Exhibition.

Ren Wei, the commended person of the Sichuan provincial-level social organization "Two Excellences and One First": Chasing Dreams and Danqing repaying the society

Ren Wei's work "Backbone"

Ren Wei, the commended person of the Sichuan provincial-level social organization "Two Excellences and One First": Chasing Dreams and Danqing repaying the society

"My growth was cared for by the cultivation and organization of society and the party, so after the growth of artistic achievements, I finally had to repay the society." Whether it is the creation of a theme like "Spine" or trying my best to spread the panda culture brand in the world, this is also a way for me to repay the society. Ren Wei said.

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