
Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

author:Discussion of History
Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

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In 2008, the sky was clear in Los Angeles, California, USA, California's unique sunlight shone on Rockefeller Church, and the outer wall of the Gothic church was covered with a layer of golden light, which looked particularly sacred!

But on this ordinary morning, Ren Wei, a lecturer at Caltech, did not appear in the classroom, and the teacher was never late? Everyone wondered. Knowing this situation, the school leaders also contacted Ren Wei everywhere, but there was still no trace of Ren Wei.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

After learning the seriousness, the school had to go to Ren Wei's residence to look for it, but there was still no clue, and in desperation, the school leaders called the police to deal with it, and the police immediately launched a carpet search.

When the police had no clue, they somehow suddenly looked at Rockefeller Church, thinking that maybe Ren Wei was inside, and as expected, the police found Ren Wei's body on the church maintenance tripod!

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Why did such a national mathematical genius die in Rockefeller Church?

Did Ren Wei commit suicide or die from a US conspiracy?

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

The mystery of death

In modern times, there are artillery mines, fighter-style international wars, in which cruelty and losses are innumerable, but now there is a kind of war without gunsmoke between the world, and its form of war may not be as obvious as the cruelty of live ammunition, but the competition is also very fierce, this war is the development of science and technology.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

As we all know, scientific and technological development is the primary productive force on the mainland, so the mainland attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents, and a strong youth makes the country strong.

To this end, the mainland has invested a lot of human and financial resources and increased training efforts, including sending some international students to study abroad every year, absorbing advanced international scientific knowledge, and combining their own knowledge to return to serve the country. These public international students are different from other international students, they carry the hope of the motherland and are the key seedlings cultivated by the country.

Among these public students is a genius mathematician Ren Wei, he is still particularly outstanding among these people, Ren Wei's achievements in mathematics are far beyond his age, he believes that mathematics is the most mysterious and interesting subject in the world, full of challenges!

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Such an excellent Ren Wei is naturally the focus of major famous universities, and international famous universities have thrown olive branches to Ren Wei, and finally Ren Wei chose the University of Chicago, which is quite accomplished in mathematical research and academic research, to study abroad.

Ren Wei, who is the best in China, is also outstanding in the United States, and the University of Chicago professor appreciates him very much, and after Ren Wei's efforts, he has won numerous awards during the university, but Ren Wei has not been at ease since then, his ideals are very ambitious, and what he wants most is to achieve achievements in the United States and then return to China. Returning to China is what Ren Wei has always wanted.

But Ren Wei found that if you want to achieve higher achievements in the United States, you must at least graduate with a doctorate, and Ren Wei is not worried about his studies, but it takes too long in time, and if he wants to get a doctorate, he must stay in the United States for at least ten years.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Although Ren Wei has his own concerns, but he did not stop the pace of progress, Ren Wei's light in mathematics is always uncovered, day by day, Ren Wei successfully studied for a doctorate at the University of Chicago, and at the same time he was hired by California Polytechnic University as a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, when he was a lecturer in the university, Ren Wei did not forget to prepare to return to China, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

However, one day in 2008, Ren Wei, who usually came to lecture on time, did not appear in class, and the students thought that the original perfect person had finally made a mistake, and they joked with Ren Wei after everyone was ready to wait for him to arrive at school, but they did not expect to wait for Ren Wei until the end of class.

The school did not receive the news of Ren Wei's leave, contacted Ren Wei's colleagues and relatives, but none of them were found, even Ren Wei's residence visited, but there was still no news.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

In the end, it was the California police who found Ren Wei in Rockefeller Church, but Ren Wei is no longer the mathematician who can laugh and talk. He turned into a cold corpse, without a trace of fresh air.

The US police immediately launched an investigation, through various forms of investigation and the report on Ren Wei's autopsy, Ren Wei did not have the phenomenon of poisoning and death by homicide, and the US police believed that Ren Wei "died of suicide"!

As soon as this result came out, it caused an uproar, first of all, Ren Wei's parents and relatives and friends disagreed, according to Ren Wei's mother's recollection, Ren Wei has not had abnormal performance in recent days, or lives as usual, and even jokes with his mother. There was absolutely no sign of wanting to kill himself.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Secondly, Ren Wei's friend also said that just two weeks before Ren Wei's death, they had dinner together, and even made an appointment with this friend to arrange a holiday.

Ren Wei has never expressed his depression or suicide to his friends, and in terms of performance, Ren Wei is even happier than before, because Ren Wei has told him that he is about to return to China. Perhaps all the people who have left their homeland have an unspeakable feeling for the motherland, and they are about to return to China, and Ren Wei is naturally relatively happy.

If a person does not want to express too much of his inner thoughts in front of his parents, then he is still relatively blunt to his friends, and Ren Wei, who is obviously about to return to China, has no reason to end his life rashly like this.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Ren Wei not only has no suicidal motive in life, but also has not encountered any obstacles in academics, in the research engaged in the University of Chicago, Ren Wei has made new progress and breakthroughs, the United States still believes that there may be depression, the expression is more trance before falling off the church tripod. Everyone has questioned this statement, but the United States still has not given a reasonable explanation.

The news of Ren Wei's mysterious death in the United States also spread to China, and everyone said that although Ren Wei's suicide is not a certain possibility, some scientists in the mainland have still died bizarrely abroad in recent years, which makes people suspect that Ren Wei's death is the same as those scientists, there is a possibility of conspiracy.

Of course, it is not unfounded speculation, the conclusions and attitudes of the United States are too skeptical, and many international students in the mainland as long as they are engaged in very cutting-edge science and technology, there is a certain danger.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

As a result, many international students and scientists were brutally killed, and in 2009, a plane crash was filled with excellent nuclear submarine research experts on the mainland. In 2015, a mainland scientist capable of competing for the Nobel Prize also died mysteriously in the United States.

As long as the top talents in the mainland go abroad, they will be targeted by the United States, which is not a rare thing, so Ren Wei's death has every reason to think that it is a means of the United States.

However, due to various reasons, there is no evidence of human death in the United States, the focus is on the unspeakable reasons between the international community, and the real cause of Ren Wei's death is still not clear.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

After Ren Wei's death, Ren Wei's parents fell into grief, they couldn't accept their son leaving them like this, Ren Wei originally had a promising life, but now at the best age, his life came to an abrupt end.

As an ordinary son, Ren Wei's death was a family tragedy; As a talented Chinese mathematician, Ren Wei's death is undoubtedly a loss to the country.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Mathematical genius

People usually think that if they can study abroad, then their family must be very solid, but Ren Wei was born in a relatively ordinary family, and his parents were just ordinary migrant workers, and they did not create any favorable living conditions for Ren Wei.

Although he lived poorly, his parents gave Ren Wei the best love. Ren Wei lives in a loving family, so he has developed a very optimistic personality.

Ren Wei can not be regarded as a native of Shanghai, Guizhou is Ren Wei's hometown, at that time of the reform and opening up, Ren Wei's parents in order to give Ren Wei a better living and learning environment, so the family moved to Shanghai.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

The difficulty of working in this metropolis is unimaginable, Ren Wei's father runs for this family day and night, and he is in the prime of life and even suffers from a herniated disc in his waist. Under such circumstances, Ren Wei was raised healthy and optimistic, and now Ren Wei's death has hit them as a huge blow!

Ren Wei's talent for mathematics was discovered when he was very young, 5 years old, for an ordinary child, he may have just learned to babble and toddler, and just memorized a few Tang poems.

And 5-year-old Ren Wei, in kindergarten showed different intellectual performance from other children, so Ren Wei was recommended to the Shanghai Olympiad competition, thinking that parents think that everyone is too fanfare, Ren Wei is just a 5-year-old child, he knows what, but when the results of the competition came out, they were all surprised, only 5-year-old Ren Wei actually won the first place in the competition!

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Ren Wei has become a genius in everyone's mouth, but the Ren family feels that the more like this, the more low-key, although they don't read much, but they also know that they can't hold their children too high when they are young, compared to prodigies, parents want their children to become ordinary.

Ren Wei did not become an ordinary child as his parents wished, but became smarter and smarter as he grew older, and his brilliance became more and more difficult to conceal. Ren Wei's parents chose to respect the child's talent at this time, and protect Ren Wei's specialness, and did not take Ren Wei's identity as a prodigy for their own benefit.

On the road to becoming a talent of Ren Wei, most of the credit belongs to Ren Wei's parents, and the two parents reached middle age, in order to get more funds for Ren Wei's study, the two also enrolled in classes to learn accounting, and finally obtained an accounting certificate.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Genius is not an unusual path, Ren Wei read to the third grade of primary school step by step, but the knowledge of primary school has long been familiar with Ren Wei, and staying in primary school is just a waste of time, so Ren Wei applied to cross the grade to junior high school.

The school leaders are very supportive, Ren Wei successfully entered the junior high school, only half a year to learn all the subjects of the three years of junior high school, just like that, one promotion after another, Ren Wei was upgraded to high school, Ren Wei was only 12 years old at that time.

When Ren Wei went to study at the University of Chicago, he was only 15 years old, because he had never traveled far alone, coupled with his young age, his parents were not worried that Ren Wei would go to the United States alone to study, so they moved to the United States again with their family to accompany Ren Wei.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

After Ren Wei came to the University of Chicago, it seemed to come to an academic paradise, where the learning atmosphere was strong, Ren Wei showed a very high mathematical talent, at that time at the University of Chicago was also famous, many professors admired him very much, they all suggested that Ren Wei can study for a master's degree.

During his time in school, Ren Wei published many papers that were highly appreciated by the mathematical community, and his papers even became the research materials of many scholars.

During his doctoral studies, Ren Wei received the opportunity to teach as a lecturer at California Polytechnic University, so he became not only a student, but also a teacher, such a dual identity is rare, but because Ren Wei is too good, the university is willing to set this precedent.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

When Ren Wei was a lecturer, unlike those old stubborn, Ren Wei's lecture style was humorous, easy to understand, and he was also an approachable and good friend in private, and his classmates in Ren Wei's class often joked and joked with him.

Ren Wei is deeply loved by students, compared with rigid grades, Ren Wei pays more attention to students' practical academic application, so Ren Wei's class basically gathers a group of people who really love mathematics.

Ren Wei has his own research on "gray mathematics", the so-called "gray mathematics" refers to the relevant mathematical theory and practice applied in the military. Once there is a major research breakthrough in the field of "gray mathematics", it will be of great help to a country's military strength, Ren Wei does not know, maybe it is his own research direction that pushes himself to death.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

brief summary

The original intention of studying abroad is originally a very good thing, both public and private, you can expand your knowledge and learn a wider range of knowledge. Most of the Chinese who study abroad have a homesickness and contribute to the development of the country after returning to China.

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

However, these international students should not become victims of political struggles, and in order to avoid similar things, it is better for individuals to protect themselves, especially in some countries with backward security.

Ren Wei's death, although not caused by a vicious social unrest factor, but his death and political struggle should be inseparable, this is a ridiculous tragedy, should Ren Wei's talent be blamed for being too dazzling, if his edge can be hidden, then he is no longer that Ren Wei!

Ren Wei, a genius mathematician in China, died suddenly in the United States on the eve of returning to China, and the United States: died of suicide

Ren Wei could have continued to use his talents to inspire many people who love mathematics and bring great help to the development of science and technology in the motherland, but he died strangely in the United States, and the timing of death was in the time to prepare to return to China, which is really difficult to let go, if the truth can be revealed one day, we must return justice to this mathematical genius!

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