
Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

author:Lauder's window of learning Xi

A brilliant mathematical genius

On a cold winter morning in 1982, Ren Weiwa came to this world with a loud voice. Under the gaze of the people, he stopped crying as soon as he was born, and was unusually quiet.

Judging from various physical examination reports, Ren Wei's physiological indicators are normal, but he is too quiet.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

As Ren Wei grew up, the people around him discovered that he was an unusual child. Since he was 3 years old, he has developed a great interest in numbers, and always likes to count all kinds of gadgets in the player, while playing.

At the age of 5, Ren Wei was already able to make many additions and subtractions with ease. For an addition and subtraction problem within 20, he only needs 5 seconds to figure out the answer.

It was only after he entered elementary school that Ren Wei's mathematical talent really revealed. He didn't need a teacher to teach him, and he could learn new knowledge from textbooks Xi himself. In between math classes, he always immersed himself in solving problems, and sometimes he could complete an entire Xi book in a single vacation.

By the age of 10, Ren Wei had begun to teach himself algebra and analytic geometry. Some topics that junior high school students find difficult are just a piece of cake in his eyes.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

At the age of 15, Ren Wei participated in the National Middle School Mathematics Competition as a member of the Shanghai team. A difficult question in the semi-finals stumped all the contestants, even the foreign contestants in the English version could not solve it.

Ren Wei only took 1 minute to give a standard answer. His astonishing speed and accuracy immediately caused a sensation in the audience, and professors from several top foreign universities took the initiative to submit offers.

The pride of the United States

Ren Wei, who was sought after by various prestigious schools, finally chose an offer from the University of Chicago in the United States. This institution located in the Midwest of the United States has a strong reputation in the field of mathematics.

It is home to many world-class mathematicians and young professors. Ren Wei is eager to enrich himself here and absorb nourishment in the academic hall.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

When he came to the University of Chicago, Ren Wei felt a Xi atmosphere that was very different from high school. The teacher here is no longer a high-level teacher, but a guide who encourages students to think independently and discuss with each other.

Ren Wei is often praised by teachers for his quick thinking and innovative ideas. In a series of advanced lectures, Ren Wei also met many top math students from all over the world, and these people who shared a common language became his bosom friends.

In this motivating environment, Ren Wei is like a wild horse that has escaped, and his learning and Xi potential has been greatly exerted. He worked day and night to tackle difficult mathematical problems and published papers in an important international journal.

In just five years, Ren Wei received his Ph.D., breaking the school's record for the speed of Asian students. The school gave him favorable conditions to stay in school, but Ren Wei refused without hesitation.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

He longs for his hometown and his parents, who he hasn't been back to for 10 years.

Sudden changes on the hurried homecoming

Finally got through to the last moment of his studies, Ren Wei was so excited that he began to pack his bags and prepare for the road back home. He lived in Chicago for many years, and his homesickness never diminished.

Ren Wei's mind kept coming back to the kind faces of his parents, missing their delicious food and beloved childhood toys. With his luggage packed one by one and his plane tickets and passport ready, Ren Wei felt more at ease, and even the lights in his apartment were brighter than usual.

Unexpectedly, the night before Ren Wei was so excited that he couldn't sleep, his apartment suddenly lost power. Ren Wei sat in the dark, his mobile phone battery had long been depleted, and the wind was raging outside.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

He couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, worried that he wouldn't be able to catch the plane the next day. For a whole night, Ren Wei couldn't fall asleep, and he didn't fall asleep until daylight. At noon the next day, his friend and teacher couldn't hold it back, and came to open the door, but they were so shocked by the scene in front of them that their faces turned pale - Ren Wei was no longer breathing, and his hands and feet were cold.

I was expecting to go home the day before, but now I was a cold corpse.

The truth is confusing and all parties are suspicious

Ren Wei's sudden death and "suicide" conclusion immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. As a talented international student, I have never had any symptoms of depression in my lifetime, and this sudden change is incomprehensible to everyone.

Ren Wei's parents immediately came forward to question the results of the investigation, claiming that their son had always been homesick and could not choose to commit suicide before returning to China.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

Soon, the police released more details of the investigation. Ren Wei was found dead in an apartment with no apparent suicide items, and there were no external injuries on his body. A cell phone found in his pocket showed that he was still talking to his family the day before his death.

This undoubtedly makes people more suspicious of the conclusion of "suicide".

On the Internet, many classmates and friends who are familiar with Ren Wei have spoken out, saying that he has an optimistic and cheerful personality and will never have the idea of death.

Subsequently, it was reported that Ren Wei was conducting important academic research during his lifetime, and the results of the work may affect certain interest groups, which led to public speculation about whether his death was related to people.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

It is also reported that the former Wei received death threats. With all kinds of signs intertwined and the truth confusing, Ren Wei's family and friends firmly believe that this is definitely not a simple suicide, and there must be some ulterior insiders hidden behind it.

The sudden passing of a brilliant life

Ren Wei's sudden death made everyone feel extremely sorry and sad. This brilliant mathematical genius could have gone one step further in the academic world and continued to shine brightly.

His teachers and friends still can't believe it, and they often think back to the bits and pieces of his life.

I remember when I first arrived at the University of Chicago, Ren Wei felt a little introverted and shy. But after he gradually opened his heart, everyone found out that he had a cheerful personality and a different distinct personality.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

Ren Wei always likes to talk to people between classes, with unique views and extremely fast speaking speed, which is eye-catching. Once the department held a friendship party, Ren Wei volunteered to be a DJ and mingle with everyone, and it was not reluctant to end until late at night.

If he was still here, he would make the world a better place. Ren Wei's friends often turn out photos of the two and stare at them for a long time. Share more of his short stories and miss the silhouettes of him during his lifetime.

And his young death has also made all Chinese people saddened, reflecting on the problem of the loss of scientific research talents, so as to cherish every outstanding scientist around him even more. After Ren Wei's death, countless people have learned the philosophy of life.

The truth is revealed

After half a year of meticulous investigation by the police, the truth behind Ren Wei's death was finally revealed. It turned out that he was indeed threatened by a multinational technology company during his lifetime, and was forced to ask for important research results.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

Ren Wei resolutely resisted, which eventually led to tragedy. According to the murderer's confession, Ren Wei had a heated argument with the company's executives before his death. Executives want to steal a key algorithm from Mr. Ren's latest research that would give the company a huge advantage in the field of artificial intelligence.

Ren Wei thought that the algorithm belonged to his brainchild and refused to hand it over. The two parties had a physical altercation in Ren Wei's apartment, and Ren Wei was defeated by the physically strong opponent. In despair and anger, he chose to commit suicide by poisoning to protect the integrity of his writings and to preserve his last dignity.

The murderer carefully arranged the scene afterwards and threatened Ren Wei's friends to keep it secret. For a time, the truth was difficult to see. Fortunately, after a hard search, the police finally saw through the disguise and arrested the mastermind of the murder.

In the end, Ren Wei's innocence was rehabilitated. Everyone was impressed by his spirit of persistently defending academic achievements, and no one was saddened by the loss of such a young life with a strong sense of justice and responsibility.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

Ren Wei used his short life to highlight what is called a backbone.

Mourn the life of the otherworld

Ren Wei's funeral was held in his hometown of Guizhou. The funeral procession, in addition to his parents, relatives and friends, also included his mentor and professor, as well as many overseas students. The atmosphere was sad and grand.

The pastor stood before the spirit and read the Bible, praying for the rest of Ren Wei's soul. On behalf of the school, Ren Wei's former teacher delivered a memorial speech.

"We deeply mourn Ren Wei, a talented and energetic young student. He used his short life to expound the creed of 'truth first', and interpreted with actions what is the 'spirit of fraternity'......" The eulogy summarized Ren Wei's various deeds during his lifetime.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China: He died suddenly on the eve of his return to China, and the US side concluded that he died by suicide

All those present were impressed by the life of this young man who devoted himself to the cause of truth, and their hearts were filled with admiration and emotion.

After the funeral, Ren Wei's relatives and friends erected a monument to commemorate him on the mountain near his hometown. The simple tombstone is engraved with "Treasure of the Country", and the words are sonorous. Everyone stood in front of the tomb and recalled the past, tears welling up in their eyes.

In the world of mathematics, there are many geniuses, and there are few people like Ren Wei. His spirit is immortal and will surely live on in people's hearts for a long time. From now on, every time the spring breeze and rain turn into rain, everyone will definitely come here to thank and cherish the memory of this brilliant young scholar.

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