
Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

author:Literature and history

On November 16, 2008, a body was found in a church next to the University of Chicago in the United States, which caused an uproar. Because the deceased was a Chinese student, his name was Ren Wei, and he could be called a genius mathematician in China. No one expected such a thing to happen during his study in the United States, and the occurrence of this incident not only made Ren Wei's family very sad, but also made the Chinese people feel sad. Because Ren Wei is a rare talent, he has made great contributions to national construction.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

The most puzzling point is that the cause of Ren Wei's death is still unknown. At the time, U.S. police insisted it was suicide, saying he might have suffered from a mental illness. This statement was opposed by many. Ren Wei was about to return to China after completing his studies, and it was unbelievable that such a thing happened on the eve of his return to China. There have always been people in China who insisted that the US side expose the truth of the incident, but they did not change their mouths at all, insisting that he committed suicide.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > a talented teenager who has been excellent since childhood</h1>

Born in 1982, Ren Wei has loved mathematics since he was a child and has shown great talent in this regard. After the parents found that their children had the ability to do so, they focused on cultivating them. When his peers were still in kindergarten, Ren Wei began to learn the curriculum of junior high school. Because of his excellent grades and excellent character, he has been a good child in the hearts of teachers and parents since he was a child.

Ren Wei's parents are also very strict with their children, and they are determined to give their children the best education, so his father will do several part-time jobs at the same time. No matter how tired her mother is at work, when she returns home, she will carefully check Ren Wei's homework. Ren Wei's parents' efforts are all in his eyes, so he has not lived up to his parents' expectations and has always been strict with himself.

When Ren Wei was only fifteen years old, many famous foreign schools extended an olive branch to him and rushed to invite him to study at their school. After some thought, Ren Wei decided to go to the University of Chicago to study. It is one of the top ten schools in the world, and the temple of learning in the hearts of mathematicians. More than ninety graduates of the school have won Nobel Prizes, which shows its strong teaching strength.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

Ren Wei's vision is very unique, after he entered the University of Chicago, he was not buried in the slightest, and showed his super mathematical talent. During his consecutive studies, he published dozens of papers in succession, and the quality was extremely high. Many professors at the University of Chicago at the time were bullish on him and were shocked by his talent.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

When he was a doctoral student, Ren Wei set his main research direction on "gray mathematics". This profession is widely used in the military, if the research is thorough, then it will be used for tank manufacturing, so if Ren Wei can make achievements in this field, then it will be of great help to the improvement of China's military strength. Although Ren Wei chose to study abroad, he was very patriotic, and he knew that he was studying to serve the motherland. Ren Wei has said to his classmates and mentors more than once that he wants to return to China and fight for the cause of the motherland.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > humble and well received</h1>

Although Ren Wei was extremely talented, he was not proud and complacent. During his Ph.D., he was already offered the opportunity to teach at the University of Chicago. The University of Chicago is a world-famous school, and being able to teach in such a school shows that its ability is not ordinary. Strictly speaking, Ren Wei was still a student at the time, and it was unprecedented to work as a teacher in Chicago with such a resume.

In the eyes of the students, Ren Wei is a humble and enthusiastic good teacher, he is not only talented but also very enthusiastic, for the students who are carefully seeking advice, he always knows everything and fully respects their curiosity about learning. At that time, Ren Wei's classes were scheduled in the morning, but none of the students who came to class dozed off.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

His approach to education is unique, never forcing students to memorize by rote, but instead asking them to use formulas flexibly and think from multiple perspectives. Inspired by him, the students developed a strong interest in mathematics, and many students felt endless fun in his teaching. Ren Wei is deeply loved by his classmates and is recognized as a good teacher.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > tragic death in the church, the cause is still unknown</h1>

When Ren Wei had an accident, it was the eve of his plan to return to China, and he did not expect that his dream of serving the motherland was shattered. After the incident broke out, everyone wanted to know the truth at the first time, but they did not expect that the conclusion given by the US police after some investigation was suicide. They said that Ren Wei was likely to fall from the scaffolding due to a mental trance, which eventually led to his death. At that time, Ren Wei's relatives and friends questioned this statement, saying that the motive given by the police for suicide was unclear.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

Later, the US police explained that he was likely to suffer from depression, which caused dissatisfaction among everyone, because Ren Wei's optimism was well known, he had excellent grades, outstanding teaching results, and got along very well with both students and colleagues. It is completely unreasonable to choose suicide without any discomfort in life and work, and despite the constant questioning of the public, the US police are still indifferent and do not give a reasonable explanation.

If Ren Wei had been able to return to China smoothly, then he would have provided great help to the prosperity of the motherland's scientific and technological undertakings and the progress of military strength, but shortly before he returned to China, he died suddenly in the United States. The attitude of the US police on this matter is also very questionable, and they can easily draw conclusions without conducting a detailed investigation, which is even more confusing.

The attitude of the crowd towards this matter is even more suspicious, and it is likely to be a trap. The death of scientists abroad is not the first time, and many similar events appear frequently, which inevitably makes people doubt the authenticity of the matter. Even suicide is bound to have signs, and it is impossible to end one's life without any warning, so the conclusion of the US side is simply untenable.

Ren Wei, a talented Chinese mathematician, died mysteriously in the United States on the eve of his return to China, and the US side insisted that he was a suicide Genius teenager, who was excellent and humble from an early age, and won unanimous praise from everyone in the church, and the reason is still unknown

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary</h1>

Although Ren Wei has passed away, we will always remember this mathematical genius. Although the truth is difficult to reveal, we will not easily believe the conclusions given by the US side. Nowadays, more and more people are studying abroad, and many of them are concerned about the motherland and eager to return to China to contribute to the motherland after completing their studies abroad.

Similarly, here we also hope that every international student can protect themselves and always be vigilant, after all, there are many people with dark hearts in the world who are engaged in small actions, and we must not let these people succeed.

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