
"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

author:Entertainment circle little nuts

"Xie Yongqiang" of "Country Love", Sheng Sheng starred the male lead into a male supporting actor. Now that the plot is dominated by the three giants, his role is getting less and less, and he has begun to live stream with goods. Celebrity live streaming with goods, in fact, has advantages, but it is also easy to overturn.

Xie Yongqiang sold apples in the live broadcast room, and what he took out was a milk apple, and the whole apple was pure white. In fact, there are many supermarkets selling this kind of apple in the market, which is slightly more expensive than ordinary apples, but it is not too rare.

"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

However, Xie Yongqiang said in the live broadcast room that this is an apple grown in their orchard, called milk apple, which is watered with pure milk, and every bite has the taste of milk. With milk to water the apple tree, is Xie Yongqiang a little too wasteful?

19.9 yuan 5 pounds of apples, in fact, the price is not too expensive, so there are netizens to buy, want to taste whether there is milk taste. Who knew that after receiving the apple, it was found that there were several rotten apples in a box, and the customer service party did not care at all, saying that the reminder had been passed.

"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

When Xie Yongqiang sells apples, he will tell everyone in advance that due to the backlog of collisions during transportation, or for various reasons, individual apples are not lost if they are rotten. Some netizens entered the live broadcast room late, did not hear the reminder, and did not know at all.

No matter how good the fruit is, if it is rotten, it will be paid, and if it is broken, it will lose a few. Xie Yongqiang's practice made netizens very angry, and it turned out that celebrities with goods still have this right, they can ignore the rules of the platform, and they will not lose money if they are rotten.

"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

Xie Yongqiang's live broadcast with goods overturning, in fact, is also foreseeable, his live broadcast description is very exaggerated, saying that their orchard income of 50 million yuan a year. Growing fruits may be very profitable, but is it too exaggerated to make 50 million a year?

In addition, there are also fruit farmers who advise everyone that Xie Yongqiang is not selling any milk apples at all, nor will it have a milk flavor, it is an ordinary cream apple. Cream apples are not grown with milk, but bagged when they are just fruiting.

"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

Apples that have been exposed to sunlight will turn red, and those that have not been illuminated by sunlight will always be white. Even if it is a white apple, as long as you take off the bag and dry it in the sun for three or five days, it will become a red apple.

That is to say, Xie Yongqiang is taking advantage of the ignorance of the public to deceive the majority of consumers, what is the difference between him and Gazi brother who sells fake wine? If he did water the apple with milk, it would be an unnecessary extravagant waste, because the apple could not have a milky smell.

"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

I didn't expect an actor to actually do such a thing, and sure enough, people were red and floated. In such a situation, you can completely report the blogger, in addition to the exaggerated description, there is also the sale of rotten food, you can completely claim compensation from the merchant.

Some things, not agreed in advance, can be violated. Could it be that the two men agreed that if one killed one of them and the other would certainly not pursue it, he would not break the law? I hope that everyone can actively defend their rights and find official customer service if they fail.

"Xie Yongqiang" live broadcast with goods overturned, apples with pure milk watering, orchard income of 50 million yuan a year

The routine of celebrity live broadcast with goods has been more than that of Internet celebrities, which is the human nature under the temptation of money, which is simply unbearable to look at. If a celebrity uses his identity to act on the Internet, then he does not deserve to be respected by us, what do you think?

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