
After Wang Yi pointed out the culprit, the attitude of the No. 2 figure of the Taiwan authorities changed

author:Dr. Yaxu Qian

Recently, Taiwan has repeatedly made acts that challenge the mainland's bottom line, which has caused the situation in the Taiwan Strait to continue to heat up. Earlier, the United States sent a so-called "delegation" composed entirely of departing officials to visit Taiwan, and Tsai Ing-wen was flattered in every way; the front foot of the delegation had just left, and Pompeo, the number one "anti-China" element in the United States, came to Taiwan on the back foot to place it again, and the DPP was again a warm reception, which was really "considerate to the point," and even awarded Pompeo a "medal."

After Wang Yi pointed out the culprit, the attitude of the No. 2 figure of the Taiwan authorities changed

In an interview last year, State Councilor Wang Yi clearly pointed out that the main culprit in the tension between the mainland and Taiwan is the Democratic Progressive Party. Taiwan is originally a territory belonging to China, this is a basic fact that cannot be denied; although it was initially opposed over political issues, China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity were not divided because of this, nor could it be divided, and it is recognized that the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one-China principle, is the foundation for peace in cross-strait relations. This will not only put Taiwan in an extremely dangerous situation, but will also cost the United States a huge price.

After Wang Yi pointed out the culprit, the attitude of the No. 2 figure of the Taiwan authorities changed

In an interview on March 9, Lai Ching-te, the no. 2 figure in the Democratic Progressive Party, blindly advocated how good the so-called "Taiwan-US relations" were, saying that Taiwan was a member of the "democratic camp," and then changed to advocating so-called "Taiwan-US relations" on the one hand, and on the other hand, saying that Taiwan should "help itself" and did not need to rely on the help of the United States. However, this is only a rhetoric used to hoodwink the people on the island, and once there is really any war, these "Taiwan independence" elements will inevitably be the first group of people to flee the battlefield.

The chaos in Ukraine has proved to the whole world that the United States is unreliable, and the promise to Ukraine will send troops, but the final actual action is far from the promise, the same way, the Ukrainian issue can be projected on Taiwan, if there is a war like Ukraine in Taiwan, the United States will only talk about it, and then find a way to benefit from it, or take some measures against China to delay China's development, but in fact, the United States does not even have the qualifications to talk about it, and the Taiwan issue belongs to China's internal affairs. The United States has no right to interfere at all.

After Wang Yi pointed out the culprit, the attitude of the No. 2 figure of the Taiwan authorities changed

At the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, Wu Qian, spokesman for the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force, said that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and that the mainland will never allow the "Taiwan independence" forces to split the motherland; the PLA's relevant exercise activities are aimed at the separatist activities of "Taiwan Chinese independence" and the interference of certain external forces.


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